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Strong winds may uproot you
Unsettle your stoic resignation
You will be shaken and stirred
Lot of ponderings and doubts
In the middle of nowhere
When gravity does not give hope
Become a fearless traveler
Encounter the strong winds
No matter where you settle
Continue to spread your roots, deeper
Your soul is still with you
Nothing can stop you from reliving
Every unsettling episode
Will teach you to be more resilient
 Jul 2015 Lolia Djisnoa
Love is supposed to set you free
I know this
Intellectually, I know
Chasing love stories and songs
Into blissful eternity
Crawling through the rabbit hole
Of my lover’s pale eyes
Puffy eyelids close down
Trapping me in
The moisture of tears
and bulging blood veins
Searching for exits in
Corpus callosum
These thoughts, those words, that smell
Don’t work
Neither does complaining
About who I should be
Generous anger poured over ice
Laughter covers the sound
Of eggshells crunching  
Make it through one more night
On the edge of the bed
 Jul 2015 Lolia Djisnoa
I can’t do boring
I need the chaos,
the strange,
the passionate,
the irrational.
I need the adventure.
It fuels me.
Nothing else is
i wish
i were as brave as the rain
they are not afraid to

when there is no one there to catch them...

they are the strongest, bravest and
saddest things I've known :(

-the thought "the rain are not afraid to fall" were not from me . :)
Puppeteers, mastering strings
Playing with the minds
Of the sentient beings
Like the Q Continuum
Popping in and out in omnipotence
No doubt gods
In their own right
A universal vibrato
Effervescent and bright
Giving each quasar
An enchanted light
The Science of Everything
The Existence of Nothing
Solipsism and narcissism
Drop kick 'em and nark on 'em
But don't let go
It's wondrous out there
The sweetest sound that touch the ear,
can lift the soul and calm your fear.
A soft guitar or soulful scale,
the lilting song of nightingales.

A sad love song or baby’s cry,
can bring you joy or tear the eye.
The beat of drum, a shriek of glee,
or grand and stirring symphony.

But the sweetest sound that I can hear,
the one that sounds most true,
is when I say I love you,
and you say I love you too.
love sweetest sound
I keep words unspoken,
Letters uncombined,
A theme unwritten.

I write words through moments,
Creating memories,
Leaving a past that lasts.

I profusely give silence,
To those whom try to convey,
And now a loner in a glass fence.

Allergic to socializing,
I keep mine emotions from expressing,
And I retain the evidence of longing.

I keep my days short of being social,
And keep peoples ****** lies distant,
Not famous cause am always Local.
Being alone helps me a lot to consider a lot poetic stuff....
 Jul 2015 Lolia Djisnoa
wonder about everything you see
broaden your mindset
and see things in every perspectives
wander everywhere you are
create from anything you touch
be amazed by how
other mankind ponder about
ideas and circumstances
that you don't ever
your skin on your head is temporal
BUT your mind is a universe
there is something
beautiful hidden
beneath the sorrow
of your words

the woeful cries
that leave your tongue
feeling dry
create a painting
in my ears
that splatters itself
upon my brain
and instills visuals
of heartache
deeply into my soul

the fear in your throat
crackles finely
leaving tiny etch marks
in your skin
spelling out stories
that not even we
know the ending to

allow your pain
to resonate inside
the minds of others
so that your beautiful
turmoil may live on
even after you've
given up on yourself
Dedicated to a lovely poetess.
 Jul 2015 Lolia Djisnoa
21 w.
 Jul 2015 Lolia Djisnoa
I can feel my heart knocking on the back of my teeth,
when I see those green eyes glancing at me.
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