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I sit alone as if I am fading
Invisible in the ashen fields.
My heart longs to be somewhere
to where I see myself
Clear as the new day
True to oneself’s beauty
Away from the toxicity of people’s opinion
Or as far away from my own shadow of doubt.

I sit alone & not running anymore.
Losing strength as the wind passes by
Losing a bit of my edge in this unreasonable persona, I face.
Yet I never give a **** as long as I kept on going
Reaching for something Unreachable,
I can only hope…

I want to feel the life of someone’s at arm’s reach
to feel that I am alive
I missed you.

this feels like a follow-up on my 'ashen gray' piece:
though it is much more in a different road,
a road that i am longing to have..
For some reason
there are people holding up their umbrellas

Although no drops seem to fall
they had umbrellas tall

They were too afraid to get wet
that they even covered
the warm sunshine.
rain rain go away
Things they do not tell you about goodbyes:

No one tells you
When you walk out of your house

Your home,
For all purposes

That sometimes
You don't miss it

You do not turn around on your ankle

Look at those heights

And want to return

No one tells you
That even when you travel to the absolute extent
Of this earth

You will find that people will still be the same
You will still be the same

No one tells you
That sometimes
You do not miss
What you left behind

They will not tell you
That you will find comfort in
Dark, frightening places with unfamiliar faces
In shadows

They do not tell you
Will still be

This feels exactly like home
I am not sure what I am meant to miss
Except the solitude and the stars every other night

The rain kisses the earth in different ways here

It does not send petrichor soaring
Throughout the atmosphere

And it does not torrentially lash at the earth

It is soft and slow
Like the softest cotton wool of the blankets
You cuddled in when you were a child

The rain kisses the earth differently
My ears perked up, I realize

The rain kissed the earth of my hometown differently
With thunder raging in the skies
If by chance I were to run into you,
Flood gates would break inside of me, never letting you know, that all of the feelings I have for you never left, you see.
They remain close and true, and soon to be bottled up for someone else to drink.
But as for now I go my way, with a brief glance and remembrance to never leave my heart astray.

©A. Harris
I don't know why
but suddenly
my heart felt like it dropped to the ground
and I don't want to pick it up.
I feel like I want it to stay there,
become one with the earth
and let flowers bloom in the hopes of making a new life
that's far better and worthier
than the life I'd be able to live.

I want it to stay there
and make beautiful things
because I can never-
I destroy everything I touch.

It makes me want to cry
because that might mean
I'd be gone forever in your life
but little relief comes when I think
that I can say goodbye to you

Don't ever think it's your fault, no.
You did nothing but showed me kindness
and gave me hope that things are worth the try.
I'm sorry if I can't keep that spark burning.

Thank you for listening.
Thank you for everything.

My heart is sinking
and I can't help it swim-
it doesn't want to be saved.
the four of us lay under the stars and expressed our favorite parts of each others bodies
eyes,  hair, smiles, laughter rang throughout
after a pause
i said i loved your shoulders
knowing you couldn't hear what i wouldn't say
I do not know why,
Nor when this happened,
But my chest addressed itself to you,
Put all the good in me into envelopes,
Hoping one day you’ll receive them,
And that maybe one day,
You’ll reply with all your good addressed to me
She is Beautiful
I feel at home
Laying in nothingness is where I belong
No Ray of light to call my own
This darkness comforts me
It subdue me when I'm alone
There's no hiding from it
No begging it to leave
This darkness if apart of me
It's the knife that cut me when I bleed
The dead leaves that fall from there stripped trees
It's the anger that needs to feed
The void that filled an empty heart
It's the stitches that kept it apart
Now I owe it
Cause it owns me
This darkness
This darkness
Is me
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