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  Dec 2018 Coraline Hatter
it was a dark dance
of an immovable body
as she was taken by the throat,
death, causing stupendous distortions
and entrancements of lunar landscapes
she reeled pirouettes between smothering
and seeing through a miraculous inner eye
deepening her sense of nothingness
as if pickled in a jar,  suspended in
held buoyant
where there is no reason for anything
moveless in a veiled corridor
inhabiting innerness, a raven fog
her ******* wet with the scent of fear and ***
she fell through the earth
into the infernal arms of

his tremulous kisses
a thousand glittering eyes
she could see through
  Dec 2018 Coraline Hatter
I want to feed my mind and my soul
and forget my body ever existed
  Dec 2018 Coraline Hatter
i'm too young to be old, yet too old for this ****,
try me at a later date and we'll see what you get,
a smile and a good word, or an insult and the bird,
i'm tired of these silly games, now **** outta here girl
off to bed and mildly still upset

already over it
  Dec 2018 Coraline Hatter
When you almost die
It makes it easier
To learn to live
I would like to clarify- there are so many things that are not easy after moments like these, but today I was given a second chance at life, and I hope this time I can make sure to live it well and without regrets.
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