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Cait Mae Feb 2016
and so ill walk the crimson path
where crossroads meet the cross
and my throne will remain empty
for I have surrendered my kingship
   and accepted His sonship
I have traded my crown
    to serve the Prince of Peace
I have denounced my fame
        that I may proclaim His glory.
cross throne glory crown
Cait Mae Feb 2016
my world is full of raindrops
my mind gently shakes with quiet thunders
my eyes are heavy clouds awaiting the downpour

it rains a lot here

then you come along carrying the sunshine
illuminating the darkest parts of myself no one has ever seen
i used to fear your rays
but lately i have become accustomed to them
i have broken the silence of complacency
and my heart roars with indifference

i think my problem is that
I love dancing in the rain too much
to ever accept the sunshine
Cait Mae Feb 2016
when I want you
I can't seem to find you
when I have you
I act like I want to lose you

I wonder if you left
if Id ask you to stay
Cait Mae Feb 2016
Tiny shadows litter the sky
filling the horizons
circling around each other
fighting for a better view of the setting sun

as i stare outside my window,
gazing at the birds overhead,
dreams plague my mind
of what it would be like
to fly towards the sun
with no limitations,
just me
and the wind in my wings
chasing the light
that illuminates my soul

— The End —