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Ash Dec 2020
I remember you
But I can’t remember love when I do
love is pain
Ash Sep 2020
When I close my eyes
I see the rainbow sky
You were by my side
For the last time

When I wake up again
I’ll see the bloodshot sky
You’re not by my side
For the first time

The stars and the sky align
In my chaotic mind
Shadows of you cry
While I sit and sigh.
Ash Dec 2020
I remember you
But I can’t remember love when I do
love is pain
Ash Dec 2020
I followed
                  the whisper
                                       of the wind
                                                            and it led me...
to you
what even is this
Ash Nov 2020
I saw death as a threat
When I was little
Now I welcome it with open arms.

I thought love was forever
When I was a child
Now I know it was all a lie.

I hoped fate would be forgiving
When I first trusted you
Now I realise that was a mistake
I’m meant to be broken
Like all things in life  
I sure hope it doesn’t
Take away my light.
Ash Nov 2020
I have no care for sparkle and shine
Until you came by knocking on my door
You tore apart my garden of red
Petals of the past shredded and destroyed
Everything soft about me you changed
Hardened me up and polished me down
Now I shine and sparkle like you do
But what did it cost for both you and me?
Ash Nov 2020
I keep putting myself in places
I’m not comfortable with
Just to put a smile on
your faces
Ash Dec 2020
Bloodshot eyes
Tear stained cheeks
White pill bottles
Bruised confidence
Pitch black darkness
Broken promises
Ash Nov 2020
Say the words
In the correct order and frequency
And you just might see me break

Try and destroy me
Put your hands around and suffocate me
Like the time I drowned in a lake

I snap in the tiniest of circumstances
All the better for the people in my life
Who I’m constantly trying to shake

Push my buttons
Humiliate me and annihilate and me
Because it’s the only way I can cope with the pain.
-inspired by the winter soldier XD
Ash Jan 2021
whispers are deafening
we don’t make a sound
you tore apart your promises
betrayal was never so loud
Ash Dec 2020
Called out your name
For just a couple of moments,
You were still here
Stared into the quiet
Conversations in our minds
Laughter in our souls
Then the world turned
And the sun set
The seconds are over
And so, you left us.
wrote this on the day after my grandfather passed. for a few seconds i forgot he was gone, and called for him from my desk, thinking he would answer from his rocking chair. for the quickest of the second before i remembered, i could swear he was still there.
Ash Sep 2020
I draw a line of hope
Cutting through the black and white
The searing pain lifting me up.

I hold a blade of freedom
Snipping away the good and bad
The pieces forming together a heart.

I keep my scars close
Painting over them a beautiful mural
The colours mixing with the blood.
Ash Nov 2020
I’m still waiting for someone
To come and take me home
From this cell in my brain
I don’t want to be alone.

— The End —