She once waved white cloth but now,
Tears of blue satin fall,
As a girl who once smiled at life,
Cries with the pain of it all.
She once waved blue satin but now,
Drops of red velvet fall,
As a girl who once loved the world,
Sees the hatred that's found in all.
She once waved red velvet but now,
Rags of black silk fall,
As a girl who once had everything,
Begins to lose it all.
She once waved black silk but now,
She waves nothing at all,
As a girl who clung to emotions,
Lets go to watch them fall.
She once waved an empty hand but now,
Another's pulls her inside,
As a girl who sat on the edge of life,
Finds new hope in another's eyes.
He let go of all he cared for,
Let it fall to the ground,
In a desperate attempt to repay the favour,
That kept him safe and sound.
His hands now empty, unhindered,
He reached and offered support,
To a girl he could see had lost more than he dared to think of.
She accepted
He smiled
And both now wave together
Made stronger by fear and trust