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The walk of life is hard,
And sometimes we skip
And sometimes we dance
And sometimes we stumble
And sometimes we fall.

People always tell us
That it could be worse
Or it could be harder,
But honestly,
Sometimes you just don't care.

And sometimes it seems deeper
When you think of how sadness
Makes you appreciate happiness.

But sometimes life is hard,
And you just wonder
How it could ever be happy again.

And sometimes you're happy,
But you're scared,
Because it could be taken

But life is tears,
And sighs,
And songs,
And laughter.

Life is sadness,
And sorrow,
And joy,
And happiness.

Because a baby's first footsteps
Are always followed
By a baby's first fall.

Flowers only come
After rain clouds,
And bright light,
And breaking through a shell.

Life is sweeter
After storms,
And bright times,
And breaking through your shell.
I've been here a little over a year
And never would have guessed
That in the reading of some poems
I would end up so depressed

Have these people ever stepped out in the sun
To breath in the fresh air
I'm not trying to put them down
I am one who really cares

I've found in life it's all in the attitude
So if your one of those on the brink
Please back up a step or two
Before you take the final leap

And try to think of happy thoughts
Like skipping in the park?
Butterflies and puppy dogs?
Might bring you from the dark

How about cotton candy?
The Circus or the Zoo?
You might want to try something fast
Before you totally come unglued

Well, I'm felling much better now!
I hope that you are too and this diatribe has helped you
Cause if you stay on this demented path
I'm afraid the best of life you'll lose
I know poetry is an outlet (therapy) for many to get their feelings out. It's just some poems are so heartbreaking I truly feel the pain but know personally there is a happy side to life. Face it, life is hard for all of us, some harder than others but a lot of it does have to do with attitude. So let's get out there Buckaroonies and take on this day!!! Let's do this! Who's with me! Hey....where'd everybody go?
 Jul 2014 megan catcher
First drops of sunlight
that shines across your body,
where you lay asleep on
your side of the dishevelled bed.
This coffee tastes
as bitter as you were last night
but this cigarette smoke tastes like
the one we shared at
3am this morning.
The alcohol seeping
through my veins
reminds me of how you
infected me with your poison
when we first met.
Your name is on the tip of my tongue
and your breath is caught in the middle of my lungs
just like it was four hours ago
when your body was on top of mine
and you were burning me with your touch
Your scent still hangs around me
in a cloud of ****,
and ***.
And the ghost of your hand in mine seems almost real
that I forget you are no longer holding it.
Your kiss still lingers on my lips
like the teeth marks you left on my neck
and the scratches down my back.
Your words still ring in my ears
and my memory decides to play me a slideshow
of every image I have of you -
this will be a long night, yet it is barely even mid day.
The air is cold, colder than you
and you don't hold me anymore.
Every breathe I take will not be
because of you,
every cigarette will not have
the trace of your lips,
yet my body will still remain with
the touch of your fingertips,
a maze of marks and bruises,
a labyrinth of complications
and desires.
Once more
Into the inky waters
Of your soul
Fools rush in repeatedly, if half of a chance is offered.
I am not the type of person that can easily hide
And I am not the type of person that can hold their tongue tightly
But for you i shall wring it like a wet towel
so all the dark cropped up secrets drip out
And I will put them in a tiny box with a lock
And I will throw the key away in the ocean of trust
I shall live in the goldness of remaining silent
Your terrifying dreams and your secret stories are safe with me
And I won't ever share them with any other person but you

I hope you do the same with me.
I have  f a i t h  in you, just like you have  f a i t h  in me.

July  7th  2014
I drove with jesus and the devil in the backseat
I decided to let the devil take the wheel
because i didn't know the difference between black and white
and we drove so fast that the stars looked big
too fast for me to even say my last words
as we drove

                                                          ­                         off a  c l i f f.
3. 7. 2014
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