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 Jun 2014 Chloé
Ebony Kale
We Call it, true love.
It lifts you up.
It blooms  bright crimson on innocent faces,
lightens the complexion of many to a satisfying glow.
It sears into your brain a feeling of safety, comfort, and
covers yours eyes from the glaring reality with secure rose colored
   True love. It eats away your fears, caution, and reserve.
Tears down the adult and returns you to a state of childlike wonder,
trust and utter devotion. Once you return to that state it's almost impossible to climb back down from that incredibly heightened state.
To regress back to an adult. True love doesn't make you forget reality.
It provides a pleasant distraction from it.
  We'll remember all too well what realities we've face before it, and what we'll return to it after. Like children we wish to hold on to the hope of lasting love, lasting…
    It sounds bettering saying it slowly. Savoring the words 'true' and 'love' together. The word 'Lasting' being the icing on the cake. Yet, it becomes darker.
   Not everyone is worthy of love, and not everyone needs love or at least thinks they do. We call it, being realistic. Realistic thinking is a true love killer. In our hearts we should harbor a secret wish, one never said allowed but understood. "We want true love," that should be in the breast of every man and woman in the world.
    I wish it were. We are feeling creatures, and that's because we're human. Humanity is all about feelings, experiencing, hurting, burning and yearning. Companionship, friendship, lovers, lusts, affairs, divorce, it's all describing the complexities of one simple word, we call it, Love.
 Jun 2014 Chloé
Jeremy Duff
 Jun 2014 Chloé
Jeremy Duff
I collect scars.
I show them to people rarely.
Sometimes I think of them fondly,
sometimes I think of them coldly.

I write a lot about the place where (we) met.
Where (we) fell in love.
Where (we) grew apart.

I guess in a way, my memories are scars.
I collect memories.
I share them with people rarely.
Sometimes I think of them fondly,
sometimes I think of them coldly.
 Jun 2014 Chloé
Ashtyn Burk
 Jun 2014 Chloé
Ashtyn Burk
She scars on her body,
scars on her heart.
They bleed for him,
But he was too blind to see.
While he picked the **** over her,
He breaks her even more.
Her love for him was rejected,
By his ignorance.
While she sits in her room heartbroken,
He's out partying with ****.
She's planning suicide,
He's  doing drugs and having a good time.
She swollows a bottle of pills,
While he sniffs a line of coke.
She's slowly dying,
He's  slowly feeling alive.
She's dead the next morning.
He went to school and find out about her suicide,
He  was starting to wishes was there for her last night but he was too stupid getting high
They found her note the day before her funeral,
She told him that she love him.
At her funeral, everyone came.
People who were never there for her, acted like they were.
Later on he realized his feelings for her,
You loved her.
But it's too late.
He now has scars on his heart too.
 Jun 2014 Chloé
 Jun 2014 Chloé
but the scars
on your arms
aren't as bad
as the screams
in your head
 Jun 2014 Chloé
 Jun 2014 Chloé
It's a sad tale
It's true
It happened to me
Don't tell anyone, please.

Darcy was a fifteen year old
Came to San Francisco
was the place.

The most beautiful girl
I had ever seen
then I was only 19.

A different story
a different tale
Hugh Hefner
had given her
a flirting stare.
Just to let you know
how beautiful she might have been.

I lived on Homer Lane
Darcy and I, of course
lovers became.
She moved right on in.

As young lovers often do
3 months is 3 years
Darcy flew off to Wycoff
to see her crazy parents
he had built a wall
blown down by the wind
she dressed like Anthony Quinn.

As young lovers often do
three weeks later
I followed her
just to
see what we
were going to do.

The next thing I knew
were living on 12th Street
across from the New School.
Jimi Hendrix
down the block
screaming guitar jamming
from his fourth floor apartment
we'd all stop and listen.

I was going to
Gerdy's Folk City
singing my version
of my own written
Bob Dylan songs.

Darcy was putting
Huey Newton posters
on our rent controlled apartment
front door.
Somebody kept ripping them off
She added more layers.

Needless to say
we were evicted the next day
as young lovers often are.

It was summer
Woodstock came
Darcy bought us tickets
get us in the game.

I was working as a copywriter
writing movie ads
Every father's daughter is a ******
wasn't one of mine.
My claim to fame
for a short time running
trending you might say
"Up Madison Avenue"
a girl dancing on the top of a fist.

had an ill fated
voyage to France
smuggle hash.
almost got us busted
the airport
Darcy's friend
who bought the plane ticket
hadn't told her about the ******
took the hash
was coming back.
never saw him again.


As young lovers often do

We met at 5pm
the Port Authority
a Friday summer night

There were a lot of people
jammed together
knocked around
really tight
pivot point
it wasn't all right
claustrophobic bound

You know the drill

Heart pounding
hands tingling
hyperventilating to.

What would you have said
what do you think you would do?

"I gotta get out a here.
Let's go to the movies instead. "

She was very kind
and saw
Putney Swope
Up Madison Avenue.
The city was empty.
I heard a pin drop
that warm summer night
New York City.

The very next morning
was gone
Woodstock bound.
I was watching bowling
thinking something profound.

Two things left
to say:

will this shame

guess who didn't
his *******
Today is the 45th Anniversary
 Jun 2014 Chloé
Forgotten Dreams
What creature would land
On an arm as scarred as mine...?
 Jun 2014 Chloé
 Jun 2014 Chloé
& it's a been a while since I endeavored turning these bottled up feelings into words on paper,
Who knew I'd find difficulty in being a translator

& words fail me as I attempt to find meaning and try describing you,
You've got me tripping; there's something about every little thing that you do.

& my eyes will never grow tired from admiring you,
But can I really be blamed for being hooked on such a view?!

& when your brown eyes meet mine, I can feel the world seizing.
For a second there, I can swear the earth stops moving,
My heart starts rapidly beating,
I'd have all these overwhelming feelings; like a struck of lightning,
& my mind is constantly begging and pleading
That I could save that little moment between us two.

& with all this education, I can't seem to find words; my tongue is all ******* and I'm unable to express...
Sweety, you've left a scholar speechless.
 Jun 2014 Chloé
Bails B
He lost all he had
in the fall of '09.
His job, his home, his parents.
Now he feared the worst
that he'd lose his children and his wife.
So out of desperation,  
he drove down deep into the woods
to end it all.

He turned on the radio
to hear a song for the last time.
He didn't know what he was looking for
or even what he'd find.

Words of hope
flooded his ears
and gave him strength to carry on
and on that night
his family found a miracle.

On the drive to his sister's home,
he got a phone call
telling him that there was work for him.
He  whooped for joy
and gave his wife a big hug when he arrived home.
He was thankful for being alive.
I wrote this poem while listening  to  "I Need A Miracle by Third Day" . Some of the  lines are from the song.
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