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 Dec 2016 Bethanybelove
Ramin Ara
Bad choices
Good stories
 Dec 2016 Bethanybelove
I could say I've wasted my time with you,
but it wouldn't be true
because I don't regret our conversations or the times we sat in silence.
I don't regret all of nights I lay in my room alone, crying over you
Or the days I felt like drowning
I only regret not telling you I loved you enough

Its been six years since I met you at that football game in high school
and I still look at you with the same
admiration and longing.
And I still find myself swimming in your gorgeous green eyes
Even after all we've been through,
I still think of you in the best of ways.

Loving you when I was sixteen was like loving the ocean
I fell in love with your mystery and your impeccable beauty
And the deeper I got, the harder it was to breathe
11:14pm Dec. 20, 2016.
 Dec 2016 Bethanybelove
" The good deeds we do can help us on our path.  They fill the soul with hope and joy,  at times I look to that power.  But today I dive into a small part of my darkness. "

Sometimes you gotta go in a different direction.  All which lead to the same place.  Of course this little back road will lead through an area without street lights.  The only light I see out here is the silver pale moon light.  This is where I summon GlOW skull.  He is a small dark part of me.  Dark enough to dim the light I need to fight.  You see certain individuals are standing to close to the light.  Wanting it all for themselves.  In this case they are standing so close to the light that they do not realise how big the shadow they cast is behind them.  So I need a little bit of darkness and shade to dim these big lights.  Just for balance, no more, no less.
Call to the shadow and shade, remember darkness was there first before the light got there.  -G l O W
 Dec 2016 Bethanybelove
Ramin Ara
So enjoy
Every moment
Of your life
Like butterflies
Above all  flowers
With the joy
Of the Sunshine
 Dec 2016 Bethanybelove
If my bed was bigger would you have laid with me
Will you excuse the squeeze in the place of comfortability
Our bodies close, replace our blankets with the heat
flowing, mellifluously reverberating, from within

My heavy mind, spiralling in self abhor
Dawdles on a pillow, simpering with decay
Solace I discovered in your arms instead, taming the uproar
The bane of your predicament, your spirits sway

The twilight of distraught tickles the hairs on my arms
But now comes the noon of melancholia.
My Ivy legs cripples your limbs, the bruises I see- constellations
Contradictory you lament, the cries a synergy of appoggiatura

A long time ago, you asked for my hand
Belittling the shards in my bossoms
Dismissing my remonstrance; to Hell with it
“I can bear it, I know I can.”

But you couldn’t. No, you wouldn’t
Your body has began to gnaw
The dilapidated bed creaks, your temper peaks
“I’m out, loving you isn’t the law.”
 Dec 2016 Bethanybelove
 Dec 2016 Bethanybelove
I have not indulged in any liquid vices yet I am enchanted into a drunken stupor.
I have not driven my bottom limbs 6 miles yet I am exhausted into endless days in bed.
I have not excused myself from privilleged meals yet I am starving, scouring around my
establishment for staples to satisfy my belly.

Two days locked in my bedroom and my skin has lost its colour, a white sidling pallor the
I gape at the immaculate grey walls and soon their mouths emerged. Tales of fantastical
fancies lulled me into a ghostly realm in the state of my insensibility. My ivory marbled legs  
gradually stood rooted to the ground, lifeless logs longing for bustle. Stiff buttocks molded  
into the cheap cushions of a black swivel chair.

My head feels heavy and my eyes feels heavier.
Will you take me to solace?
How To Write A Perfect Poem

So you want to write a poem
The world will want to view
A poem that is so perfect
It will change a life or two
You can try to make it funny
And make the reader laugh
Or maybe a love story
That brings a feeling back
You can try to pull them into it
Help them feel the pain
Show them there's a different side
A new path they can take
You can let them see deep within
Show them something new
Have them ask a question
Or answer one for you
You can write a perfect poem
If it's what you want to do
Just take the time and feel the words
That are deep inside of you
But know that many poems of the past
They are read by very few
Still each poem, your poem is just perfect
If it touches only you

Write your perfect poem**

Poem by: Carl Joseph Roberts
If you like please share and help trend
There came an image in Life’s retinue
That had Love’s wings and bore his gonfalon:
Fair was the web, and nobly wrought thereon,
O soul-sequestered face, thy form and hue!
Bewildering sounds, such as Spring wakens to,
Shook in its folds; and through my heart its power
Sped trackless as the immemorable hour
When birth’s dark portal groaned and all was new.

But a veiled woman followed, and she caught
The banner round its staff, to furl and cling,—
Then plucked a feather from the bearer’s wing,
And held it to his lips that stirred it not,
And said to me, ‘Behold, there is no breath:
I and this Love are one, and I am Death.’
Do we dare dream to fall?, to fly... to go crashing through the bedroom door
Where we tumble and roll and slowly lose all of our clothes
Lost under the sheets we ride shooting stars
Circle the sun in the blink of an eye
Catch a glimpse of eternity inbetween the beat of our hearts
Do we dare turn the page and find ourselves living a storybook life
Hopes and wishes blooming like flowers all night and all day
And when we read between the lines we find a love so perfect it's almost cliche
If we dare to sneak a glimpse and skip to the last page
Would it be a black and white classic of two aged hands holding a heart that still beats wildly and madly and impossibly in love
Dare we..
 Dec 2016 Bethanybelove
 Dec 2016 Bethanybelove
I still remember the first day I saw you
Tucked in the embrace of mediocrity
Pulsating with colour, reverberating enigma
You were the manifestation of a fantastical wonder, a trip down an abyssal Zion
Enthralled, I swooned, rendered insensible
Solace you promised but royally robed with animosity
Like moth attracted to lighted objects, I mustered strength and toiled on
How am I to deduce you?
A wise lady should've warned me just as she did the great hero, 'Hardship does so soon age it's men'
My heart like wax, deteriorated from your scorching insolence
Sagacious men with a time bomb vault.
Knitted the world a beautiful creation from the fabrics of their life.
Why is every poem a puzzle?
Old men drowned in their pool of reflections and many years later, I am here trying to understand their words.
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