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 Mar 2016 Art-Stars
 Mar 2016 Art-Stars
never lose your magnificence
Lying on my back
Watching the stars
In the raindrops on my window
And seeing an infinity
Of darkness but knowing
I am tricking myself
Into some deep hidden wish
That there could be another
Universe within our own
One that no-one else would know
One where I could be alone
And gaze at the stars
For hours
 Mar 2016 Art-Stars
La Lune
 Mar 2016 Art-Stars
I was born with the moon at my feet.
Maybe that's why I'm "so hard to reach"–
not impossible, just hard–
I'm always some distance away.
One step,
Two steps,
One giant leap.
note: I really do have a moon-shaped birthmark near my left foot.
We are a dying race,
And few will live to face,
The dark days that are to come,
For if romance is to be dead,
Then please, first smash my head,
I wish not to be the last one.

Last one to value a mind,
To see where you fail, and where you shine,
and not just to position for bed,
Oh please before then, please smash my head.

For if i find myself slave to lust,
Without love, romance, i will be worth less than dust,
Reduced down to a mere action, don't let that day come,
Please, PLEASE, don't let me be the last one
 Mar 2016 Art-Stars
My light
 Mar 2016 Art-Stars
With you by my side,
even the grayest day is full of light.
 Mar 2016 Art-Stars
Maria Imran
mercury splattered
across the floor
broken into a
hundred fragments and more

you try collecting
but never get her whole
she's damaged so deeply
it's not in her control
 Mar 2016 Art-Stars
an anthropomorphic angel
with infinite passion
who can hardly be discerned,
you have yet to learn
to find out what her heart really yearns
an emblem of abnegation
who can hardly be discerned,
you have yet to learn
to discern her concern
an anthropomorphic angel
with womanly intuition,
Who can hardly be discerned
whether she is ethereal or earthy?
 Mar 2016 Art-Stars
Alex Riley
 Mar 2016 Art-Stars
Alex Riley
Home should be loving
Home should be neat
Home should be filled with something to eat
Where family surrounds you
Or if they are gone
A place you can rest alone all night long

Home should be looked forward too
And not at all despised
A place you should be looked upon
With loving caring eyes
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