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think again if you believe
light is but a rapid blur,
consider that the spark
that lives between
two lover-friends, is light
exchanged in slow fashion;
the slow burn of a campfire,
the sparkle of her passion,
the flicker of a candle,
whisperings of the starlight,
the way a moon beam
bends the tides,
and makes her eyes twinkle;
each my confirmation,
of light that moves
so satisfying slow,
allowing flames to ever grow
ever higher, higher,
kindling sparks into a fire,
for love that lasts
is not a spark alone...
love’s passion is a bon fire,
a sunset setting sky aglow;
an ever-building slow,
to effervescent ether;
a gently flowing kiss,
a living, colored tapestry
of drifting twilight mist;
this the speed of light...
my heart’s desire,
mirrored in my lover’s eyes.


*post script.

love at the speed of sunsets and star gazing;
evenings spent round the campfire
with only the light of the fire,
the stars and that sparkle in each other's eyes...
falling in love, all over again!
In the night I go to places  
my day self fears to tread,
Where secret aches and longings claim
their space inside my head.

Too easily I lose the fight  
Give up my self control,
Yield reason, faith and innocence
to yearnings of my soul.

In the night I steal past conscience  
to find my terror tree,
Pick a poisonous fruit that tastes
like life and death to me.

My closed eyes are forced to take in    
all that I fear to see,
I’m drowning, bleeding, burning the
frail bones of inner me.

The spell breaks when I awaken
fractured or still the same,
My mind revealing or hiding
what I can’t bear to name.
Star gazing isn't the same
Without you there to tell me
We'll both be stars someday

The ocean doesn't look so blue
Without you there looking at me
As I drown in your eyes

My heart doesn't beat as fast
Without you there to promise
You'll take care of it

The sun isn't as bright
Without you there to give it
A reason to shine

But lies don't hurt as much
Without you here
To tell them
Life may not have gone the way you planned,
It's not bad luck, mere lie of land,
Wherever you look, woe's all you see,
Discerning faces suggest "It's meant to be",
Ignorant to events, even on the next street,
Concerned only about the world at their feet,
If you believe that this isn't right,
Then now's the time to stand and fight,
To make a difference,
You have to be the difference.*

© Cinco Espiritus Creation
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