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Apr 2015 · 574
504 vlv5044182015

I remember that it hurt,
to see you hurt.
The destruction he caused,
cursed your self-being.
Once a lovely flower,
but now a lonely ****.
Your eyes tell stories of the complete
settle this 12
*** just went out the window as ***** deep dived in for the punch line **** no ***** didn't *** did you want to know what *** did *** didn't rest didn't sleep didn't revive didn't die lets ask *** GOD DAMNT I ASKED *** WHAT *** DID *** ANSWERED *** WENT TO SLEEP CAN *** TALK NO why did I ask *** a question cause I put *** to sleep mother *** ker
Too much to lose.

Another issue with the smart people starting businesses is that they often have the most to lose. The smarter you are -- unless you have the social graces of a wild ape -- the more options you have available to you. You will be able to make a lot of money in a variety of fields and have room in your career to become promoted and make even more money.

This means that when you start a business, you have a lot more to risk than someone who makes less money and has fewer career options. This is often referred to as the “golden handcuffs” dilemma. Because you have more to risk, this means that you need to have a business opportunity that is going to provide an even bigger reward for it to be worth it to you.

If you make $250,000 a year (or have an opportunity to do so), your business is going to have to be five times more successful than the business of someone making $50,000 a year to get the same return. Additionally, it is a lot harder to found a business that will double your yearly profit when you make $250,000 a year than it would be if you make $50,000 a year.

So, with the most to lose, a wide range of other options available and the penchant for more intricate, complex endeavors, don’t be surprised when the person “Most Likely to Succeed” from high school ends up in corporate America and it is one of the more average students that finds success in his or her own business.

This blog is adapted from my bestselling book, The Entrepreneur Equation.

