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 Oct 2014 Haley Smith
 Oct 2014 Haley Smith
If there is a light,
at the end of the tunnel.

why then?
does it seem
that i'm the only one,
Who sees beauty
in the

 Oct 2014 Haley Smith
 Oct 2014 Haley Smith
i don't write
to please anyone
i don't write
for attention
i don't write
for compliments
i don't write
to make anyone fall in love with me

i write
because i feel
i write
because i need to
i write
because my mind is too loud
i write
because my mouth is too quiet
They ask me,
"What do you want to be when you grow up?"
I look around and say,
"Anything but these who call themselves adults."
Of course your eyes are empty,
of course I can see through them
and read your soul
just to find out you don't love me
any more.

 Oct 2014 Haley Smith
Leave Me
 Oct 2014 Haley Smith
You may take my feet.
You may take my hands.
You may take my arms,
my soul, my cry's
you may take my tongue,
my ears, my sight.
Or take my heart,
my love,
my life.

But if there is one thing.
I ask,

That you leave me
with my thoughts.

Lost in thought
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