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 Mar 2015 Anon
Ann Beaver
 Mar 2015 Anon
Ann Beaver
Drown with silence
Evaporate with salt
I'll repeat. I'll repeat:
It's not your fault.

Leaning into black
I'll watch you dance
You'll repeat. You'll repeat:
You missed this chance.

Reach for reasons
Branches too high
Sift with memories
He'll repeat. He'll repeat:
Your life is a lie.
 Mar 2015 Anon
gone sour
 Mar 2015 Anon
it is time
to bite
the hand
that feeds me
it is feeding me
Stop writing on walls
write your words
on my
 Mar 2015 Anon
Trenton Idom
 Mar 2015 Anon
Trenton Idom
I'm scared of stupid things like water, bugs, and I am terrified of scary movies. But what I am most scared of is YOU. You are the scariest of them all. You are scary because you're not scary at all. You're scary because you have this power. You're scary cause no one sees how scary you are. Just me. I'm scared because I love you. I'm scared because you can make me so happy and yet so sad. I'm scared because I've never felt THIS way. I mean I thought I had but it wasn't real. I'm scared because I am so in love with you. For so long I thought love wasn't real cause everyone said it wasn't but I've come to find out it is. And it is evil. It is evil. It is so ******* evil. But even so, I love it.
 Mar 2015 Anon
L Marie
I Bleed Red
 Mar 2015 Anon
L Marie
And I bleed red
And I cry clear
As I feel warmth
And all my fear.
I watch my life
Go disappear.
And I feel loss
When you're not here.

But I know now
I'm not alone...

We all bleed red.
We all cry clear.
And we're all warm
Away from fear.
We watch our lives
Go disappear
And we feel loss
While we stay here.

We're only human.
 Mar 2015 Anon
Luna Casablanca
 Mar 2015 Anon
Luna Casablanca
Discipline is not around.
Peace cannot be found.
Skyscrapers collapse as street-goers
act as if they couldn't care less.
Glass and cement all around the ground,
this place is a mess.
To have the guts to keep it together and clean.
How we're now on our own but were once
a team.
Rules change and people won't play.
Tied to a chair and tortured and whipped for wanting to say.
This is all a mess
how do you not see?
Admonish us all
never thought this is what it would be.
Can you ever admire those who are good?
This turned into a mess.
Breaks my heart
how it ever could.
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