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3.1k · Aug 2015
I think perhaps the saddest thing,
that happens when you lose a dog.
Is you know you're gonna stop seeing there hairs,
but you still don't see it coming,
when it hits you,
you haven't has a hair on your coght,
in months.
1.4k · Jan 2014
Boyfriend Material
What is he like?
How does he dress?
What does he read?

The questions come flooding in like my feelings when I first saw him,
except instead of riding the wave,
I'm drowning in it.

Drowning in scrutinizing eyes,
curious mouth,
and women past their prime,
trying to live vicariously through me.

How old is he?
What's his major?
Where does he go to school?

A word of advice,
never start dating around the holidays,
you instantly become the center of attention.

There intentions are good,
but they hold my regard for them far to high.
Thinking, they can pass of fail the one I love like a school boy on an exam.
Thinking, they can void him like an unfavorable law.
Thinking, there opinion really matters to me.

Where is he from?
What does his parents do?
How long have you known him?

I humor them,
for these conversations can be fun sometimes,
I do love talking about him.

Though the questions are never ending,
as though we are in a ring,
and they are looking for an opening,
circling around me,
trying to find the week spot.

Interrogation me,
trying to make me crack,
for surely no boy can be so perfect.

Where does he work?
Does he watch sports?
What clubs is he in?

I do not understand why they feel so entitled to my life,
I do not understand when my happiness stopped being enough.
I do not understand when you became part of our relationship.

I love him,
and he loves me,
and everyone else will just have to live with that.

Approval be ******.
1.3k · Jul 2014
I know I should not assume you are mine,
I have to share you.

But I got so used to having you,
I stumble without your presence,
and am ashamed.

I can go another day without seeing you,
but the problem is,
I wasn't planing to.
1.2k · Mar 2016
With Whisky in my Veins
I  miss my innocence,

I miss not understanding,

I miss ignorance.

Once upon a time,

I knew very little,

and I was happy.

Once upon a time,

I feared ignorance,

because I knew I possessed it,

and I was happy.

Once upon a time,

I loved,

and lost,

and it made me,

1.1k · Feb 2014
B in Basic Drawing I
I put pencil to paper,
I freeze up.

I want to draw,
but ever since I started getting grades on them,
I can't.

I used to draw to get away from my work,
now it is my work.

I used to draw to destress,
now it is the main cause of it.

I just want to be able to doodle again.
Poems in Topics and Contemporary Math
1.1k · Apr 2014
Emotions come and go,
a falling feeling in my stomach,
reminds me,
I'm looking the battle.
I scratch,
and search frantically,
I must gain control.
I will not start over,
after all my progress,
I refuse to start over.
But the waves keep crashing,
and I am sinking.
1.0k · Dec 2013
The Little Things
The little thing's I do not share,
the little things I keep inside.

To hear you sing to your car radio,
to hear your passion,
to watch you drive.
As the lights of the rode caress your face,
I see your eyes flicker to me,
and you make a sidewise smile as you notice my gaze.

I study you,
like I do the **** models I draw for hours on end.
Memorizing every curve,
every dip,
every line.

When you tell me you love me you don't just with your lips,
but with your eyes,
with your body,
with your sole.

I feel as we are intertwined under the covers our sole are somehow combined.
Like hydrogen and oxygen we create life,
like potassium permanganate and glycerol we ignite
like Potassium Chlorate and Sulfur we explode into a show so stunning it lights up the faces of everyone around us.

Your kiss,
when the world is swirling around us and I make myself sick with worry,
you can make it stop.
You hold my face in my hands and keep everything else out,
if just for a second,
we're alone.

When you look at me with the saddest eye to ever grace this Earth,
I do not wonder why you worry,
but I wonder what would ever make you think I would leave,
I could leave.
Yet sometimes I worry the same.

with all of your love.

with all of your flaws.

You sometimes forget how to "relationship,"
but you never forget me.

you hit walls when your angry,
but I will always be here to bandage your wounds.

sometimes can't vocalise everything you mean properly,
but you don't need to,
because I know,
and I feel it too.

run off and get yourself in so much trouble,
but I keep you in line,
and you teach me how to step outside them sometimes.

These little thing I take note of and never share,
I wonder what little things you keep of me.
Just another cheesy love poem written in the odd hours of the morning.
1.0k · Jan 2014
You Will Not Ruin Me
Everytime I see you,
I can feel your hate,
your jealousy,
green runs through your veins.

You push everyone away,
you make us hate you,
because you love to be miserable.
Nothing pleases you more then being pitied,
you feed off of it.

Always having that hardest life,
the hardest time,
trying to compare everything,
wanting to be the best at something.

If you can not have his love,
at least you can have his attention,
if only for a moment,
the thought of you shadow thoughts of me.

I know how you work,
I've seen it before,
I see your motive,
and your thoughts,
you are no longer a mystery to me.

I reached out an olive branch,
even after all the pain you put me though,
and you lit it on fire.
Watching the flames dance,
as your face lit up with glee,
you hurt me again.

I now battle with my own demon,
I can not rememmber the last time it reared its ugly head,
but I promise,
I will stop wasting,
my energy,
on you.
I wrote this in math class instead of doing math...
963 · Jan 2014
By Your Side
I will be your rock,
when you feel there is no one left,
stand on me and I will give you stability.

Let me hold you and block out the world,
let me mend your wounds,
and love your scars.

As long as you let me I will always be there for you,
do not try push me away,
I will not go.

You simply need to take my hand,
reach out,
I will always be by your side.

I will not forsake you,
I will not forget you,
and I will always love you.

I can no promise that I will be perfect,
that we will always be happy,
or that I will not have my faults.

But I swear to you,
I will never give up on you,
just please try to remember,
how much you mean to me.
921 · