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That night when lights go out in the house,
And everyone starts to meet in one room and get scared,
because for the time being we think our sight has been blocked.
But the reason I don't move and lay inside my tomb,
to meet you all in the living room,
is because my sight is blocked because of how this is place began.
Hoping that my sight will be recovered,
But everytime I try to leave you start to studder.
And cry begging me "Please don't go! Will you ever return? For I love you oh so dearest!"
My.. I'm not so sure how I truly feel to the deepest.
For my thoughts have truly drained from me like the grains beneath us slowly returns to Mother Earth.
I cracked a window every night just to feel how cool it was outside,
when inside it felt nothing but hot and boiling,
Because every time I was inside I was busy toiling.
Away and away I would go into the depths of thought,
When everytime you all sat at dinner you forgot,
That we were born to truly believe and feel on our own,
But everytime I would share my thoughts you would always say "You're not grown!"
Just because everytime I would bash the throne
For which you sat upon when I was handling something you've thrown in my face.
This house is not a house, it's much deeper than that.
But that's for what you decide, and I'll wait for the replied.
This is a poem that I will be including in a song that my band is writing, hope you enjoy.
 Mar 2015 Bailey Lewis
Sam Luna
I cannot read
Help me understand
the words
you're putting down
Tell me
the reasons
behind your
I want to
your messages
Are we friends
or are we
more than that?
I cannot read
your thoughts
Show me
the underlying
of your being.
I want to understand.
She cries in her room,
Silently weeping,
Thinking she's worthless,
While her family thinks she's sleeping.
She thinks back to her day,
Replaying it again and again
At this point she doesn't care,
If she's alive or dead.
She lays back on her bed
Overthinking her life
As she does this, she quietly reaches for the knife.
But, something has kept her here,
Something has kept her holding to her life.
Maybe the hopes for kids,
maybe her hopes to be a wife.
You may fall and feel as though you don't want to try
But she knows through it all, that when it comes to those nights,
There is always a friend to call when in this fright.
She decides to sleep, and put her body to rest.
As her tears clear up, she feels the opening in her chest.
She takes a deep breath, and silently whispers.
"It's gonna be okay" as she slowly drifts into slumber.
Fast forward years later, she's as happy as could be.
She thanks herself each day for letting herself live that night.
She's happy she didn't give up on what seemed like her never ending fight.
Now she's won the war, and she knows she did what was right.

Don't give up, when the going gets rough, for this tale speaks nothing but truth, about a girl who fought her demons that were exhaustingly tough.
I wrote this the other day, first poem in a while.
Paint me like one of your  beautifully decorated owned homes
Because I'm shutting this down  like a foreclosure
I'm not a rent bill that you can avoid
Don't worry about court, this decision has already been settled
I sentence you life without my involvement
Honesty is the cup of coffee people want to spit out because it's too hot to handle
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