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 Apr 2016 Amber smith
We are all sinners
We all have shame
Some just hide it better
But it's all the same
Its easy to be
In a nice sheltered life
And judge other people
For misunderstood strife
The fact of the matter is
You dont know what you'd do
If an awful, life changing
Decision confronted you
Is not passing judgement
A wrong in its self?
What gives anyone the right
To judge someone else?
No one wrong
Is worse than another
So perhaps we should all shut up
And not preach at each other
Come tell me about it
When your kid's starving and you have to steal
Or you're twelve, knocked up
And now life's real
Tell me about it when you've grown up
Dirt poor and lost hope
So in order to keep sanity
You get hooked on some dope
Tell me about it when you get *****
And you have to make a choice
But the people keep trying
To shut you up and take your voice
That's right folks,
No one is more wrong or sinful than the other
We were all created equal
Sisters and brothers
We are ALL sinners
We ALL have shame
Some just hide it better
But it's all the same
I realise these are touchy subjects. I'm sorry if I've offended anyone. This is just the way I see things.
 Apr 2016 Amber smith
We are none truly alone,
I've written of this before
I shall write of our souls
And the invisible chains, once more

We are all connected,
By these universal chains
From the beggar on the corner,
To the broker squandering gains

We are seven billion shades,
Different shades of the same hue
From me here in my mountains,
Across the earth to you

Whether you're a dancer,
Stepping to a tune
Or a night fisherman,
Gathering food, under the moon

These universal chains,
They bind us each together
That's what the universe wanted,
And so it is forever

Each time you defame,
Your fellow human across the way
You're defaming part of yourself,
So be careful what you say

This is how its been since the beginning
This is how it is until the end
Be kind to each other,
Remember we're all akin
Oh wow! Thank you my fellow poets. Thank you for reading and liking my words.<3
They say sticks and stones may break my bones,
But words will never hurt me,
Yet it's words that Pierce through the skin faster than any weapon,
Your sticks and stones may break me,
Yet the pain of that can fade away,
But a single word can cause pain for eternity,
A Pain that we never forget,
A pain that forever haunts us in our sleep,
It's like a wound  that never scars,
It just keeps open as a reminder,
A reminder of the day when we realized
Our hearts can be damaged,
I walk a lonely path
All on my own
Healing from my demons' wrath
Desperate and alone.
No end is in sight
No relief draws near
Hope has died in the dead of night
This road I walk is fear.
This path built on vows
Broken and unkept
Leaves me to ponder the whys and hows
Of every tear I have wept.
On this dark and painful road
That's brought me to the edge of despair
I walk lonely with my heavy load
Wandering through an endless nightmare.
I don't know how this one turned out, but I hope whoever reads this has a good day or night or whatever time it is when you read this.
What is life?
It’s whatever you want it to be
Its trigonometry, geometry, and philosophy
Its happiness, sadness, and every single emotion, you see?
Life is filled with excitement, enlightenment, and greatness indeed
But what is the meaning of life?
It’s whatever you desire it to be
 Apr 2016 Amber smith
Just Melz
There's nothing more romantic
          in my eyes
        Than holding your hand
   And talking about our lives
          Because in my mind
The only thing better than the fantasy
        Is the intimacy I feel
  When it's just you and me
Sapiosexual: Finding someone's intelligence to be their most sexually attractive feature.

For DaSH, the sexiest and smartest man I know. <3
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