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  Jun 2017 Christine
I own myself
I create myself
Fell in love with myself
And oh how it felt.
  Jun 2017 Christine
Anna Grace
As for the moonlight,
I confess I barely noticed
there’s a light that’s in your eyes
and i cling to it to be safe.
I know the world keeps turning
only to remind us we are all obsolete
but in this moment, darling,
all i care about is one thing.

I long to tell you everything,
my words are dull and fumbling
so take my hand instead and teach me
to dance to our hearts beating.
I know I’m cliche, naive to say
I swear by God we were meant to find one another
So i shut my mouth, now show me how
To fall into feeling and not recover.
  Jun 2017 Christine
Amulet Atari
This house doesn't feel safe anymore
You're yelling so loud
That i can't even hear
How hard I'm breathing,
The pain ripping through your voice
A sob in the middle of the night.
Why'd you have to come home high?
The skunk of ****
Prefaces your existence
And everywhere you go
I smell cigs
Put out on someone's skin
Was it your own?
Don't run away from me.
While you were out
Sleeping on the bare ground
A tent cradling you
letting the acid melt on your tongue

I sank into my bed,
And let my stomach burn
I ran away from you

I forget what it feels like
To look up to someone.

You're hurting.

I can't help you,
And I definitely can't help myself
I let a monster into my heart
And I have bile rising up my throat from the thought of their tongue
Against my crooked teeth.

This bed doesn't feel safe anymore
Sheets stained with the filth
Of adulthood.
I'm still a baby.

I wish I could text you
And ask you to protect me
I miss when we were young
And you still wanted to be my friend.

Things are getting better I guess
But when he comes home high
I'm reminded of you
He was too young to remember
But I was awake for the fights
And the yelling match
Echoes while he lights a match

I'm not afraid of fire,
But I'm afraid you're gonna burn this house down,

And when all I have left
Is ashes

I'll put up my own tent,
And run away.
what if he turns out just like you? What if I do too? What if nobody in our family is safe from the reaches of addiction? Alchohol and drugs are tempting and I'm trying so hard to be clean and pure but I'm afraid and it keeps getting louder in this house
  Jun 2017 Christine
A sweet smile,
A cheerful laugh
full of glee.

O, how she shines
with the sun!

A friend,
if she may
be today
what tomorrow is
to Spring

And as Springtime
you'll be glad to see,
the cheer
you'll hear

As she dances
with the daffodils

And Fall may come
Autumn, it may be
She mellows at the beauty
of yellow from the green.

Winter, with its blizzards
and cold nights,
But a friend she may be;
to a snowman, company.

Her sweet smile
therefore, be Summer;
She melts the ice and snow
as the sun arises.

And when the day
comes to pass:
O, what happy day!
Let this be for me

That I'll be
as ever amiable
as thee.
For Charmain.
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