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She can insult herself all she wants, but her protests won't stop me from convincing her about her true beauty. I know it's not the best idea to argue with a woman, and i hate every second of it, but i'm overly passionate i suppose.
Find a girl so sophisticated
That you'll want to stick your USB into her PC
Head starting to hang down
Eyes closing
Drifting away
To slumber
It's calling
But once more
I push
To make sure
I'm creating something new
And not being wasteful with my days
I want to be as creative as possible
Because if i don't create, what's my true purpose as a writer?
I'm here to shake the hourglass, not watch it fill up
I'm here to make the comet deflect in new ways, not let it zoom past me
I got mad respect for people who persist in low strides
So i want to at least have a fraction of their story
Despite it contrasting significantly
I want to subliminally
Blow the world's minds
By writing each line
Feeling so immensely divine
Compact thoughts are now released
Watch averageness decease
I want this to go as smooth as writing from a ballpoint pen, girl let me be the Lion in your Lion's Den
This country is filled with hate
Sometimes I wake up and can't even think of the date.
To when we all stopped thinking of ourselves
And remembered to check the expiration
And put all our selfishness on the shelves.
Everyone's given up on our greatest inspiration
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