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The young boy was raised in the sun like a raisin.
Detached shrouds were his comforters,
As were periodical mental lapses of living in the upper boundary of Amazement.
Up there, he would be able to see Caeli.
Teachers warned him to focus on reality,
At conferences his parents saw he was failing.

But it was as if he didn't exist,
His presence was fading in the back of the crowd.
He was there, but not there,
On a aloof voyage sailing the ship he designed.

I believe the reason he almost drowned
Was because he thought he could explore the depths of Atlantis.
No one could find him.
He returned after the horizon bloomed.

And still to this day he lives a life of clouds and sunsets.
You might just be able to find him,
I know I have.

(c) 2014 Brandon Antonio Smith

(Originally written 11/18/10
Revised 9/23/14)
To return from Hell to Earth,
I sold my soul
In exchange for a curse.
I believed it was worth,
Seeing and embracing you again,
Not realizing I was
Further embracing sin.

I'd **** anyone to protect your life,
But you can't recognize me behind,
This red cloaked darkness,
And these horrific green eyes.
I'm better off winning you over
In secret, with a familiar
And lovable disguise.

I'm not who I once was,
Yet I am that man.
I lurk the rat infested hallways,
Praised by the socially ******.

At odds with both Heaven and Hell,
God and the Devil,
And forbidden to return home
And live my former life with you....

Rather, forbidden to
Live a new life with you,
One without suffering and bloodshed.


(c) 2014 Brandon Antonio Smith
Intimations of intuition
Liberally surface.
Faith and I
Are on speaking terms.
Ekstasis wraps its arms
Around me and eases
Into my body.

I seem transmuted.

Come Here by Kath Bloom
Is mentally playing;
She sings of love,
And even though I have no lover,
It still soothes me
Like the generous breeze,
And uplifts me
Like Sol's glimmering solace.

(c) 2014 Brandon Antonio Smith

Originally written 1/15/14
Revised in 2014
Oct 2014 · 508
The adrift addict
Lays ravaged;
Petrified upon the mattress,
Fixated upon his quick fix

From morning to night,
His reason is sacrificed,
So that Kamaraga
Can ascend to the throne.

Revised 4/3/17

(c) 2014 Brandon Antonio Smith
Oct 2014 · 567
The Doldrums of Yesterday
A life sheltered and coddled,
A course of cowardice followed,
While the doldrums of yesterday
Are likely to echo tomorrow....

This cycle of idleness must be broken.

(c) 2014 Brandon Antonio Smith

Originally written 3/13/14
Revised in 2014
Oct 2014 · 607
The Pilgrimage
I'll disappear
Out of this room;
Entering a foreign universe,
Humming a cheerful tune,
Befriending dancing lights
Who hardly notice you,
Vanishing into the darkness
Like a witch's broom--

(c) 2014 Brandon Antonio Smith

Revised in 2014
Oct 2014 · 655
Whatever Comes To Mind
Whatever comes to mind.
The frequent and frail failures,
The penetrated safe,
The outcomes of rash decisions,
The side-effects of sudden dilemmas,
The organisms' ******* organs Organized in an ****,
The most made of a loss,
The impulsive implosion,
This destructive construction,
The anonymous messenger,
Whatever comes to mind.

(c) 2014 Brandon Antonio Smith

Originally written 2/14/14
Revised in 2014
Sep 2014 · 398
Would You Ever Believe?
Blood shot,
Dry snot,
Assortments of all you've shown.
All these rights, and all these wrongs,
I have a horn I want to hone.

I am so drowsy tonight,
Your nostrils burn like light.
All these years,
I never had a spine.

You are so hyper tonight,
Assortments of all you've shown.
All these rights, and all these wrongs,
I have a horn you want to hone.

(c) 2014 Brandon Antonio Smith

(Originally written 5/30/09
Revised 9/30/14)
The Brandon who was sure of a god is deceased,
But his memory is visible in my idealistic wish for one.
Who would not want a loving, personal god
Forgiving their wrongs and guiding them
Towards ever-lasting happiness?
Answer me..

No matter what you want,
In regard to matters of forgiveness and happiness,
You are on your own,
At least that's what I think.

I have to forgive myself,
Even if everyone else will refuse to do so.
Ugly and beautiful both describe me equally,
And these qualities apply to every
Other human being as well,
From the poor to the wealthy,
The atheist to the religious,
The prisoner to the police officer,
The terrorist to the president, and so on.

Failure to acknowledge this
Underscores moral supremacy,
And the over-simplification of humankind.
No war between Good and Evil is being waged,
And as far as happiness goes,
No man or woman can give it to you,
They can only supplement it.
It is not a plateau
To be permanently established,
It waxes and wanes like
The phases of the moon,
Tending to glow whenever you smile.

(c) 2013 Brandon Antonio Smith

Sep 2014 · 1.1k
I You
I miss you
As Charon revolves around Pluto,
And a lunar eclipse reveals itself for once in a generation....
For once in my generation...

I miss you
Like i miss me.
Siddhartha Gautama wandered
Purposely into a forest,
And learned a wealth of consciousness.

I miss you.
I miss you like arid land misses water,
I miss you.
I miss you like a mortal misses forever,
I miss you.
I miss you like I miss me,
I miss you.
I miss you like art
Misses a retired artist,

I miss you like I miss me,
I miss you...

(c) 2014 Brandon Antonio Smith

(Originally written 12/21/10,
Revised 9/23/14)
Sep 2014 · 594
The Ascension of Eschaton
The soothsayer promised a resolution.
Will there be everlasting unity
Among us humans?

The lost lovers sung
Alongside the dying swans.
Their hands raised,
Longing to find each other's arms.

Redemption returns,
Possibilities alter.
The day of reckoning confirmed
A beginning to clutch--
The rivers reverse.

I ruminate,
Alchemic waterfalls--
A crash.

(c) 2014 Brandon Antonio Smith

(Originally written 12/23/10,
Revised 9/23/14)

— The End —