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Jun 2024 · 101
Birdcaller Jun 2024
anxiety feels like
a wild animal
trapped in my chest
fighting for dear life

a rabbit, cornered
just under my heart
Jun 2024 · 938
Birdcaller Jun 2024
flitting through my mind on dragonfly wings
small enough to keep in my pocket
big enough to take up every inch of my mind

let me hold your hand
just for a moment

i want to know if you feel
as safe in my arms as i do in yours
May 2024 · 387
Birdcaller May 2024
this body is haunted
with the memory
of the universe
bursting at the seams
with things too big
to comprehend

one day i will be
back in the stars
and maybe then
i will understand
Jul 2020 · 155
Birdcaller Jul 2020
with the universe sprawling above
starlight dances, shimmering, across your body
anointing your skin with the smell of moonlight

to reach out, to touch would be unthinkable -
but your light rings holy and pure
and i find myself on my knees in prayer
o, to be the man who worships
at the temple that is your body
Jul 2020 · 125
Birdcaller Jul 2020
lavender and honey -
dripping sweetly from a clever tongue;
your words pool against my skin
and i am helpless but to feel them,
each new sound a blessing
as i lose myself to you.
Jul 2020 · 124
your love, a home
Birdcaller Jul 2020
through daunting nights
and carefree days,
through raging storms
and encroaching haze;

through miles of land
and hours of time,
through the early sun
through the darkened sky;

wherever i may be,
wherever you go,
as long as you love me,
i'll be home.
Jul 2020 · 290
Birdcaller Jul 2020
would you sit here with me,
     eons apart, beneath the same sky,
and watch the hours tick away,
     with only the dance of stars
to tell us the night is passing?

the warmth in your voice and your heart
     isn't lost with the miles between us,
though the sorrow that laces your words
somehow seems stronger.
could i take your pain for a day?
Jul 2020 · 117
Birdcaller Jul 2020
my heart pulses to the beat
of the low fire burning in my chest

it's taken months to stoke this flame
and yet still it is little more than heated stones

through rain and wind i fought
               my arms and soul are weary
but the fight won't be taken from me yet
Jan 2020 · 1.1k
gold // iron
Birdcaller Jan 2020
pour the gold of your heart over mine,
shining rivulets filling up the cracks
left by other burdens
of another time

a trade:
id offer you warmth
and the iron in my blood
to keep you strong through it all
Jan 2020 · 994
queer isn’t dirty
Birdcaller Jan 2020
it was with love too
that a heart
sudden heavy
felt as a curse:
to fear & mourn

through the ranks
as a war cry:

and queer
and pure
and he —

who knew
      my pieces
and just
      how they

— spoke:
       “ a heart is indeed a heavy burden -
          but we can surely offer you a hand. “
Aug 2018 · 805
Birdcaller Aug 2018
i want
to hold your hand
to kiss your face
to tell you you're beautiful

i want
to take you to an art museum
to use cheesy pickup lines
to laugh with you

i want
to get coffee with you
to feel the chill of autumn
to offer you my scarf

i want
to take you out to the desert
to trace the stars in the sky
to trace the stars on your skin
Aug 2018 · 213
open // shut
Birdcaller Aug 2018
i came to you
bright eyed and hopeful
looking to a future that you could never see


i leave you now
with my heart more steady
to find the future in myself instead of other people
Jul 2018 · 208
Birdcaller Jul 2018
head held high --
keep moving forward

the world will keep on spinning
gravity will keep on pulling
but i don't have to let it
render me grounded

i have the power
to let myself find peace
relapses are not my forever.
Jul 2018 · 640
Birdcaller Jul 2018
happiness is
a living being
a fragile thing
i hold so gently

some days it gets sick
some days it breaks
some days it gets lost

if i don't
to put it back together

i will find them
in the little things
Jun 2018 · 264
Birdcaller Jun 2018
every now and then
i see glimpses of them
and i can feel my soul
reaching out to

tiny fingers filtering sand
on long-distant shores

my mother's voice
in a tongue i do not speak

the heat on my face
as the sun finally rises

the pain of defeat
washed away by the tide

i long to know them once more
but perhaps one day
ill learn to be at peace
with lives i once lived
May 2018 · 1.6k
Birdcaller May 2018
Once upon a frozen land,
pity weigt upon your soul.
You saw it fit to take me, then,
and offer me a home.

Seems I was never in the right,
though He was never wrong --
what fool was I to never question
where I, true, belonged.

Years drifted past us quietly,
dripped from both our hands,
but you had always known the truth
despite your careful dance.

