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Carl Miller Aug 2020
What he lost that day was more than love, less than hatred
What replaced it was a feeling of soft neutrality
Nothing left to lose, but everything to gain
His future is a loaded gun, his target: tenacity

Giving all he has, concrete monuments cement his mind
Softly spoken, but teeming with fires
A furnace laced with bullets, guarding a heart of gold
The spirit of a brother, who's fight never tires
Go Get Em'
Carl Miller Aug 2020
Hide Me:
Romanticize this life, make it look extravagant
Like a bust of porcelain and gold
Explain away my fears and convictions
Every day of my life, until I'm far too old

Help Me:
Paranoia does not make You beautiful
Nothing is nice about fear and loathing
The water is always warmest on the deepest end
I'd rather drown, so help me forget my fear of floating
Loathing, Loving
Carl Miller Aug 2020
Spiraling down isn't half as hellish as spinning upward
Knowing there's no oxygen when You get there
And if You make it, it's slow
Painfully slow, because there is no air.

It goes down thick and stout like castor
Turning your stomach in shapes You've never felt
Accepting it is the toughest part
While You watch the person in the mirror melt
Nothing Hurts Anymore
Carl Miller Aug 2020
Through my teeth went Your knuckles
In a ****** pile on the hardwood floor
One by one You picked them up
And left them by my bedroom door

Through My hatred for life I bred these feelings
And now I take them out on You
It's only natural You'd come back to bite Me
So at least I can say we're even now too
It Hurts
Carl Miller Aug 2020
To stop me from feeling
You must stop my heart from beating
So look back into me
And feel my soul fleeting

To keep me from seeing
You must blind my eyes forever
So shine your light bright
And through my synapse sever

To keep me from speaking
You must bind up my mouth
So grab your belt by it's loop
And send my words deep south

To keep me from from thinking
You must break down my mind
So load up your gun
And leave my thoughts behind
Let Go
Carl Miller Aug 2020
I got out of bed just to look at my alarm clock
To see how long I'd slept in for
I looked around my room for my glasses and hairbrush
And found nothing but an open drawer

To the left of me came a buzz, like a carpenter bee
And a glow that shone on the spine-lined wall
I wasn't expecting it to be you this early
In fact, I wasn't expecting you at all

Where did I see you last?
How did we meet?
What was your name behind that dim photograph?
You didn't say anything, and you wouldn't answer me

Am I wrong for forgetting?
And is this so out of my control?
Will You forgive me when I remember what I did?
Or will the pulse of my memory forever lose it's hold?
Forget Me
Carl Miller Aug 2020
Pen your love and tell her you're dead
The angel spoke to the soldier
Where have I gone o' seraphim bright?
Where is my nurse and my bed?

The angel spoke, like a peal of thunder
You will suffer no more, nor fight, nor weep
Your valiant efforts are theirs to bear
They that knew you now lie and wonder

And what of my mother, and brother, and son?
The young soldier said with a tear
The angel spoke again, with relief and a grin
Rejoice! and be merry, for their fight is done
No judgment, No End
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