Your arms were home, your love - the fortress I dared not wander from.
I was safe and you were happy, until the walls came crashing down.
A thousand breaks and then some,
in the foundation we thought was indestructible.
I suppose that maybe ignorance is bliss.
When the wind hit my cheeks and there was nowhere to retreat,
I knew it was the end of the home I'd grown accustomed to.
Shattered glass windows, tearing through my skin.
You broke to pieces in front of my very eyes,
and I stood there amongst the storm
like a deer in the headlights - destroyed by you.
I called in the best of contractors, to fix up the home I once knew.
But when the mess was cleaned up, you changed the locks on me.
With nowhere to go, I sought refuge in the beds of strangers.
But I keep finding shards of glass where no doctors can see -
lodged between my heart and the space you left between us.
Isn't it funny how safety can turn its back on you,
and how the best of repairs can never make things new.
It's time to find a new estate, with top line security.
I won't be hurt again, not taken by surprise.
I know you changed the locks,
and my doors will always stay closed.
But if you change your mind,
just climb in through my window.