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ali Nov 2018
she is made of star stuff,
the lingering effect
of supernovas
and light
thrown in every direction,
the breathtaking sight
of immortal beauty,
the kind that shines
for centuries,
only to reach a destination
that doesn't worship her
as he does the blinking planets.
we're all made of star stuff... i think that's pretty cool and poetic. ALSO the poetry class i'm taking this year is eye-opening and amazing, the amount of pure talent people have with words- it blows me away
ali Feb 2018
i said i'd let go.
but here i am, still wishing
over words for you.
i used to absolutely love writing haiku poems, so i figured i'd give it a try again:)
ali Aug 2018
“why keep talking to him
when you know he only wants one thing?”

so far
every girl
has thought they could fix him.
and so far,
every time
they’ve come back
with a piece of their heart lost.

i want to be the exception.
guys are confusing as heck and honestly need to learn how to communicate what they really want... don’t break my heart if it wasn’t ever something you wanted to be yours in the first place
ali May 2018
tears should be made of glass
because they're more transparent,
easy to see my soul,
but they aren't
because when they would fall,
they would shatter,
and no longer could that
monster inside
curl its talons around my heart
if i wasn't suffering alone in silence
i have a silent type of sadness.. that's what makes it so destructive
ali Feb 2018
to all those who ask why i write poetry-
you're always asking.
why can't you just accept it?

it just so happens that the looping letters
and delicate metaphors
are my way of speaking the words hidden inside
that my lips are too afraid to form.
stop saying poetry is hard,
that just because of that,
you must be forced.
i've learned that anyone can become a poet,
if they're not afraid to let their true feelings inside
spill out from their fingertips
and flow through the ink on the page.
we may all be poets,
allowing our twisted metaphors
or straight up confessions
to talk for us.

so why write poetry?
to all those who ask-
write poetry
because you no longer will allow the words that build up inside
to become the fear that controls you.
ali Jul 2018
you wear your depression
as a mask of undeniable normality-
don't say you're messed up.
it carves wells beneath your eyes,
streaks your face with a natural glow,
weighs down your heart
so you don't fly away to the stars...
away from us-
don't tell me it steals your beauty.
it keeps your pen going
during those early mornings
after all the caffeine
has run out
and your mind can no longer battle
the long, black fingers of sleep
grasping for you-
don't write any more society-approved lies.
it leaves art on your skin,
whether it be permanent
or with assorted colors of paint,
that tell stories,
your stories,
without words.
no longer hide the battles you've fought-
don't let others scorn your victories.

you are a masterpiece,
you are perfection.
don't let this depression
own you,
but become more than it.
please share with whoever you think needs to hear this, stay strong my fellow poets, without you we lose not only a unique perspective, but a unique, beautiful person<3
ali Mar 2018
Winning everyday
Over those who
Mistakenly don’t realize how strong
Every single one of us is.
Never underestimate a

p.s. or you’ll just look bad- we’re not afraid to fight for each other
ali Jan 2020
are the taste of love.
they come from passion—
or its betrayal.
may 3rd, 9:32 pm-- I haven't written much lately, not since about mid-summer- I miss it. Though I think my smile has been speaking more for me than my words used to now, and I guess that's a good thing :)
ali Jun 2018
my heart runs wild
while my fingers stutter,
my mind reaching with sticky fingers
to grasp the right words
and catch them like fireflies
where you can all admire them from afar.

but this,
this love,
this is not like those carefree summer nights,
no, this is the middle of winter-
the biting cold an ever-present guest
just as you happen to be in my mind.

funny how
just the thought of
the comfort of your hand in mine
and the warmth of your lips shielding my own
is enough to block the gusts of cold out.
ali Nov 2018
crafty facade,
you have the hands of an artist,
sweet lies,
you have the taste of a chef,
cloudy eyes,
you have the intent of a politician,
sharp words,
you have the potential of a
ali Feb 2018
this isn’t my fault.
yet here we are,
you pretending to be
the damaged prince
and i portrayed
as the damning witch
who may wield love
but never know it.
ali Apr 2018
you may be gone,
but at just the sound of your voice,
i become your little girl again
and lose myself
in the hidden memories
of the past.
i miss you.

— The End —