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3.8k · Apr 2016
cloud porn
Candace Smith Apr 2016
This lighthearted word that makes you want to look up
to see the allure and intrigue that the sky holds

Every collection of soft, fluffy whiteness opens the door
to another portal for the imagination

They shift expand and disperse like most things in life
with a much faster pace

I watch as they gently meld into one another
Then fade into blue
the grandest magic show I have ever seen

And off on the horizon
this sumptuous mound
seems to grow from the core
of the planet

Reaching higher with more light and luminance than all the rest combined I watch as it coats the sky for as far as the eye can see

Wrapped in the glorious hues of the setting sun
in the midst of heaven
I see you
1.0k · Oct 2016
Hide and Seek
Candace Smith Oct 2016
"Only kids play hide and seek", I tell myself,
as I ponder all the dimly lit, hidden places to squeeze my body into

I've never really been afraid of the dark until I try to hide
These empty cold spaces
that hold nothing but vacant memories of the last spider's web where weaving stopped

What's so scary about the dark?
If I carry my flashlight in my back pocket would I be less ashamed?

It's only a game
There's nothing to be afraid of
Yet it's the only thing I actually fear.
Things that go bump in the night always seem to control all the candles

being brazenly bold in the daylight
is easy
all eyes on me and the fleshed persona
that seems invincible
How can you be invisible when you are nothing but seen?

Center of attention
Applause from the stage
Seems as though there is nothing left to seek
It's what I hide from myself in dark
That makes me the most afraid
992 · May 2016
seeing in the dark
Candace Smith May 2016
I watch in wonder
Wide eyed and mystified
As the highway lines sway like jump ropes in the wind
My eyes are playing tricks on me again as I see a jack rabbit hopping in the dark
Pitch black mind you, only my headlights in the sky of the new moon
I'm not afraid of the dark anymore
Seeing life in slow motion, changes your perspective,
not only your perception

Listening only to the sound of the wind flying by the side panels sometimes the car rattles just to fill the silence

A new knowing that I'm not quite willing to accept.
How do you let go in to the magic of the universe
when you still don't trust yourself?

I suppose that will come next.
691 · May 2016
eyes closed
Candace Smith May 2016
The light of day slowly seeps in
as the gentle patter of rain becomes louder
Dissonant syncopation in the distance
It's gentleness soothes me in ways mostly forgotten

Let me sleep in a little longer
Lazily enjoying the romance of water and window
Let me lay here Til I can feel it on my face
If only in the depths of my wild imagination

Postpone my day while I daydream
Perhaps the rain will stop
But dreams never cease
678 · Oct 2016
Through the glass
Candace Smith Oct 2016
I see my naked reflection painted on the glass as I look out upon the night sky
the delicate sparkles make me smile like a little girl, lost in a daydream

The pungent smell of farmland gone bad disrupts the serenity of my scene
But no bother
I will not let the grandeur be tainted

As I gaze out at the romantic splendor
The song in the background transports me to a time when I danced with reckless abandonment

when my main priority was a game of kickball or maybe a long bike ride where I got lost in myself til the fading light of day guided me home.

Youth is never lost on the young if you pay attention
642 · Jun 2016
wet glass
Candace Smith Jun 2016
the misty raindrops collect on
the glass in front of me
as they dance across the windshield
I let my eyes blur

the out of focus somehow brings things far more into clarity
as the streams of drops connect in ways that I couldn't envision
I noticed the patterns
seem all-too-familiar

this thing that happens when mindless chatter stops
when all the blurry lines connect,
can I actually see?
495 · Oct 2016
Candace Smith Oct 2016
Maybe the reasons are multitudes of many
Maybe the purpose of this path connecting is far too grand for just one thing
Maybe the worlds apart come close
Wrap in rhyme and swallowed in rhythm
To show this little girl that there is more then this


Maybe this intertwined time is to guide the blind and haphazard to really see that which has been right in front of her eyes

Maybe that is what this is all for
You see me in my broken disconnect
Fighting to hide the hurt that lies deep behind my eyes
Passionate disconnect is still disconnected

Piecing back the pieces, with jagged edges and not enough glue
Maybe that's you
The sticky, free-flowing magic that's quickly filling in all the in betweens

The little light leaks that let the great seap
To all the wrong places
What does it feel like to be filled up?
Teach me to top off my overflowing cup

Feed me and my starving mind
Show me that true love is real
Help me explore the rest of this divine
I've waited so long to truly feel

My mind is ignited in a new creative flow
Doors blown open to let me
wander, or maybe I'll follow
Where ever you may go

A true love story grander then my imagination could create on my own

Maybe this is what I've been waiting for
485 · May 2016
remember when
Candace Smith May 2016
i see my naked reflection painted in the glass as I look out upon the night sky

The pungent smell of farmland gone bad disrupts the serenity of my scene
But no bother
I will not let the grandeur be tainted

As I gaze out at the romantic splendor
The song in the background transports me to a time when I danced with reckless abandonment

when my main priority was a game of kickball or maybe a long bike ride where I got lost in myself til the fading light of day guided me home.

