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Where has time gone,
It is zero hour,
At the precipice of ages,
Aging and it won't stop.

I see myself younger
In the ocean's reflection
Just below, I would
Jump to him for wisdoms sake.

I am at the edge,
Where ever this might be,
Sidesteps, tip toeing,
Between yesterday and nowhere.
Is nothing special really
I am in my blue checkered boxers
Wearing an unbottoned green flannel
Getting ready for my fourth beer
Listening to classical that I only
Listen to when I drink and/or read
And/or write
And I keep shutting off the typewriter and picking up
James Thurber and the Goethe
And I keep thinking
Wait until spring Suarez
It means something to me today
And then I drop it all
To pick up the beer
There are grapefruits and a cactus
In a broken planter on the tile floor
There is soil and coffee grounds
Down there too
And used shaving razors and Q-tips
And old beers and bad poems
And this one should be there with all
The other trash
But it's here instead
Oh well...
The life and
The sun and
The breeze and
The lungs
Oh well...
Last week I accidentally
Smashed my bookcase while I was
And now there are three horrifying
Beside my bed
And I hope their dusts
Infect me with their cancer
Oh well...
Waterfall undone
Reversing it's torrent flow
The world is broken
A woman is like a candle,
full of warmth, and bright.
When the world is at its darkest,
a good one can be your light.
She'll bring such heat and beauty,
to see you through the night.
Though storms leave you in darkness,
with her there, you feel alright.

A woman is like a candle, true.
a necessity to have around-
but if denied the proper attention
she could burn your house to the ground.
With nothing but love in my heart...
 May 2016 Augustine Peters
 May 2016 Augustine Peters
Her rage held all the power of a hurricane,
and her eyes held all the fight of a wildfire.

She was not a sweet and dainty flower to be held,
but rather a shard of jagged glass
that could cut through the flesh of others
to create a canvas on their skin.
every 1:27am
I come to my garage
and I sit with wine
and converse with
an out-of-place nightstand,
june bugs aimlessly run into
stacked boxes and
heartbroken drywall wink
at my knuckles,
only tangibility could express the
scattered personality of this garage
but somehow I feel at home,
unplugged freezers,
shop brooms drenched in sawdust,
broken hockey sticks,
half stained 2x4’s
clout my memories with
wanting to be young again,
shooting pucks with dad,
having laughs roll
off my tongue again,
sweeping grass off
the driveway, and watching
my sister fail at riding a bike,
now she’s going to university
and I’m sweeping up
cigarette butts in this garage,
I still see the skateboard
I broke my wrist on and I
have to work in the morning,
at 1:53 I’m rolling up news papers
and hitting curve balled
june bugs and I have
to cut this short cause
my girlfriend called and she needs
a ride home from the bar //

Literally a randomized run through of an average night.

The more you do to correct yourself:
the more attention you bring to your flaws.

You're the greatest critique of yourself.
If you stop judging you,
people will have to live with who you are!

In return you become stronger,
admired for your pride.

Not torn down by opinions
you make based on how
society is standardised...

so all benefits are erased when
self-acceptance of flaws is achieved.
You will not be torn down
because you're too strong for them...

and you stand above what is thought of you
because only you can make yourself rise above them.
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