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 Sep 2016 V
Melinda Barrett
I was a special little girl
Who was forgotten in this world
No one bothered to water me
Or let the sun shine on my leaves
No one told me that I could sing
They held me down & clipped my wings
They grew back just so I could see
Who I was always meant to be
 Sep 2016 V
Vince Lemuel
you're a work of art; for only the begetter could understand you completely
for my one and only,love
 Sep 2016 V
It was January when I met you
February when we kissed
March was the time it was all full of bliss
April we went to the beach together
May i took you home to meet my mother
June we walked in the park everyday
July we went and watched the parade play
August was our first serious fight
September you stopped coming over at night
October I asked if we were okay
November it was freezing everyday
December we went our separate ways
It is January and I met you again today
Thank you
 Aug 2016 V
 Aug 2016 V
I don't know
If I want you
If I want you to want *me

— The End —