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 Nov 2018 Arke
Gabriel burnS
Ash outside
Sparks - encased
Just deny
If the world peeks
Through the keyhole

For it was meant for
It was meant for One

Whose eyes unlock the door 'cross the threshold
 Nov 2018 Arke
Jessica S
 Nov 2018 Arke
Jessica S
Every sip I take
Every bad choice I make
Nothing makes me forget
That every single time
I break
 Nov 2018 Arke
Ron Gavalik
The night went on
as the madness kept coming.
There was nothing
I could do
to stop it.
Eyes closed,
I prayed long and hard
for the dawn.

—Ron Gavalik
 Nov 2018 Arke
Ron Gavalik
A terrible lover is similar
to a terrible piece of chicken.
You can choke it down
as expected, or cast
the remnants away
and move on.
Neither option is ideal,
but only one
is grounded in truth.

—Ron Gavalik
 Nov 2018 Arke
 Nov 2018 Arke
I forced myself to stop loving you
Because holding on was suffocating
Urban ivy, forgiving fists
I forced myself to stop loving you
Until it worked,
until I hated you in every way I never wanted to
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