Related: Stop Waiting for the Mythical Mentor
whatsso cl pat your baby searies sope **** u onefe
Apr 2015 · 825
I Love My Mommy & Daddy Business Card | Zazzle
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24 Hour Shipping on most orders. I Love My Mommy & Daddy Business Card created by familyfrenzy. This design is available on several paper types and is totally ...
Apr 2015 · 944
Vocal Chords bat bat bat
Prophet  Ezekiel I finally brought about his company he was the prophet who want to see a sea creature for a long time had been walking back int osee looking sideways at a ******* like me and knowing I noticed that he was not looking back at me because my *** is all eyes on the ocean I just came out of saw it shot down and saw it die in vein I was drownding and had not one person to tell by all mean I was on land as eziakal was in his dream to God Ahh Ezikal was prizedforward what every prophet is a bag of seed an instance when the drop there dream of there furry cat and and have to organize the people to get up off there ***** and plow the land so excited all the people they even invited the people who got exciled for the dream of the sea said it all because how the **** could you explain one group participating in the the bitter riverly as confusion and chaos to get over there because have would eat and half would not because they knew they all knew yes they were in for a time of thinking and who was going to take the first shift they were pros they have done it before the ifrst time they did it thhey all aggreed we will figure it out its alright and at the point they would of starved they didnt hell ya they just knew and everry thing was alright the second time ezijkal came to prophet they split it into a group of 9 for 9 lives and one group stayed and the 8 others left by all mmean we are going to rain on your parade befor they left whoever figured yep went and exsiled them selves and when they got back yep by then they all thoug ht it was an exctatic idea so heavenly rightious till they started discussing it and Victorious said wait hold up you all meant when it rains you will remeber us and come out of hiding and not care if we had died or not die? becazuse I swear I and the rest of these ***** sensed you saing we will ****** you gifted ***** if you dont get up and plow and we all laughed cause it was so funny that you would even say som and on the thing one guy said by all means and was eziakela again he got but ****** excited after he just hookked up that dream of the sea thing again and when he quited down **** no he couldnt it woulnt of mattered if he was at teen challenge at church when one of those mother ******* got down on the floor and prayed to god for and instanence eziakel ya he left outside and laughred so loud for so long the whole hour went by and he just calmed down about 3 minutes probley two before they all came aout and said nothing to him ya bit  in my fable that was the point of ezical to follow in the foot steps of the other prphets even when he ****** everythong up cause he was the only only one left by the time he was done telling them about he sea creature as yep he was not contagiously laughing his *** off but with viwers after an hour ya i can picture everyone fucly in the air with there heads listening and when he stated to talk about the sea thing he looked out in the distance and he swore it was behind him though becuse he had never spoken to an audence before and and ya when you speak to an audence and there terrified and keep wanting to look back at what you fist peered over there heads to see but you did not quite ever peer the same again for yep about an hour yep ezikial kept looking behind him to the point where he made that mother sea thang remebered and said o ya it was when I was standing sidways I always looked to my left but one person in the group yep only the the I d the baby zelda alwasy when standing sidways looked to the right and yep large yep overlooked why did she look to the right because yep the mirrors were to the left and the door that she was smokeing crack behind was to the right the window was always behind her and the pictures were alwasys in front of her before she she went to leave to her MARKIES house she would picture herself there and then pick up the mess of clean clothes yep over and over again and throw them not in but behind the hamper so she could hang them when she got home so she could hit her crack pipe on the florr befor she took off down the stairs to the front door and saw the wood yep I was hitting the crack pipe and not positive so i will dismiss which way my head was swaying when I thought back to just poping anut with my ***** as i turned from the hamper towads **** I finished that hit and would take anothe an 1 more for the mere  realitty that i could not figure for positive sure why i would alwasy come to i had it boxed up back then like you guys and i do now.
Apr 2015 · 678
rosees satin doll favorite orange hair thick clothe ciggerett on addas shiny pants accedent the whole doll little nos you would remember it peach polka a dot dress and  ya the ros the top of my hamper wicker basket and nope never remebered to rember any of that the doll part with the polka dot dress *** i trhew the ***** bend with dithces caves and wholes the holes those are my windy road holes and the ditch just got taken care of that sentences with ditche started with a long widy road the caves was in casers i could never explain how i got my words but i sewed every one of them up and i got all my papers stolen and everything else happended too wow **** so i dont know no more again but *** k wait again yep im the **** fewfiefofum low and i dont tknow vwhat the mother **** **** is **** ya i did it was a sence i was ggoing to be talking an my greatest fear was alwasy well mark once said lurp and right before he said it  it landed on me and i was checking him  for the first time i said i lurp and he saidvicki dont say lurp becuse he started with dont he was at his breaking point and i just found out a second ago any fiefofee he got ****** up and almost killed and i have a question do people ypou people know get ****** up for passing seses cause i am dethly afraid i am going to pass one that sys i o i have to say the word out loud o o kay well let me try hold up i am quick well because i roll something in a row doesnt mean it hooked even though it hooked i just rolled by it dude and ya i hooked it It might be illegal on a jank undergo
