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Chey Ferrill Feb 2016
You are the person with whom my heart I did share,
but you also taught me of hurt and nightmares...

I knew not of joy before you came along,
but I was also a stranger to heartache this strong...
I'm tired of waking up in a panic, prepared to lose you again.
Chey Ferrill Feb 2016
Dishonesty is your compulsion,
lies flee readily from your lips.
Even now I cannot say
which truths you decide to skip

It's only a matter of time
before you finally come clean.
I'm sick of all the secrets kept;
say what you ******* mean.
Chey Ferrill Feb 2016
I’m not a drug addict
but you’ve become a bad habit
that I can’t seem to break.

I keep selling my soul
to your sickly sweet promises
to get my ******* fix.

They tell me I'm weak
because I keep coming back...
but so do you.

Which of us is the addict,
angel boy?
Looks like we both can't seem to shake it.
Chey Ferrill Feb 2016
You tasted of heartache and confusion,
broken promises and disappointment.
I was desperate to heal your wounds,
sooth your aches and show you joy.

Now I taste the exact same...
Chey Ferrill Feb 2016
Riddle me this, Angel boy,
are you a sinner
*or are you a saint?
Chey Ferrill Feb 2016
You used to tell me I was beautiful
and that you would never leave,
promised there was no one else
you loved as much as me.

I used to think you wanted me,
believed every word you breathed,
until you proved that it was false,
and you would rather she.

Ultimately I was left alone,
a simple blip in time.
You packed your bags that very day
and told me I'd be fine.

I assure you that I am not,
and that I will never be...
But you wouldn't know the truth,
because you aren't here to see.
Why am I still hurting? Ugh. I'm stronger than this...
Chey Ferrill Feb 2016
You don't deserve to miss me,
and I didn't deserve to cry.
I did my best to keep you,
but you filled my head with lies.

My heart still beats your name,
though I can't trust what you say.
I gave you everything I had
and you threw it all away...
I'm not even mad... just hurt.
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