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Atript Abhinav Feb 2016
You hurt me like you get paid to do so,
Like its the only thing you are good at, and you don't want to let go,
But hurt me more,
Because by now I know,
That its the only way to keep you with me
I am the moth that found love in the grip of fire,
Burning slowly
In you
Even if its for the shortest period of time,
I will be that extra spark in your light
When you are tired and dying,
When your beauty is flickering and fading,
When you are sad and lonely
And when you learn what love means,
I know you will remember me,
The lunatic who loved you endlessly
For this love will not die with my body
It will stay
In everything that makes you feel special in every way,
In the poems you could not throw away, because you knew they could not have been written for anyone else,
In the spaces that did not demand you to change
In everything that makes you, you
I will be there
  Feb 2016 Atript Abhinav
CA Guilfoyle
You are a traveler of the South lands
brown, a leathered skin coyote
desert walker of the Sonoran sands
crafty, black magic witch
a shaman, lucid dreamer
Yaqui Indian spell weaver
of visions, of paintings in the sand
mixing colors, peyote flowers
red, the melting of the aloe bowers
dark blood, the blooming agave towers
thick with snakes, the fire and hiss
that burns black of sacaton grass
the quiver and flash of flying sparks
igniting night, time traveling to the stars.
Atript Abhinav Feb 2016
Why was it kept away, my love
This shirt, with love you sew,
So thick was that veil, my love,
This love i did not know,

Lost in the forest of greed I was,
That is where my sickness grew,
So bright were the colors of vain, my love
That is where your death bloomed

You've been through so much, so much alone,
I was not there, I know
A little bit of you is all that I have
This shirt, with love you sew

Still pictures of my dreams that now make no sense to me, filled the space in between me and the rest,
If I was there when you needed me, would fate me the same?

"I will return someday"
The promise I made
But 'someday' never came,
Buried deep in my memories,
She lost herself trying to find me,
16 winters did she wait
But 'someday' never came

So love today,
The lesson learned late,
Don't let life teach you that,
Life doesn't know the easy way,
Don't let fate break your heart

She's gone too far, too far I know
She is never coming home
That shirt draped over my cold soul,
This life I wait alone
A lesson learned the hard way
  Feb 2016 Atript Abhinav
Cat Fiske
I have read so many wonderful poems,
haiku's, 10 words, so many more, and none are alike!
But we tend to forget about spoken word poems,
Hello Poetry, can you make it possible to share our spoken words as well as our massive pile on's of endless poetry. Spoken Words would add to the sight, and only make it better.
I wish I could also Use Hellopoetry on my mobile phone, in an app,
I'm not sure about anyone else, but that would maybe add to HP

Please consider what I've had to say, c:
Please send repost like and share and comment anything else you think the sight needs since it's growing in great ways. Please share and like if you agree c:
Quite enticing, plush
she is a spectacle,
all the same lacking
substance and depth.
A coffee table book
everyone who is
someone, curiously grab,
turn the pages in a jiffy,
just to feel the gloss
eye the seductive shine
ogle the ostentation,
and caress the pictures
in opulent colors,
then, let go quick
without any qualms.

Throw it back on the table
with a resounding thud
in no time and leave
without even looking back once!
here's a tale I will tell
of the supreme Master
of Rivendell
elfin Lord, just and wise
knowledge deep as elvish skies
darkly handsome, unearthly fair
silver circlet, midnight hair
greatest Power for him alone
eyes as deep as river stones
grey and lustrous, holding grace
broad of shoulder, fair of face
aquiline nose, chiseled jaw
Master of the Elves. Their law.
of his mercy his people sing
possessor of the elvish Ring
one of three, such Power possessed
he's the Lord, and thusly blessed
he's seen grief and was forsaken
his beloved wife was taken
to Mordor and was in suffering bound
with the Orcs deep underground
father of the maid Arwen
who's in love with the human King
deep pain of mind, Elrond's aware
that he must leave this daughter there
in human kingdom Middle Earth
for her love has lifetime worth
but Strider will soon pass away
while Arwen has immortal days
though her love's surpassing fine
she will one day weep and pine
without her husband, all alone
for her people will be gone
they will one day sail far
following an elvish star
and of Frodo he's aware
the Hobbit will go to Sauron's lair
generous, gentle, yet supremely strong
he will help Frodo along
elvish war-mail and provision
he directs with great vision

noble King of Rivendell
at once gracious
yet mighty, fell
his word, ever,
is his bond
Hobbit friend
the great


(C) 2/5/2016
I have a great love for
JRR Tolkien
If you have never read
The Hobbit
or his Ring series
you should

Reading is better than movies!
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