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 Jul 2016 andrew juma
Y Rada
You are so **** and hot to look at
When you gorge on that strawberry
I remember the time you showed me
How you like your fruit to be -

You licked it making sure it’s wet
I gasped when the coldness hit me
You nipped and peeled the skin gently
My ***** heaved wantonly at the touch
You ****** with ardour all the juices
My mind ran havoc not knowing what to do -

You stare and wink at me naughtily
That devilish grin now you just make
You know that I recall what you did
When you tasted and I was your fruit
 Jul 2016 andrew juma
Nick ross
It was always so incredibly intense
Love and hate so close to each other
Break up one day, then make up the next
One day ignore, the next you'd smother

You'd often slap me when you were in a rage
Shouting and swearing in front of my mates
One day i snapped and pushed you back hard
Just gave you an excuse to intensify your hates

This time it's over you'd told me so often
But this time you'd held a secret from me
A child, our baby, was growing inside you
But your hate was there for all to see

We'd often split up, got together again
But this time you couldn't wait
Booked yourself in at the hospital
And there you sealed its fate

No mention to me till after the deed
And then you broke the news
"You've lost me and your baby"
Intensifying and heightening my blues

She'd plunged a fist in my chest and twisted my heart
The pain was too much to bear
Then one morning I decided to do myself in
I hated my life, it was so unfair

Just sat in my garage inside my car
Engine running and windows wide open
Smoking cigarettes and thinking of what might have been
I'd lost it I just wasn't coping

I sat there and welcomed death
To ease the incredible pain
I felt from losing my baby
Grim reapers sweet refrain

In my crazy intense world, I totally forgot
My mother, my father and the pain that they'd feel
As they too lost there baby for no rhyme or reason
No second chances and no appeal

I'm not sorry of the decision to take my own life
but to my parents I infinitely regret
Nobody should have to bury their children
To them I owe a huge debt

One day in the future we'll all meet again
And there I can show them my child
Then they will see the joy that it brings
The baby, the life, their grandchild
" I live alone with the Lord, and my
His name is Noah. Does he dream of building
an Ark for all different kinds of humans.?
"I held your hand for 39 years, because
i felt the heat of your Heart.
Only a fool would let go."
 Jul 2016 andrew juma
You told me you cared.

And I asked you, why?

With your hands holding tight to my wrists you said,
No one deserves to go down that dark road.
Not alone at least.

I'm not dragging you down with me so I pushed you away.

Too late, you replied.
As we began falling.
I've already followed you down the rabbit hole, you said while smiling.
Soft, moonlight kisses
along dark, graceless waters
beckons for no one.
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