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Mar 2015 · 1.2k
The Infinite Existence
Chitvan Sharma Mar 2015
I'll fall in your embrace
With my droplets mizzling upon you,
Dear, would you let me embosom?

I'll wander around your infinite contours,
Gluing to you in your rugged facets,
Dear, would you let me explore?

I'll dance with your essence
And liberate your scents imbibed in me,
Dear, would you let me adrift?

I'll mingle with your hues
Without loosing my limpid self-hood,
Dear, would you let me defy?

Under the glaring sun, under the gleaming moon,
I'll shine back our entwined zeal,
Dear, would you let me scintillate?

I'll quiver and twitch when the breeze hits hard,
I'll cling to you with my sinking heart,
Dear, would you then let me depart?

I was lost to infinity, you'd thought.
But here I am, in pieces, but caught.
Dewy loam lets me in.
To unite us again, for love must win.

Dear, would you let me be you?
Dear, would you let me be us?
Pouring clouds never stimulate the writer in me, but today it did. I gazed at these water drops on the purple heart plant for so long & captured the moment in my camera and in my writing too. This poem talks about two individual beings that unify as one yet are separate identities. Life exists in a constant state of change and I tried to connect their story with the reality of life. Its about their endearment moments, their separation, their reunion, their infinite love, their infinite existence.
Jul 2014 · 1.9k
Chitvan Sharma Jul 2014
नन्हे कदमों से जब तू मेरे जीवन में आई
मेरे आँगन की हर कली मुस्कुराई
जब तूने माँ कह के पहली बार पुकारा था
वो हसीन पल भूल जाऊँ कैसे ?

तेरी किलकारी से गूँज उठा मेरा जीवन
तेरे नर्म हाथों का स्पर्श, तेरी चंचल चितवन
रातों को जाग के जब तुझे सुलाया था
वो लोरी अब दोहराऊं कैसे ?

तेरी आँखों में ख़्वाब सजने लगे थे
भरने को उड़ान पंख बढ़ने लगे थे
तुझे ऊँचा उड़ता देख जब मन हर्षाया था
वो खुशी सबको दिखाऊँ कैसे ?

काम में जब जब तू मेरा हाथ बटाती
मेरी खुशियाँ दोगुनी हो जातीं
जब बना कर हलवा तूने पहली बार खिलाया था
वो क्षण आँखों हटाऊँ कैसे ?

एक दिन तुझे डोली में बैठ अपने घर जाना है
अपनी नयी दुनिया, नया संसार बसाना है
ये ख़याल जब जब मन में आया था
उन सिसकियों की आवाज़ छुपाऊँ कैसे ?

आज तू घर से निकल कर जाती है
मेरा चैन, मेरी नींद मानो उड़ जाती है
पढ़ती हूँ खबरें अख़बारों में
डरता है दिल, रूह काँप जाती है
एक ओर देवी की पूजा करते हैं लोग
और वहीं एक नारी की इज़्ज़त हरते हैं लोग
सबकी आँखों में बसी दरिंदगी मिटाऊँ कैसे ?
बे-रहम इस दुनिया से तुझे दूर ले जाऊँ कैसे ?
हर माँ का दिल रो रो के कहता है
अपनी लाडो की लाज बचाऊँ कैसे ?
ये दुःख, ये पीड़ा ज़ुबाँ तक लाऊँ कैसे ?
I don't know how it feels like to be a mother. But the seed of motherhood was sown when I was just 17. My love for my child is ineffable and she would be the most awaited gift of my life.
Jul 2014 · 2.2k
Undying Dreams
Chitvan Sharma Jul 2014
I'd rather be
less opportune
than being
your sycophant
its not  you
Who is the author
of my story.
I'd rather
walk alone
than being a part
of this blind haste
its not  them
Who is the arbiter
of my struggling journey.
I'd rather fly far
than flying high
Because now
its me
who is the ruler
of my destiny.
Jul 2014 · 1.4k
Chitvan Sharma Jul 2014
Need you for my broken heart
Need you for my teary eyes
Need you for my curving lips
Need you for my hopeless sighs

Need you for the rising dawn
Need you for the falling night
Need you in my arms to hold
Need you in my dreams tonight

Need you in my silent screams
Need you in my roaring pains
Need you for my wounded soul
Need you as blood in veins

Need you for my lonely paths
Need you in my budding pleasure
Need you in my groans and fears
Need you in my life forever.

— The End —