Apr 2015 · 991
hamper status daily routine
rosees satin doll favorite orange hair thick clothe ciggerett on addas shiny pants accedent the whole doll little nos you would remember it peach polka a dot dress and  ya the ros the top of my hamper wicker basket and nope never remebered to rember any of that the doll part with the polka dot dress *** i trhew the ***** bend with dithces caves and wholes the holes those are my windy road holes and the ditch just got taken care of that sentences with ditche started with a long widy road the caves was in casers i could never explain how i got my words but i sewed every one of them up and i got all my papers stolen and everything else happended too wow **** so i dont know no more again but *** k wait again yep im the **** fewfiefofum low and i dont tknow vwhat the mother **** **** is **** ya i did it was a sence i was ggoing to be talking an my greatest fear was alwasy well mark once said lurp and right before he said it  it landed on me and i was checking him  for the first time i said i lurp and he saidvicki dont say lurp becuse he started with dont he was at his breaking point and i just found out a second ago any fiefofee he got ****** up and almost killed and i have a question do people ypou people know get ****** up for passing seses cause i am dethly afraid i am going to pass one that sys i o i have to say the word out loud o o kay well let me try hold up i am quick well because i roll something in a row doesnt mean it hooked even though it hooked i just rolled by it dude and ya i hooked it It might be illegal on a jank undergo
Apr 2015 · 728
right cold shower
Specialallity her performance measures the distance from my eyes not deservin another head loopin we thankfully illistrait today to my own creative jesus christ fable make make up don't mess with I don't snap well today Idid I regulated SPM his defendent is one ******* muth grow he's still learner in court that bithe not? 50cent i guranette it ******* bithe well than who is my defendent supposed to be in court o i am not supposed to have one bec
Posted on April 7, 2015
Prophet  Ezekiel I finally brought about his company he was the prophet who want to see a sea creature for a long time had been walking back int osee looking sideways at a ******* like me and knowing I noticed that he was not looking back at me because my *** is all eyes on the ocean I just came out of saw it shot down and saw it die in vein I was drownding and had not one person to tell by all mean I was on land as eziakal was in his dream to God Ahh Ezikal was prizedforward what every prophet is a bag of seed an instance when the drop there dream of there furry cat and and have to organize the people to get up off there ***** and plow the land so excited all the people they even invited the people who got exciled for the dream of the sea said it all because how the **** could you explain one group participating in the the bitter riverly as confusion and chaos to get over there because have would eat and half would not because they knew they all knew yes they were in for a time of thinking and who was going to take the first shift they were pros they have done it before the ifrst time they did it thhey all aggreed we will figure it out its alright and at the point they would of starved they didnt hell ya they just knew and everry thing was alright the second time ezijkal came to prophet they split it into a group of 9 for 9 lives and one group stayed and the 8 others left by all mmean we are going to rain on your parade befor they left whoever figured yep went and exsiled them selves and when they got back yep by then they all thoug ht it was an exctatic idea so heavenly rightious till they started discussing it and Victorious said wait hold up you all meant when it rains you will remeber us and come out of hiding and not care if we had died or not die? becazuse I swear I and the rest of these ***** sensed you saing we will ****** you gifted ***** if you dont get up and plow and we all laughed cause it was so funny that you would even say som and on the thing one guy said by all means and was eziakela again he got but ****** excited after he just hookked up that dream of the sea thing again and when he quited down **** no he couldnt it woulnt of mattered if he was at teen challenge at church when one of those mother ******* got down on the floor and prayed to god for and instanence eziakel ya he left outside and laughred so loud for so long the whole hour went by and he just calmed down about 3 minutes probley two before they all came aout and said nothing to him ya bit  in my fable that was the point of ezical to follow in the foot steps of the other prphets even when he ****** everythong up cause he was the only only one left by the time he was done telling them about he sea creature as yep he was not contagiously laughing his *** off but with viwers after an hour ya i can picture everyone fucly in the air with there heads listening and when he stated to talk about the sea thing he looked out in the distance and he swore it was behind him though becuse he had never spoken to an audence before and and ya when you speak to an audence and there terrified and keep wanting to look back at what you fist peered over there heads to see but you did not quite ever peer the same again for yep about an hour yep ezikial kept looking behind him to the point where he made that mother sea thang remebered and said o ya it was when I was standing sidways I always looked to my left but one person in the group yep only the the I d the baby zelda alwasy when standing sidways looked to the right and yep large yep overlooked why did she look to the right because yep the mirrors were to the left and the door that she was smokeing crack behind was to the right the window was always behind her and the pictures were alwasys in front of her before she she went to leave to her MARKIES house she would picture herself there and then pick up the mess of clean clothes yep over and over again and throw them not in but behind the hamper so she could hang them when she got home so she could hit her crack pipe on the florr befor she took off down the stairs to the front door and saw the wood yep I was hitting the crack pipe and not positive so i will dismiss which way my head was swaying when I thought back to just poping anut with my ***** as i turned from the hamper towads **** I finished that hit and would take anothe an 1 more for the mere  realitty that i could not figure for positive sure why i would alwasy come to i had it boxed up back then like you guys and i do now.
