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Aug 2014 · 528
the scotchy midnight
Arta Mekuli Aug 2014
In this night
Cold lonely sheets
Cover my..
******* warm body
While my warmth drifts away to the thoughts
I am having a doubt about that scotch
It sits there
Perfectly still
Perfectly inviting
The one that makes me puke
And hurt
And its still not as bad
As the feeling of you
My writings are dirt
But so are you , my love
Youre perfect dirt
For the millionth time
But love oh love
While the cold cover slips my upper body
I slowly let go of the thought
And the scotch
And grieve over you
Until sleep catches me
I think
Aug 2014 · 396
sword i pity
Arta Mekuli Aug 2014
Ive been on the edge
Wanting :
To know you
Feel you
Have you !
The stakerish me is out there
To only know you
You wonderful human
But how oh how oh how
Can one know another
When one is me
And doesnt know
Anything really
Or themselves !

Broken hearts
Do not mend.
Aug 2014 · 419
Arta Mekuli Aug 2014
Im writing a ****** poem
It is about you
To remind you how good you are
Compared to the words I write
Like how you make me laugh more and more


Like how I hate you when I cry
Like how its not even your fault when I die
Like when you dont care and I lose my mind
Like when I tell you all of this and youre still kind
Like when I tell im stupid and you agree
Like when you tell thats what life is for so be stupid , be , be !
And I hate all of this and I hate you
But I still wrote the ****** poem to tell you
Aug 2014 · 885
the first
Arta Mekuli Aug 2014
Yes , exactly , oh my !
I moaned and groaned
And being breathless became a nightly routine
I lied there
My love
Did you know ?
I was an innocent little girl
Not so innocent now , am I?
While your back cries for bandages
And my relaxed muscles cant move
While we both catch our breathes
And a small devil
Very small
Draws a bit of happiness on our lips
And your gaze follows my body
My hand , your thoughts
I remember so dearly
Not only that you taught me love
But the most wonderful intense making of it
Our dreams take over
With no more innocence
No more fear
My last bit of consciousness
The small fragments of it
Thank you
Thank you for being the first
Aug 2014 · 411
maybe it was you
Arta Mekuli Aug 2014
I was trying to love
Oh boy was I lying
Trying care
Trying to be that someone
And failing miserably or dying
If I cared enough
Would I have been a better person?
Or just like every other that supposedly has it tough
Maybe yes
And maybe no I say it
For maybe it was both of them
And I wasn't trying anymore
But I did, now , I did !
Love , confusion , liar , try , games
Aug 2014 · 1.1k
Arta Mekuli Aug 2014
my mouth and your lovely pink lips
the way your eyes sparkled
and the groan that escaped me
in one slice of time
when pulling away from you hurt
the mischievous feeling tingling
through my body and my long hair
the little tiny freckles on the side
your beautiful face , so inviting
my lies that echoed in your mind
when you asked me what my secret was
my first kiss , yes you though that
i didnt have the heart
or the will really
to tell you who i am
so i played along with your thoughts
i kissed you
the way that leaves one thinking
it was the only thing in the world worth doing
like you were all that was left of me
the moon , our talking friend ,saluted us
the water
the glorious sensation it sent
it was almost within us
the moon in the middle
and our love everywhere but there
non love and non felt
nights and talks and sneaking around
diamonds and flowers, surprises in my skin
soft and rock hard
that's what we were made of
in our endless night
Aug 2014 · 712
Arta Mekuli Aug 2014
As tears spilled
Memories ran through my troubled mind
I began to rerun the poison in me
The days partly lived
The smiles partly smiled
The love partly felt
Never cared ,for I sat there
Longing for the little bits
For comparing myself to a napkin
To a napkin!
Used only in the beginning
Loved only in times of need
Burried down in his back pocket
Never to be found and secretly thown away
True true ,I was that ,a simple not needed paper
Piece of everything and nothing
I died in his arms
Not feeling
Because I wasnt anything
I was one thing
I was forgotten

— The End —