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 Oct 2021 Andiegirl
 Oct 2021 Andiegirl
And with a sincere smile,
she looked to the stars
knowing the future was worthwhile,
even, with a thousand scars.
 May 2020 Andiegirl
 May 2020 Andiegirl
I will remember
the song that my heart
played percussions to.

I will sing the words,
with no one else,
to a song made for two.
 Apr 2020 Andiegirl
It bears a secret,
so immense and heavy,
it’s worth a thousand keys.

And laden like a million treasures -
all locked in a lone chest.

To write of it,
To speak of it,
But a taste of it,
heavenly bliss.

So I bear its secret...
One that paints grandeur
and weighs a lifetime.
And it’s worth my every breath.
 Apr 2020 Andiegirl
Two hearts fall...

Into each other;

Into the sun.

Both had loved,

and both would perish -

in two graves marked as one.
 Feb 2020 Andiegirl
Emilia B
You don’t see me the same way as you used to,
And it’s all because of me,
I wanted too much too quickly
I wanted you to want me.

It was just such a rare feeling
So I knew it was real
Out of everyone I had met
You made my heart heal

I didn’t know how to feel
I didn’t know why
But I guess... it’s okay
Atleast were under the same sky.
 May 2018 Andiegirl
Fleeting moment...
It was peace.

It was a brief moment
that seemed like
it was meant only for me.

It was a moment that saw
a sliver of a sickle moon,
accompanied by a band of stars
that never did twinkle.

It wasn’t dark.
The sun hadn’t completely left...
But they asserted their presence
with such eagerness and fervour -
bent on letting me know they’re there,
in that moment...
Seemingly just for me.

And I drank it up.
In a single gulp.
Because that was how brief
that moment was...


In that fleeting moment...
I was happy.
 Jun 2017 Andiegirl
from the beginning of now,
new and beautiful
fields of
are growing
but do not rush -
the grass isn’t yet ready
for the weight of your past
and that must not be rushed either
for everything needs time
to get a little bit stronger
you are a process
too wonderful
to be rushed.
you may dream and go gently
and take as long as you need
for those fields
will never
stop waiting
for you
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