Now that I've seen your clever ruse,
and I, your son no more..
Ragnarok, one day, shall come --
your crimes, you'll answer for.
[ based in the mcu. ]
May 2018 · 188
Birdcaller May 2018
the universe
vast and unyielding
has place for a few souls
to wander back to each other
and to bask in each others warmth
even if only for a moment
because that moment
makes other lives
worth living
Apr 2018 · 178
Birdcaller Apr 2018
lately living has been weighing on me
even as it lifts me up high

weights wrapped around my ankles
but my head in the clouds

maybe the world's just doing its best
to tear me clean in half
Dec 2017 · 300
Birdcaller Dec 2017
cold air surrounds us
dancing, playing
as the sun hides behind
a blanket of clouds

the panic sets in again
pulling, fighting
but i am safe this time
we have each other
Dec 2017 · 228
one day
Birdcaller Dec 2017
our words will be softer
feather-light as they land

our hearts will be lighter
gently lifted by joy

but until then
we can exist
and do our best
to find peace
Dec 2017 · 201
Birdcaller Dec 2017
were made to be
gnashing teeth
scathing words.

it isn't love, not really.
but this routine
is our own
and somehow
we will survive it.
maybe one day
we will be
than just
Nov 2017 · 282
Birdcaller Nov 2017
"i'm okay"
you insist
when your hands are shaking
your body starving

"it's fine"
you repeat
with red weeping from your veins
tears staining your cheeks

if only i could see you
steady your hands and dress your wounds

but from here
all i can do is plead
old habits die hard
but these habits
might **** you instead
Nov 2017 · 211
only human
Birdcaller Nov 2017
is that all that we amount to?

hoardes of people thrashing
against stubbornly-still water
treading water as we await
our final moments

is that all that we can be?

when the world is so vast
reaching to us with its arms
far-stretched beyond the horizon
beckoning us to life
( catch me writing poetry in a dark bathroom at 9 on a thursday )
Mar 2017 · 307
Birdcaller Mar 2017
is this how it's supposed to be?
am i supposed to be this mad?
i tell you over and over
you DONT

i get it i really do but love
we dont have a CHOICE
Feb 2017 · 365
missing you
Birdcaller Feb 2017
we talk every day
screen in hand we share the world
every detail in black and white

your voice sounds so much sweeter
when your lips are in front of me
and not the camera

i said i would stay
my promises slipped away, got lost
trickled through the cracks and left

maybe one day further along
ill get a little better at keeping
all these promises
i never wanted to leave
i did it to be free to spread my clipped wings -
but now i sit and wonder if i could have stayed
Feb 2017 · 256
Birdcaller Feb 2017
everything here feels
wrong wrong wrong
cars dont sound
quite the same as they did
when i had a home
why did i decide to leave
Feb 2017 · 282
Birdcaller Feb 2017
i have universes
in my mind
that i can't seem
to verbalize
it's almost 4am
and some thoughts
cant even be captured
by works of art
Jan 2017 · 289
spoken word
Birdcaller Jan 2017

before all my bones split apart and slip through the cracks
do this one thing
for me

watch the wonder drain from my eyes as this world
this beautiful, horrible world
burns EVERYTHING ive worked for to the ground

take me HOME

give me back the days where I could sit and not have to worry
about whether or not I have the right to even exist in this melting *** of
faces and bodies
constantly shifting
while I remain static
because I am what I am and nobody can take that from me but YOU


let me sing myself to sleep while you frolic about in your castle built of marble and ignorance
where every note falls on deaf ears and every cry is silenced by a bullet
you can HAVE all your power
make every person COWER in your wake
but despite all that
none of us are yours
I'm angry about this Trump thing.
Jan 2017 · 472
the sound of drums
Birdcaller Jan 2017
boom boom boom

i hear it echoing
in the back of my skull

boom boom boom

it hurts too much
for the world to break through

boom boom boom

im fading away
i want to leave this

boom boom boom

there is nothing
but the pounding in my head
Jan 2017 · 264
Birdcaller Jan 2017
the strings that tie our fate are not red
they shift from dark to light
and never stop seeking.. searching

but your heart is red
redder than the deep hues of a sunset
and it drip. drip. drips

the color of our fate is red
but not randomly

our fate is painted
and we can pretend
Jan 2017 · 226
Birdcaller Jan 2017
spin your words with delicate silk
let them pour from your lungs
as i drape them around my body

weave them into webs
and watch the world scramble
to hang from your every sound
Jan 2017 · 168
Birdcaller Jan 2017
i used to think about sunrises being ours
but now i cant help but call the day mine
im angry im happy but maybe it's just
another phase
Jan 2017 · 207
Birdcaller Jan 2017
bite chucks out of my chest
burn through me like im nothing
we all melt someday
Nov 2016 · 289
Birdcaller Nov 2016
i scream in all caps

