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I was born white
turning pink

6 years young
they added black and green
wonder why I grew up so fast
I spent so long not realizing
something was wrong

10 brings tragedy
slight grey and silver
to me and my family

12 years young
with so much blue, black and lust
very ****** up little girl
trusted the wrong people

12 also brought a striking bit of gold
but the blue was too strong
too icy, too dark, too cold

14 and you'd never guess
what I've turned into
black and black and black and grey
then finally met enough red
to make me feel okay

15, 16 red was my life
a pulse, a heartbeat
finally happy and alright
soon though comes doubt
and black seeps back in
how did this happen
I was just a kid

16, 16, the last straw
I can't face red anymore
and red was not
the strong color I thought it to be
red faded, receded from me

17, oh, don't look at me
don't look closely
you won't like what you see
as each addiction returns
bringing friends
my life I've wanted to end
for quite some time now
I'm such a gross color

17 is such a great time
to cut short the life of a girl
who has no colors
I don't know why this happened.
But I hate myself so much right now.
I don't know why I keep doing this to myself.
I ******* hate myself, and then I hate myself more for hating myself and "coping."

I hate myself for repeating history and believing promises that are never kept.
I hate myself for loving.
I hate myself for lying to myself.
I am such a stupid, worthless **** up.

I ******* hate myself, but I've never been able to **** myself.
I ******* hate myself for wanting to try to again anyway.
Ignorance will never die
Stupidity will never die
Prejudice will never die
Violence will never die
Sadness will never die
Fear will never die
Anger will never die
War will never die

But neither will hope
Maybe that hope will be in vain,
But it will keep understanding alive,
It will keep the intelligent solving problems,
It will keep the downtrodden fighting for justice,
It will give the unsafe peace,
It will dry tears and bring light,
It will comfort those in danger,
It will calm deadly rage,
And it will give the wounded sanctuary.

*It doesn't matter if this hope is false,
If it can do so much good.
Society: Love is all you need. Sticks and stones can break my bones but words will never hurt me. You are beautiful and unique, everyone is!

Me: Oh shut up.

If you just cannot seem to find love and need to live off of something else, if words CAN hurt you, (if you think they can't, I will cheerfully smack you with a dictionary (: ) and you hate being told you are beautiful as if that is gonna change your mind when you just do not see it then please repost.
Comment! I love to read comments!
Repost if you just cannot seem to find love and need to live off of something else, if words CAN hurt you, and you hate being told you are beautiful as if that is gonna change your mind when you just do not see it.
Comment! I love to read comments!
She once waved white cloth but now,
Tears of blue satin fall,
As a girl who once smiled at life,
Cries with the pain of it all.

She once waved blue satin but now,
Drops of red velvet fall,
As a girl who once loved the world,
Sees the hatred that's found in all.

She once waved red velvet but now,
Rags of black silk fall,
As a girl who once had everything,
Begins to lose it all.

She once waved black silk but now,
She waves nothing at all,
As a girl who clung to emotions,
Lets go to watch them fall.

She once waved an empty hand but now,
Another's pulls her inside,
As a girl who sat on the edge of life,
Finds new hope in another's eyes.

He let go of all he cared for,
Let it fall to the ground,
In a desperate attempt to repay the favour,
That kept him safe and sound.

His hands now empty, unhindered,
He reached and offered support,
To a girl he could see had lost more than he dared to think of.

She accepted

He smiled

And both now wave together

Made stronger by fear and trust
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