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 May 2020 Charlotte
Sasha Jacobs
I lose things all the time;
Hair elastics, wallets, keys,

Over the years, I have begun to lose him too.

I can't recall the colour of his eyes.

I just remember they were the colour of love.

The colour of certainty.

The colour of a home I always knew would remain exactly the same as I left it

Until the day i returned.

Only day never came
 May 2020 Charlotte
John Destalo
it is spring
and green

is here
it dominates

the atmosphere

feeling itself
the majestic


it does not
conceive of time

it thinks it is

the first
the last
the always

but we know
better so we

enjoy it while
we can
 May 2020 Charlotte
Verdant Quo
like water
I poured myself into her until she was overflowing at the brim

like reinforced steel
I bridged my heart to hers and welded myself to her soul

like the sun
I filled myself with light to cover her darkness

like a blanket
I shielded her from the harsh world underneath the covers

like magnets
I orbited her aura until we inevitably collided

like a seed
I felt myself growing up from her

Then, like an idiot
I could tell she felt nothing.
 May 2020 Charlotte
 May 2020 Charlotte
isn’t it crazy,
that self love isn’t a subject that’s taught in schools?

imagine what a world we’d live in
if more people loved themselves

we’d love each other
what a beautiful thing that’d be
Women are water
gentle enough to give life
but deep enough to take it

beautiful enough to call home
but strong enough to destroy it
This is my first poem, i just joined recently so hi!
And I think we were meant to be
In every life
But this one.
 May 2020 Charlotte
Kyle White
Subjecting strangers
To the dark contents of my mind
Adjusting the narrative routinely
Until I no longer recognize the lines

— The End —