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It's like I'm stuck in slow motion
Trying to catch up but unable to
Trying to be like everyone else
But I can't
I miss you so bad
My chest hurts everyone I think of you
I broke down and cried and I couldn't stop
It just hurt so bad
And I know I should be grateful because I get to see you
But I can't when the dull ache in my chest won't go away
I ******* hate this
I feel so weak
But I love you
I want
to wright poetry that makes you cry and think about thing that you aren't comfortable with
but I'm not that good
I need to change
I don't know if that means taking a break from you
Or eating more chocolate
I need to be happy
I can't live with the pain in my chest
It needs to stop
I'm sorry
Im falling so fast
I'm spinning out of control
I can feel the blood rushing
I'm falling into a black hole
Why can't I be happy
I just wanted to smile
Say hello to my blades
It has been a while
I'm falling to quickly
Sorry love I tried
But the dark is back
Its time my light died
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