why di i notice good ****. twice rolling he the mc forgot to checkon me so yep trippen a little. cause **** all this **** that yep  mc either jank or on my **** list whats jank its learner so uh whats learner i am alearner i have beeen in the process 4 yep i am 35 and i was 22 at mc and my meeting
Apr 2015 · 753
Liqurish Roots
Prophet  Ezekiel I finally brought about his company he was the prophet who want to see a sea creature for a long time had been walking back int osee looking sideways at a ******* like me and knowing I noticed that he was not looking back at me because my *** is all eyes on the ocean I just came out of saw it shot down and saw it die in vein I was drownding and had not one person to tell by all mean I was on land as eziakal was in his dream to God Ahh Ezikal was prizedforward what every prophet is a bag of seed an instance when the drop there dream of there furry cat and and have to organize the people to get up off there ***** and plow the land so excited all the people they even invited the people who got exciled for the dream of the sea said it all because how the **** could you explain one group participating in the the bitter riverly as confusion and chaos to get over there because have would eat and half would not because they knew they all knew yes they were in for a time of thinking and who was going to take the first shift they were pros they have done it before the ifrst time they did it thhey all aggreed we will figure it out its alright and at the point they would of starved they didnt hell ya they just knew and everry thing was alright the second time ezijkal came to prophet they split it into a group of 9 for 9 lives and one group stayed and the 8 others left by all mmean we are going to rain on your parade befor they left whoever figured yep went and exsiled them selves and when they got back yep by then they all thoug ht it was an exctatic idea so heavenly rightious till they started discussing it and Victorious said wait hold up you all meant when it rains you will remeber us and come out of hiding and not care if we had died or not die? becazuse I swear I and the rest of these ***** sensed you saing we will ****** you gifted ***** if you dont get up and plow and we all laughed cause it was so funny that you would even say som and on the thing one guy said by all means and was eziakela again he got but ****** excited after he just hookked up that dream of the sea thing again and when he quited down **** no he couldnt it woulnt of mattered if he was at teen challenge at church when one of those mother ******* got down on the floor and prayed to god for and instanence eziakel ya he left outside and laughred so loud for so long the whole hour went by and he just calmed down about 3 minutes probley two before they all came aout and said nothing to him ya bit  in my fable that was the point of ezical to follow in the foot steps of the other prphets even when he ****** everythong up cause he was the only only one left by the time he was done telling them about he sea creature as yep he was not contagiously laughing his *** off but with viwers after an hour ya i can picture everyone fucly in the air with there heads listening and when he stated to talk about the sea thing he looked out in the distance and he swore it was behind him though becuse he had never spoken to an audence before and and ya when you speak to an audence and there terrified and keep wanting to look back at what you fist peered over there heads to see but you did not quite ever peer the same again for yep about an hour yep ezikial kept looking behind him to the point where he made that mother sea thang remebered and said o ya it was when I was standing sidways I always looked to my left but one person in the group yep only the the I d the baby zelda alwasy when standing sidways looked to the right and yep large yep overlooked why did she look to the right because yep the mirrors were to the left and the door that she was smokeing crack behind was to the right the window was always behind her and the pictures were alwasys in front of her before she she went to leave to her MARKIES house she would picture herself there and then pick up the mess of clean clothes yep over and over again and throw them not in but behind the hamper so she could hang them when she got home so she could hit her crack pipe on the florr befor she took off down the stairs to the front door and saw the wood yep I was hitting the crack pipe and not positive so i will dismiss which way my head was swaying when I thought back to just poping anut with my ***** as i turned from the hamper towads **** I finished that hit and would take anothe an 1 more for the mere  realitty that i could not figure for positive sure why i would alwasy come to i had it boxed up back then like you guys and i do now.
why di i notice good ****. twice rolling he the mc forgot to checkon me so yep trippen a little. cause **** all this **** that yep  mc either jank or on my **** list whats jank its learner so uh whats learner i am alearner i have beeen in the process 4 yep i am 35 and i was 22 at mc and my meeting
Apr 2015 · 508
