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Fresh cut grass ,
the smeel is cast
that hidden stone is
clear and white atlast

It's grain is smooth
from rain and soot
Live again you ancient bed
of that passed river
which was ounce said
to hold
the earth
to balance

Uncountable names
stories forever muffled to die
in vain
A people so wide,
the crowd so many    
someone like you
probably lies here too.

Layers of Time
that all mix up
to a bundle of nothing
A piece of cloth, a needle and a bone
inbetween messengers
from dead things
to home

They went down the ground
like worms, mice and
burnt wood
Yet the grass dosen't carry their burden
for it's there you went and stood
upon their past
Not even sheding a tear
not even trying to hear

And some still hope life never ends
that you never go to sleep
the ultimate cup of coffee
fresh enough
to grind your way through eternity
buying you
a good class ticket
to the Postcard Scenery of  
Lambs and Serenity

Fresh cut grass ,
the smeel is cast
that hidden stone is
clear and white atlast
Clouds approach:
I must resort
Farewell you lands
of Tears and Hope
I love Archaeology
 Apr 2015 CloverFairyN5
there's an angry voice inside of me
i need to write down
and let loose.
but it only comes out as a whisper.

i use the things i won't do,
like death,
to inspire me for things i try to do,
like being alive.
broken little dream
you sit at the edge of a bath or a sink
you think the world it deadly that you find it to hard to breath
yes death is easy
and life is the hard part
But your skin should never be torn apart
yes death douse sadden us
We cant have love without pain
But you wont hear the words that i say
i cant make you stop it
i cant make you stay
but that razor that you hold
is a permanent solution
to a problem that will go away
So to put these words gently
Broken little dream,
You must chose to live
because a life without you is not worth living
As I drew
My final breath,
The morning dew
Smelled of death.

Beneath the sky,
So deep and blue,
I felt the wind,
As it blew.

On a bed of grass,
Silent I lay.
Waiting for my soul,
Away to stray.

— The End —