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 Dec 2016 brian odongo
The laughter of leaves
whisper testament
over cool caverns,
ancient moss
the absurdity of clocks
dashed upon rocks
while they dance,
backlit with sunglow,
at the true speed
of life
daring us to defy
the timeless tapestry
in which all are woven
Do stones large and small
not rustle
like leaves
in the eye of the mountain?
and is the leaf not as solid
as stone, to the aphid?
And what lives between
two lover-friends?
It is no brief candle
measured with ticks
on numbered dials
It moves not with the flash
of a single spark
Nor with the slow glow
of dawn
In gentle illumination
it is a soft gentle kiss
drifting on mist,
and it moves
at the speed of love,
with the rhythm of life

Copyright © 2016 K. Rush
A spotless white moon
was hiding the―
ink spilled on the apron.


The pretty nouns
scramble for hope―
if there was any.


You could not undo―
what a rose―
did, in broad daylight.


A town lives
under a tree, in shade.
The ants come and go.
Sundown, the masks
come out and a game of
perfidy begins.

Words disappear. A
long pause. You will **** two
birds with one stone.
You and ultimate.

No threats. Only the
heat and flames of summer.
In a dark cave, the icicles
form a white deity.

The religion of the body
and flesh, has no god,
no prayer.

The candle burns―
without a wick, melts
into a blue lake.
O sweet spontaneous
earth how often have

            fingers of
prurient philosophers pinched

,has the naughty thumb
of science prodded

      beauty       .how
often have religions taken
thee upon their scraggy knees
squeezing and

buffeting thee that thou mightest conceive

to the incomparable
couch of death thy

          thou answerest

them only with

When I enter through the gates of Pearl and walk upon streets of God, I will no more have any sorrow. I will see the wonders of Heaven and behold the angels band. I will see the ageless saints and Son of Man. Around the throne of eternity where the lamb shall reign, I will join the redeemed in singing his praises with no end. Despite all of the wonder and the streets made of Gold, it is their maker that I cannot wait to behold.
In the yellow,
cold light
of the wine-dark
night _
between the new mall
and the Roman Site _
he staggered
with "Magon"*
and memories.

so vast is the night _
as the memory
of an English
and an emmer-haired
he had walked
to the ferry
on a summery day.

so vast
is a night
as a want of sight.

© LazharBouazzi
"Magon" is a popular Tunisian wine named after the famous Carthaginian author of the "Treatises on Agronomy, Winegrowing and Winemaking (eighth century BC. ) " when Tunisia was Europe's wine cellar.
The sunrays
are coming out to play,
but I am stuck here
in this deserted place,
where the clouds never slumber,
it only rains,
keeping the light at bay.

I am a flower
in decay.
The concrete keeps
the sun away.
I have no nourishment
left to bloom.
A prisoner in every room,
every wall painted
the shade of gloom;
with need to be filled
of hope.
I am not void of will,
a seedling,
I will one day outgrow
this shield
and you will see me fly
into the glorious light.
So it is
with sullen bones,
a body depressed
and yearning
to be lifted,
I will press my palms
to the ground,
push myself up
to rise;
a butterfly
out of her dark cocoon.
I will free the light,
exhale my plights;
because I...
am stronger than that
which seeks to break me.
I am stronger
and I will conquer all
that seeks to defeat me,
paint every wall red,
the color of life;

The sun rays
are coming out to play;
me too.
I wrote this as a reminder to myself that I am stronger that my depressed and anxious state of mind sometimes. It is often a challenge to not allow dire circumstances or the unfortunate outcomes that occur in life to overwhelm you or dictate your emotions. But I am learning everyday to see beyond my circumstances, being content in knowing that though beaten down by the trials of life now, in the end I will emerge victorious.
What odd creatures we are.
We fill our heads with
empty promises of forever,
when even the most precious things,
like time and life itself,
are temporary.

We hope to have forever,
But nothing is ever permanent.
The only thing we can keep
are the blissful memories.

This, my dear,
is all that's left for us.
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