Youth is never lost on the young if you pay attention
403 · May 2016
the yellow balloon
Candace Smith May 2016
I watched this cute little yellow balloon
as it rolled its way down the highway
weaving in and out of traffic
like it new exactly where it was going.

It meandered on it's gentle path
flowing with the breeze
seeming to have direction and purpose.

Never getting distracted or
losing sight of where it was headed,
I watched as the semi rolled by
thinking this was the end

but the little yellow balloon had other plans
it  just kept on rolling down the path
knowing the destination and not swaying from it's mission

all the while,  enjoying the passing breeze
from those that helped along its way.  
I watched this yellow balloon
as it turned to get on the highway
following me or so it seemed to my final destination.

It had black letters written on it that I couldn't make out
I may never know what the word said but I'll always know
what the balloon had to say
397 · Apr 2019
Candace Smith Apr 2019
there’s a piece of you inside of me
I put it there for safe keeping
close to the beating pulse of my body
so I can still feel you when you’re not around

your presence envelopes me
your voice soothes me
your touch stimulates me

this piece I carry tightly kept
inside my breath
where no one can see

Sacred, where the she or him
Cannot take it from me
Solid, where the lack or not enough
Cannot waiver me

Protected in this quiet place
that may not actually exist
perhaps only in this prose

where letter meets paper
paper holds truth
truth is what I say
and I say this..

There will always be a piece of you inside of me
From now
until the next life we meet.
370 · Oct 2016
Golden Rain
Candace Smith Oct 2016
I remember that day when I made a declaration to someone's mom who didn't really care
That day, when I stood proudly and said I'm moving to gold country
where dreams never sleep

with rolling hills, covered in golden grass as far as the eye can see
Where passion runs freely through the valleys, up the mountains and leaping off into the foggy sunsets

I'm moving to gold country where the weather is always perfect and life just seems easier somehow


Such a strange word really, as I believe perfect doesn't actually exist

I moved to gold country where it never rains just sunshine and daydreams

Sometimes I miss the rain

The showers of perfection that seem to wash off all the things that hold me back
The pools of raindrops that house the wildest of childhood fantasies

I remember the times,  in the mostly forgotten past
Sitting on the front porch, rocking in chairs that only squeaked when we sang

That childhood of long ago that's only lost in the longing of playing in the puddles
too big for one little girl

I remember the times
where we sat quietly listening to the thunder in the distance just far enough to connect the dots and lead us through the clouds on the backs of dragons to where the magic is hidden deep within the greatness of the sky

Watching quietly
as the majestic clouds burst open with these tiny droplets of rain that seemed to form sheets of blue, grey and what true perfection really is

I remember the times
sitting on that porch, watching the storms and nothing else mattered

Lost in the sea of rain that seemed to open the sky to everything I've ever hoped for

Sometimes I miss the rain
inspired by a piece of spoken word by an amazing human Joel McKerrow
337 · Aug 2016
Colors Blend
Candace Smith Aug 2016
Then one day I decided to look to the left and saw a sky that was lit with strawberry tinted powder puffs.  
This purple and pink persuasion of the possibility of what dreams may be

Then I look to the right and saw this milky, sweet honey of golden embodiment.  
Wrapping gently round the mountains so the delicate light seemed to envelope its curves.  Spreading vastly in to the great beyond that is the city.

Sherbet  vs. custard

Who shall win?

Seperated by one sole bridge

Heading east quickly in to the decadence of tomorrow
Watching wistfully as the vibrant colors fade to muted exhuberance

The sunlight still reflects off the skyline like nothing ever happened
Burning gold
With fervent fervor
And purpose all its own.

Gold melding in to blue,
Swallowing the remnants of pink and softly reflecting the remaining flecks of violet
Dissipating in to the solid night sky

— The End —