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 Jul 2014 Carm Carnes
will I
 Jul 2014 Carm Carnes
will I still be remembered under the blare of lights that flood the field, a lone silhouette amongst a hundred others. will I still be able to stand out, a dull worn rag chafing against pastel silks. will I be worth something, even if I try my hardest not to trip and fall in this marathon. will I stand tall like a tree in the middle of a wheat field or will I be fragile as the painting of the moon from its rays upon the glassy canvas of a lake.
confusion and stress is never a good mixture
today i wrote a masterpiece
but for a status update on Facebook.
Drowning in a tunnel of lies
Darkness floods my soul
Reaching up for my last breath
A glimpse of hope flickers
As the light of truth seeps through
Birthing a seed of life within death!*

© Raphael Uzor

— The End —