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 Jun 2017 bluevelvet
Run from yourself long enough,
And you'll circle the globe and find your old self.
Probably just standing still,
Waiting for you.
Because a wise man once said,
*"It's alright to do what you want to do,
Until it's time to start doing what you're meant to do."
Quote is from the Rookie #morris
 Jun 2017 bluevelvet
If I could carry you between my ears
Record my thoughts, my mind, my ways
For an entire day
I would do so without hesitance
And send them your way
Just as I write
That way I wouldn’t have to explain and tell you so
In that particular way
 Jun 2017 bluevelvet
grumpy thumb
Is it worse to suffer the crush of immediate rejection
or be haunted by the possible answers to an unasked question?
 Jun 2017 bluevelvet
grumpy thumb
If this is the best person I'll ever be
without being forced to be better,
but being naturally me
without practiced speach
or promising false qualities
without superficial touch ups
of exercise, diet
and surgery;

if this is the best I'll ever become
without inheriting a fortune,
or every bet won
without dotting every I
or learning the answer of every sum
without begging forgiveness
every time I get things wrong;

if this is all that I ever am
without growing confident and competent with every plan
or becoming a hero
or a leading man,
but just remain being
a normal imperfect man,
am I enough for you to love?
Make Hope America and Again Great Change

Slick runway haircuts and bribery gowns
Armoured tank-mobiles and gun-guarded walls
And condescending slogans that mock the poor
Just like those once-every-four-years flannel shirts

They investigate each other back and forth
Always holding hearings but never hearing
The sigh of a waitress counting her tips
Gas for her twenty-year-old Ford Focus

The Party-proud sneering at her trailer park
Where dreams live only on cable tv
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