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It's okay to love. Life is real, life is made up of little things, like touch and feel
Its okay to smile, It's okay to relax
It's okay to look back at the past and laugh
It's great to be free, its great to feel loved
It's great to feel peace in the form of a hug
(june 11th 2012)
I was scattered
to the farthest reaching stars
Thoughts on thoughts
stacked like library halls
till the many pages formed a face
and with growing thrist
swallowed me down
into the endless night
of a dying black hole
I had lost all self control
 Oct 2015 Shell of a Man
I've given a
new name
to my hopes-

looking forward,
when Winter is
a stone throw's

I may be a
Goddess of
silver lining, always
trying to
wade through
the thickened blue

But I used to know
nothing of
Romance or even
believe that
love existed

but now I will not leave
behind what's handed
to me, and, Godammit,
I'll stir the *** until
the fumes take

And I'll look back
at every thought
of you and
thank fate for
the time

And smile
even though
I lost you-

you made me
believe in
love again
 Oct 2015 Shell of a Man
You are the sun and the moon
that wrap around my wrists
as you, walk me
to a place of pure happiness
The light that shines through your smile
guides me to safety
You are the beauty in everyday I live
The toes that curl in the dirt will always be ours
The songs we chirp to the birds will carry on
as you walk by
the roads we talk on, always let yourself find me
For you are my light and I am yours
I treasure the gold you have filled in my veins
but we as one are priceless
To my bestest of friend, Niecy beanz
im not skyhigh with this feeling of feeling
i don't like it when my heart floats in my chest
or when he watches the stars and holds my hand like im some type of catch
i can tell you right here and right now kid, that i might as well be the rusty metal handlebars on your first bike.
i may look strong
but i can promise you that i am not.
you can pedal me long and far
but eventually
i'm gonna
give out.
give up.
give your heart away.

so what's the use in loving someone (something) so temporary?

i hardly know you
but i know that
you make me fly
i'm afraid of heights.

          as much as i wish you were
we're just not on the same plane of understanding, darling
i fly so high that i get lost in the clouds
and you're hanging onto my toes
digging your claws into my legs
can't you see that
I just want to be free..?

sooner or later
things are going to fall apart.
we are going to fall.
this love boat is bound to go up in flames.
nothing lasts long with me
the sharks in my head will chew you up and spit you out
ill eat away at your heart until nothing is left.
and yes
i know
that you can see the guilt in my ocean eyes
i admit that
i'm the sea monster who comes up and steals all your love, dear sailor.
i only take it from you
so you don't give it to her

i want your love
as much as a scubadiver
wants a ships anchor on their chest.

but the suffocating is kind of lovely, in its own way.

ive grown attached to you like the barnacles on my brain..
you're a pain
but i think i want you around

at the same time
you make me want to inhale all the ocean into my lungs
And sink to the bottom.
become like i once was

and our plane has crashed
and i've broken my fragile wings like glass
on the fall into
this ocean
and this story i cried for you
be careful, tread some water
dont cut yourself on the glass I leave behind.

your the wreckage
and im the girl in shambles on the beach.
my heart didn't survive,
my emotions died
but you saved a little sliver of your love to feed the beast inside me.

i think i like you
but i thought i liked him
and he forced me
to bed
and tied me down with ropes
that felt like lies
and tasted like salt

and now i am
   but a hermit crab

*trying to find a new shell.
im a jumble of everything that doesn't make sense, and i'm trying to learn how to make sense of it.
here take my broken bones
stuff them in the back of that beat up hearse
seal us up in that coffin
put a brick on that pedal


drive off the cliff
Loving you was a death sentence
my mind is revolting garbage
and it seems i have gotten under your fingernails;
and i know how this goes, you've been spending all night trying to get me out
and youve been pulling your hair
over the things i said to you...

i know that i make you sick
and no matter how many times you try to hide it
ive seen you on the bathroom floor.

when you kiss me i find my way into your blood stream
and I start attacking your pathogens..
eventually I'll shut down your nervous system
and end up eating away at your heart.

i know what i do to you.

it just who i am, it's just what i do.
don't take it personally.

so this will be the one and only time that i urge you to leave darling,
take what you need from me and go
i know i have already stolen too much time and too many years of your life from you..

don't you worry
don't you dare look back
ill be able to make due with my own company from now on and until the day i die

tell me you love me
give me a kiss goodbye
and save yourself

i understand

show me a bit of kindness before  you go
and before my bones pick themselves up and leave.
before i shed my shell.
before i die.

i just want to feel weightless one last time

before i destroy myself.
that is all.
you laugh with faces so bright
you could light cities
i'm left

 Aug 2015 Shell of a Man
I was never a sinking ship, just the remains
of an ocean liner, settling on the sea’s lips.
At least, that’s what I think.
I am not a tragedy, no,
but so many of my pages are empty and, my god, I need
you to know that if I am a book,
I am half-complete (not half-unfinished––I'm learning, you see?),
but it’s the back half,
and a few scattered paragraphs before that.
Now and then I write in my own history,
just for others to read and believe
there’s something more to me
than a leather bound cover over cheap poetry.
That’s all I am, really.

I’m just trying to keep my head above the water.
I keep my secrets close, and my happiness bottled
––for the nights when I need something stronger
than spirits that burn on the way down,
something that can keep these ghosts
from crawling back out my mouth
to tumble from my lips at last.

Listen, I'm really not hard to figure out.

It’s broken glass,
it’s the smash of a car crash,
it’s the smell of smoke and ash,
it’s a statue of a girl learning to laugh,
and to know, and how to venture
into you. I count the number of times I've been sure,
on my knuckles instead of my fingertips,
because it wasn't the touch, it was the fist
that first said: I am better than this
(fires will die but they fight harder than all else).
Besides, my fingers are not for counting out.
I think they're for you,
to weave yours through,
and to feel on your skin
when I spell out I love you,
because my fingers do not flinch
as easily as my mouth does cringe
and strangle truths in anger.

If you feel I am pulling into myself,
remember I'm likely collapsing inwards,
and know this:
broken homes beget broken bones,
but more often they spit
broken boys and girls from their lips.
My body is new,
no longer mould and mildew,
but steel, mortar, and brick,
and stone
and stick.

I am almost always cold.
My wrists look too thin for the weight of my world.

I carry on, but I am not strong.
**** knows how long those days have been gone.

To the person who will somehow fall for me:
I am not a tragedy,
but a mess of a story.
I write dumb rhymes to feel like I'm growing.
I speak as a cynic, but at heart I'm all dreams.
Sometimes I take a minute to listen and, slowly,
I think I'm becoming someone worth being.

I seem bare as a clinic and empty as glossy magazines,
but it's all a set and some props, one day I'll end scene.
I'm not ready yet, but on One Day, I'll be.

I swear, I'm almost there.
My world is readying,
like winter prepared
to yield to spring.
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