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I am the most comfortable when I am surrounded by flowers,
They are beautiful and I am not, so they are doing me a favor,

One day I will be laid to rest with an entire meadow watching over me,
and I will be the most content I could ever be,

I want to be surrounded by a crown of thorns, roses in every joint of my body,
I used to be so beautiful, I used to be so careless,

I am crucified without consent,
I am a twisted messiah stumbling over broken poetry and broken women,
Broken hearts and broken feelings,
I am living it up, do not try to ever convince me otherwise, it is **** near impossible,

I try so hard to convince myself that this is okay, and that everything is okay; that I am beautiful and that this is all happening for reasons I have yet to understand,
But it is ***** near impossible
 Jul 2016 Brandon Morris
Cara May
I adore the moon,
I adore the stars,
The galaxy is gorgeous,
And mysterious,
But the day I met you,
I looked into your eyes,
I saw a reflection,
Of moon,
Stars and galaxy,
Mysterious and mesmerizing,
Since then I stopped
Looked up and adoring,
Instead keeping my head ahead,
Looking into your eyes.
Maybe when I
confided in you
Through the screen
of my phone
At 2 AM
That I thought
I'd never
Fall in love again
I should've
Kept my word
Instead of making
An exception
Out of you
Because now
I'll have to find
Someone else
To tell all of this to
 Jul 2016 Brandon Morris
I'm the light in the corner.
You're the shadow upon the wall.
I'm the light happy step.
You're the footsteps in the dark.
I'm the full moon.
You're the howling wolf.
I'm the daytime.
You're the night.
I will die every day.
Just so you can live.
I will embrace you.
You will run and hide.
Won't you be my beautiful disaster?
One time,
Was all I had,
I knew it,
But, blew it,
She was clueless,
I froze,
And she left,
By what I failed to say,
That day,
Which was,
I love you.
 Jul 2016 Brandon Morris
Elevation decorated with hues of green, shades of blue
Shapes and sounds that ground the climbers on the mountain

Inside the hardened lungs of the hikers among
is the newest, freshest air
The river that courses through each dip in the Earth
carries sediment as it sculpts
It bends and it breaks the ground that held it in place
it creates a new path to call it's own
It made a new place to call home

Elevation decorated with crinkled water bottles,
elevation drowning in bug spray
elevation soaked from the sweat that rolls off
the bodies of those who finally reach the top

There at the top, elevation and she coexist
Together, they are in rhythm
They breathe in for four, they take in some more,
they exhale the world left below them
for my own land
filled with spices
endebted with sea
holding a great pillar of history
and a state full of love
if you love this poem search for kerala
 Jul 2016 Brandon Morris
The gentle touch
The sweet caress
Puts me at ease
I'm not under duress.

The look in your eyes
Tells me everything
I'm completely at ease
You have so much to bring.

I don't understand
This feeling
My heart and my head
Are simply reeling.

Our connection
Familiar yet new
Makes me crave more
I just need you.

I don't want this
To be in vain
Our synchronicity
Together will reign.

I can't wait
To hold you in my arms
Don't be gone long
I'll never do you harm.
It's been a long time since I've uploaded a poem. I'm just now getting back into writing them. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
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