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1.1k · Dec 2018
Brizar Poetry Dec 2018
There's glory in her story,
and buckets full of pain.
Once they tip over...
only emptiness remains

There's glory in her emptiness,
it sets her free.

There's glory in her heart
now that there are no limits to
what she sees.

There's no place to go.
There's no one to be.
856 · Jan 2019
Brizar Poetry Jan 2019
My mom wails that
I’m a mess.
That I need to get my life together.

I’m tempted to grab a mirror,
Put it up against my face
and say:

“Stop yelling at your reflection.
Do you ever think
to decorate this mirror in flowers
or to give it endless kisses
until it kisses you back?”

Loud noises filled with poison
will never love you back.
440 · Jan 2019
It's Quite Alright
Brizar Poetry Jan 2019
I came here today to say:
I do not want to play.

It’s written in your tongue
that I must stand in line
Most importantly,
do as I’m told.

I do not want to play today.

What is the harm in that?

Afraid I’ll loosen the latch
of your tightly fit structure?
Chaos reigns on the other side
of certainty.

We’re all animals.
Confine me
I will push and scream
until you
set me

I am not going to play today.

And yet,
everything and everyone
will still be…
Quite Alright.
#freedom #life #rulebreaker #rules #befree
354 · Dec 2018
Brizar Poetry Dec 2018
I found
a flashing star,
it was hiding in
my scar.
It was never far;
but I had to be willing
to kiss
the deepest cut
for the light to
burst through
the tar.
297 · Jan 2019
Deep Down
Brizar Poetry Jan 2019
Here I am,
deep down...
deep down...
deep down into the dark night.  
Swept up by
Sadness' stench.

I am floating nowhere.  
I want to move my feet
one and then the other,
one and then the other.
I ****** my feet
faster than a boat propeller;
but I have two solid bricks of ice
where my toes used to be.

I am still floating,
deeper and deeper
into nowhere
until time and space
are lost friends.

Everything swiftly
from my fingertips.
252 · Dec 2018
Brizar Poetry Dec 2018
When the season comes
to rest,
and a drought sinks
your heart
into your chest,
do not fret.

Tend with the care
the garden needs.
The soil,
The seeds,
The fertility,
The weeds.
250 · Dec 2018
Ready for battle
Brizar Poetry Dec 2018
I want to fight.
I admit it.
Assault slippin’ from my tongue.
My mind whirls thoughts
into the shape of silver bullets
for a gun that’s ready to fire.
Inflicting pain
is what I desire.
My throat is on fire ,
while my heart weeps.
I need my teeth to protect  
on the frontline,
so I can fight with honor
for this heart of mine.
A heart of gold ,
that has grown to be
during it’s time crawling
through trenches
and scraping by
broken fences.
Over the years,
I’ve increased my defenses
because my lion of gold
is defenseless;
so tender,
so eager,
so loving;
it will get eaten alive
in this world of
killers and thieves.
Walking around
these grounds unguarded
is suicide.
225 · Dec 2018
Don't get too close
Brizar Poetry Dec 2018
When I’m a wreck

                                               and I’m spilling tears that carry my secrets from

                                      the deepest well                                                   

    I hide
inside my chest;
you’re right beside me.
with the cloth to dry my tears.

I shiver.

“You’re safe.”
you gently whisper,
                                                                ­                         but
                                                                ­        that’s foreign to my ears.

Wounded hearts never
a voice that is sincere.
220 · Dec 2018
Brizar Poetry Dec 2018
I’ve craved for a taste so
fulfilling and nourishing
that I forget the sour bits
encoded into my DNA.

Feed me love before I fall;
the love that shines on the world
like dew drops on a sweet sunrise.
#deeppoem #poets #poetry
214 · Oct 2018
Love is Free
Brizar Poetry Oct 2018
If you happened to be lost
look deeply
inside yourself
with your calloused fingers
and your watery eyes.
Open up your chest
to peel back the layers
that block you from
your bliss.

Pass the levels of hell
that have slashed you;
the ones
that you’ve been afraid
to see.
Pass the oceans of tears,
the black holes that
trap you,
the emptiness that
pains you.

Keep your faith.
Keep reaching
until you find
the place where
all the pieces fit.
If you keep at it
you’ll see the bigger picture.

When you find yourself
the sun will shine
and your demons
will be seen for what they are:
Pieces of gum
on the bottom of your shoes.

The truth will
mend your fears.
The ride of life
will continue
but this time
with harmony,
you found
the flow of life.
You are the master
of every sea,
of raging storms ,
of blissful mornings.
You go where you choose,
You receive what you allow.
you can rest
your tired hands.
You are
the conductor of this train,
the master of your journey.
Your hands steer
wherever you want to go
because you are love
and love,
is free.
190 · Dec 2018
Brizar Poetry Dec 2018
If you asked me
what I want
I’d tell you to wait
for when my mind
is asleep
and my heart
is dancing
to our memories.
182 · Oct 2018
Lovers dance
Brizar Poetry Oct 2018
There is no space
Between our hearts:
Your eyes show me the oceans
of mystery
within my body.
My eyes show you the depths
that are hidden in your soul.

Your ears hear my heart’s
silent song
and my ears hear
your mind’s softest thoughts.
Your nose smells my sweetness
when my lips taste bitter
against my tongue.
My nose smells your goodness
when you feel rotten.
Our hands merge
and we become one,
we become whole.

When we are whole,
We are
159 · Dec 2018
A fool in love
Brizar Poetry Dec 2018
I’m tangled in your arms,
the scent of your musky cologne
cradles me in my nightmares.

The smell of blueberry pancakes and coffee arouse my nose.
Your voice and the sun
call me to breakfast.

I open my eyes,
Your scent:
so powerful
even the sheets had me fooled.
#lovepoem #poet #beautifulpoetry
159 · Oct 2018
Deep wounds
Brizar Poetry Oct 2018
This world’s giant claws
are beating me down
and slashing at my hope;
turning my heart to pulp.

Where is my strength?
What force is within
to whisk me away
and save me
from the stains of horror
branded into the Earth?
156 · Jan 2019
Balancing Act
Brizar Poetry Jan 2019
The heart screams for attention
but only after we've ignored it
for so long.
We THINK we know it all
and that our heart
is foolish.

Be warned,
- in that thick little skull,
You are the fool.

Your mind is the key
Your heart is the reason why
You breathe.

So before you proceed,
reconsider the choices
you make
and in whose name their made.

Be not afraid,
embrace being brave.

Dip into your heart
and watch
all the love
you save.

— The End —