Heee Mark I just checked back and saw him while you'll standing in my room still. . . Because the fact of the matter is I dont know where you'll were before to feel you dont have the obligation to get the **** out of this ******* but where I was. I was just checking back like I had to look like it was bugging me that bad as i WAS i CHECKED MY MARKY. Came back went black and came back before I knew I was tainted black and coming back like an apistoval of eary quiver was fornicating on my *** like I was going to die again I saw that **** skirt and I dont know why dickly never got involved so backbefor I knew apistavol is *** fornication and for me to grab it I knew I had to be more down still riding peace so I jank whats up fo you eat baby ***** and they got no he doesnt he listens to brother lynch as I pucked up no up chuck just heave so I come back turn my head into my own little up on two feet hanging out with my ya and if he was here by all means he would be hooking me up right now you wouldnt be here and my next man well I am going to be up still riding peace on all these down riding peace I still have but keep reflecting to that bible I just hooked up and I'll do this again too. andnow I feel like a ******* is watching me so if for instance homie your homies get hooked up over there by my MARKY being really smart on my hes BIG red have a little fun watching me down this pick astreet picked it as everyone isnt even as far as I have been cause I am hooking up some ***** with my michelle phipher cause you fuckly stariyer there are going to check my spot after I am gone you will find some animal ******* bringing you a bag of papers with out a word out of him and they will all check you over there fuckly to see if I take my time to pick the most beautiful brightest one I see ******* little mexican **** had to **** with my bible **** fool you just missed it I show you what wont happen while you are with me cause I am fine after they left. I went right to my bible never made a large turn with my head remebered devil on the note calender black thing I lost with my memorie attached the change and dresser you never saw but I didnt make it clear to you fuckly I was ******  up cause by all means your here to help me up too I rented a car and jammed never thought again till now Im going to go AND **** UP MY BIBLE PROPERLY BEING THAT i WAS UP AND COULDNT **** IT UP JUST RIGHT LIKE i INTENDED TO DO WHEN i LOOKED BACK TO GET THE DEVIL AFTER HOW ****** i KNOW i AM RIGHT NOW AND i CAME UP BY SAYING i CAME UP STILL RIDING PEACE i HOOKED TO THAT PEACEFUL PART OF THAT SONG IT MUST HAVE BEEN LOVE BUT IT IS OVER NOW i ONLY GOT TO IT MUST H i WAS SO HAPPY i SKATED I was outs.
Heee Mark I just checked back and saw him while you'll standing in my room still. . . Because the fact of the matter is I dont know where you'll were before to feel you dont have the obligation to get the **** out of this ******* but where I was. I was just checking back like I had to look like it was bugging me that bad as i WAS i CHECKED MY MARKY. Came back went black and came back before I knew I was tainted black and coming back like an apistoval of eary quiver was fornicating on my *** like I was going to die again I saw that **** skirt and I dont know why dickly never got involved so backbefor I knew apistavol is *** fornication and for me to grab it I knew I had to be more down still riding peace so I jank whats up fo you eat baby ***** and they got no he doesnt he listens to brother lynch as I pucked up no up chuck just heave so I come back turn my head into my own little up on two feet hanging out with my ya and if he was here by all means he would be hooking me up right now you wouldnt be here and my next man well I am going to be up still riding peace on all these down riding peace I still have but keep reflecting to that bible I just hooked up and I'll do this again too. andnow I feel like a ******* is watching me so if for instance homie your homies get hooked up over there by my MARKY being really smart on my hes BIG red have a little fun watching me down this pick astreet picked it as everyone isnt even as far as I have been cause I am hooking up some ***** with my michelle phipher cause you fuckly stariyer there are going to check my spot after I am gone you will find some animal ******* bringing you a bag of papers with out a word out of him and they will all check you over there fuckly to see if I take my time to pick the most beautiful brightest one I see ******* little mexican **** had to **** with my bible **** fool you just missed it I show you what wont happen while you are with me cause I am fine after they left. I went right to my bible never made a large turn with my head remebered devil on the note calender black thing I lost with my memorie attached the change and dresser you never saw but I didnt make it clear to you fuckly I was ******  up cause by all means your here to help me up too I rented a car and jammed never thought again till now Im going to go AND **** UP MY BIBLE PROPERLY BEING THAT i WAS UP AND COULDNT **** IT UP JUST RIGHT LIKE i INTENDED TO DO WHEN i LOOKED BACK TO GET THE DEVIL AFTER HOW ****** i KNOW i AM RIGHT NOW AND i CAME UP BY SAYING i CAME UP STILL RIDING PEACE i HOOKED TO THAT PEACEFUL PART OF THAT SONG IT MUST HAVE BEEN LOVE BUT IT IS OVER NOW i ONLY GOT TO IT MUST H i WAS SO HAPPY i SKATED I was outs.
What do I see that is worthy of me thinking>

What ******* yes I love you I forgot I aint going to tell you this twice leave me alone but don't leave me alone.

I have 20 of what? seed by all means don't snap don't snap chill chill. Every body shut the **** up cause they were all excited. The prophet heard God "everybody is just wondering what I am going to benounce you today." And prophet says to God it's not this fur kitten you've been promising me so what the **** do I do with this kitten now> God leaves prophet on his own. It's my kitten or organizing these utterly unthankful having because I happened to have these ones that stopped working around me. Alright what the the **** ever dude. Kitty lets go were going to find food and I'm Speciallality, cause that **** spins when I am in.

— The End —