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Cait Mae Aug 2017
the sun is rising
the morning has come
the dew it dances
and the earth it thrums.
i can't yet see the light ahead
my body too weak to lift my head.
the birds they sing as morning breaks
my ears are deafened by the thundering shakes
of night
of life
of the fews & far betweens
I picture ghosts of glory dancing on the seas.
the sun is rising the morning has come
I begin to hear a distant strum
of footprints slapping the distant waters
as the sun on my back grows only hotter
i charge the shore to escape its rays
and plunge into a sea of grace.
Cait Mae Aug 2017
my heart stops when yours starts beating-
you make bein you look so wonderful.
i wish you could see how you make the world seem so beautiful
Cait Mae Aug 2017
memories of you, they come in waves
tides of happiness reach their peak and crash with sadness upon the sand-
the nights we'd sit in silence
the times you forgot to hold my hand.
all the times you shut me out
from seeing in your soul
and the way you assumed i knew all about
the feelings you never told.
i wish you would have told me.
i wish i would have known.
maybe you could have been the one,
it's a shame we'll never know.
  Jun 2017 Cait Mae
google search:
how to be so lovely he notices me

google search:
how to be softer than silk

google search:
how to make the boy i love realize
the world was created for him

google search:
how to hold hands with an angel

google search:
how to talk properly after kissing the sun

google search:
how to love him like he loves me
Cait Mae Jun 2017
thats all we are isn't it?
a collection of words we learn as we go
story after story intertwining with our inmost being
we could be original if we stopped listening
but the closing of our ears leads to the closing of our hearts and is it really worth it to never feel again
i me myself
i me myself
i me myself
i hear the others drowning until my ears pop and I'm submerged in the water around me
and all i can think as i struggle to breathe is that i wish i had listened when you told me how to swim
Cait Mae May 2016
i have loved you since the dawn of April
how fitting to fall in the rise of blooms
among the whispers of spring
we danced all night--
turning a bed of greenery into a dance floor
our feet didn't mind the faint fumblings
because our hearts were to busy skipping and tripping over beats

that night i fell in love with you
but was too scared to tread the unknown waters
filled with passions of uncharitable ferocity
so silent i kept
carefully tracing infinity signs on the inside of your arm as you slept
because this moment
i knew
was infinite

almost as infinite as the night that hid the tears shining in my eyes.
Cait Mae Feb 2016
hop aboard my friend
aboard this train to nowhere
next stop:adventure.
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