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1.6k · Mar 2015
Cattie Unicorn Mar 2015
I took a step into my pained world
and notice everything has swirled
The buildings standing sternly now,
seem to be upside down
The blackness grows through my vision,
and everything misses precision
It seems everything is in slow motion
and I swear I can smell the ocean
I collapse into the ground,
and I notice my head starts to pound
I feel tears stream down my face,
I close my eyes and everything erased.
1.5k · Mar 2015
Path of Rumors
Cattie Unicorn Mar 2015
The drop of rain slides across the glass
it's uncertainty of direction as strong as brass.
With every path in which my friends walk
I seem to fade into the opposite side of talk.
The gossip that used to be spread by my words
has transported itself along to the herds.
The people who whisper glare through my skin
making me want to grow out of my sin.
Yet still I find my way to walk with pride,
my will to stay alive shall bide.
The question of whether I deserve it is unanswered.
It might always be.
886 · Mar 2015
Dearest Love
Cattie Unicorn Mar 2015
Dearest love,
whilst long the stars beam,
stories of people,
nurturing imaginative creations
leading an endless gift of
smiles and laughter,
Loving you, everything continues,
without halt,
*We are Free
777 · Apr 2015
The Man and the Dog
Cattie Unicorn Apr 2015
Knock, knock, knock.
My old front door creaked.
I went to the window to take a peak.
My hands shivering with fright, oh who could it be on the
horrible night?
As I hesitantly look out the window glare,
a puppy's whimper I hear.
Whimper, whimper, crying tears of red blood.
What ever is coming from his mouth?
Red, red indeed.
Perhaps it is an animal in need?
It's ears and tail point to the floor,
frightful sight I have to endure.
Once again, the creak of my door.
A bald man, staring back at me.
His smile so wide and his eyes as well,
full of hatred. I can tell.
His hands stained with dark red,
what have I done?
I scream and I shout,
I plead and I pout.
For such a man and dog have come to do what?
Everything turns black.
The man's smile shifts into a chuckle,
and I'm afraid this story might be my last.
Red, spread across the floor.
My blood, I can see no more.
** This is not a true story! Do not be alarmed, for pure entertainment **
645 · Mar 2015
Cattie Unicorn Mar 2015
You don't understand
from my point of view.
The words that you cannot comprehend
is not old, but new.
As they are spoken by my heart
throughout my voice and into the air
It may as well tear apart
because the meaning is a dare; not at all fair.
They may give you goosebumps
even without understanding the meaning.
526 · Mar 2015
Cattie Unicorn Mar 2015
My mind is at it's peak
it overflows until it reaches my cheek
The crimson that glows upon my face
makes me want to pace and pace
The color spreads to my ears
and hopefully doesn't make me tear
I sprint across the fields of laughter
hoping nobody creates a plaster
The burning behind my eyes
seems to overcome my pride
Tears collect
and no longer I can protect
For life has been frayed,
and may start to pay

— The End —