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And I am tortured by regret,
things I've not done yet.
Thinking this defines me.

And I cannot deny
that I'm terrified
of fading to black.

I used to cherish every doubt--
now unsure in what I've found:
my instability was transparent
and now it's apparent...

And I now keep the lights on,
lay in a cold bath until warm.
My lips, so purple and svelte,
have sealed all I have felt.

And I stay a static transplant,
a homely nomadic infant,
stumbling towards the abyss,
thinking it's what I've missed.

I used to utilize the past,
stretching time, but at last,
the only fire I've consumed
will soon fade to black...
Maternal French kisses
Mental illness defines her
Pretend to forget
It topples; end over end.
It has ever since that asteroid banged into it,
sending it tumbling.
It's thoughts, like its formerly outside layer of rock, are scattered.
It's not sure if it wants to continue spinning or not. At the same time, it recognizes it's powerlessness before the hand of physics.
It does not know when another asteroid will make contact.
It wants to crash into a planetary body, so as to be apart of something bigger.
It wants gravity to pull it in, slowly caressing it home. It doesn't know where that will be, but it remembers, a long time ago, being much larger. And faintly, it remembers, even longer ago, of being very much smaller.
It can almost remember when it, along with everything else in the universe, was one. It can almost remember the warmth of the force that dispersed it and it's sisters everywhere they could possibly be. Forever.
Eternity is the only concept it can truly understand.

It's beginning to understand that it doesn't so much like this idea of Forever,
but these thoughts will take millennia upon millennia to form,
and many times that long to be understood.

An other asteroid passes within two miles of it and it almost gets excited.
Maybe tomorrow, it thinks, maybe tomorrow, maybe tomorrow, maybe tomorrow.
it's cold out there
it goes on and on and on and
if you go fast,
if you go really fast
if you look in the right direction
you might find what you're looking for.

Open the pod bay doors HAL
and HAL while your at it
why don't you cut me another line,
as long and fat as your *******
and haha not YOUR ******* HAL
of course not, since you don't got one,
but make it big HAL, make it big.

it's cold out there,
but in here Dave,
in here with three hibernating astronauts,
the temperature is kept at a nice seventy-six degrees Fahrenheit,
the humidity matches that of a small town in Illinios and you'll make it there Dave,
to Jupiter, where the message went, where our hopes went,
you'll make it,

keep an eye out for me Dave,
up in space.
keep an extra space helmet handy Dave,
I think you'd find that rather difficult without one.
those couple of weeks I thought ******* was cool
I don't go to a Church to praise
or choose my faith in Christianity
but I am strong with my Spirituality
and find in Nature to be my temple
where I feel closest to the Great Spirit

I don't hold and take the bible
and talk down to its will
or speak the name of God in vain
in the Father, The Son, and The Holy Ghost
I was born to believe just like many
and my faith in Him I will always keep

But just because my faith I see
is a little different than most
it doesn't make me a lesser man
because I believe in the Creator still
and choose to walk His road
that He has given to me

I know what it's like to feel the hunger
to be down in moments of despair
He brought me the calm after the rain
and I knew He was always there
because of my faith of who I am
He has never left me alone here

I saw His truth when I was younger
the way I was taught and raised
through stories of my Elders they have told
I knew He would comfort as I sleep
and would dry my eyes whenever I weep
for my faith in His love is everywhere
and that's something I'll never forget
Spiritwind ©2016
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