my words are lost
in a sea of rage

is this the country
that men have died for
a country divided
a country broken

are we to pass this on
is this our legacy
are we falling apart
is this our downfall

life has suddenly become too short
to worry about things like money
this time is broken and fractured
and it will not heal itself

we are fire and smoke
and lightning and thunder
we have become the beginning
of a bitter end
Oct 2016 · 301
i love you
Birdcaller Oct 2016
i say that i love you
but i dont know what that means

i dont know
if it tells you i would
climb mountains
vault rivers
pull down the stars
all for you

i dont know
if it tells you i have
spent nights lying
of what we used to be

i dont know
if it tells you i will
do everything
i can
to make everything
Oct 2016 · 303
(not) letting go
Birdcaller Oct 2016
once upon a time
way back when
we owned that town
through the eyes of children

maybe once upon a time
sometime soon
we could own this new town
through our own eyes
Sep 2016 · 375
letting go
Birdcaller Sep 2016
once upon a time
way back when
we owned this town
through the eyes of children

we were unstoppable
nothing could ever harm us
(even when we were harmed so badly)
we were the wind and the waves

things change

the echoes of our kingdom
once tall and mighty
now crumble under the weight
of a mere thought in their direction

we were once the winds and the waves
but the distance cracked our invincibility
we have been worn and broken
to little more than dew drops and wind chimes

our land isn't ours anymore
and i'm just now learning
it's time for me to move on
Aug 2016 · 233
Birdcaller Aug 2016
i need you to pick up my pieces
even though your hands are both cut
from trying to sort through all this mess

i've done my best for you
but i'm so tired my love
i need you now
i want to be in your arms
instead of out here
on my own
Aug 2016 · 662
Birdcaller Aug 2016
i should be asleep
the sun is already burning holes
through the heavy blanket of clouds
have i mentioned the rain
keeps me awake

things are wrong
wrong wrong for some reason
the world feels heavier
drip drip drip it wont stop

i want to be
with you with you somewhere
maybe then things would be okay
can things be okay
would you just
hold me
why why why
i feel so lost without you
Jul 2016 · 493
one day
Birdcaller Jul 2016
we'll settle down
in a small house
in a friendly neighborhood
on the outskirts of the city
and things will be good
as we watch the ocean
from our hilltop
wishful thinking
Jul 2016 · 707
Birdcaller Jul 2016
you and i
two halves of the same cosmic force
we'll be grand adventurers
neither dusk nor dawn will stop us

we are solar wind and lightning
forces of nature in and of ourselves
and we cannot be snuffed
we are the end
we are the beginning
the world can't stop us
spark life through my veins
and i'll shine for you
Jul 2016 · 321
Birdcaller Jul 2016
your days are for the past
for childhood memories
of adventures by moonlight
the way your eyes sparkled
under our streetlight

those days are for longing
for wishing that you had stayed
that maybe things would be-
but that's just wishful thinking
those days aren't today
i need to stop living in the past
Jul 2016 · 319
Birdcaller Jul 2016
my body
was made
to keep yours from freezing

come closer
my dear
let me bathe you in warmth

one day
i'll be
too cold to help you
??? i'm tired and not sure where i was going with this
Jul 2016 · 2.2k
Birdcaller Jul 2016
you tell me
you'd rather leave
than smell the smoke that lingers on my skin

you tell me
that i can't be happy
when all i have is nicotine and halfhearted lies

you tell me
not to play with fire
because i might burn myself to the ground

but what you don't realize
is i am a wildfire
and i want
to burn
inspired partially by Alaska Young
Jul 2016 · 705
you are..
Birdcaller Jul 2016
you are flawless
a diamond in a world of coal
more precious than any rock could be

you are strong
steeled in the face of the flood
more durable than any dam could be

you are beautiful
a meadow of flowers in spring
more lovely than any bouquet could be

you are cherished
far beyond some worldly possession
more important than anything imaginable

you are loved
with all
of my being
jaybird, this one's for you.
Jul 2016 · 319
Birdcaller Jul 2016
ive called your name for years
but the silence is still all that calls back
those three words i long to hear
are little more than shadows in the past
i wish i could shred them and tear them apart
but they still hang around ******* with my heart
Teenage Angst™
Jul 2016 · 632
Birdcaller Jul 2016
id live for you
my tears mean nothing
when met with your light

even now
when nothing seems okay
you are still my everything
im gay and my little bird is hurting
Jul 2016 · 591
little bird
Birdcaller Jul 2016
your feathers are lovely
blue and white and black
stark against the hues
of the desert sunset

your song is as pure
as the summer is warm
although the words you sing
are echoes of another day

i want to fly with you
my sweet little bird
take to my own wings
and make your song a duet
poems written on a heavy heart

— The End —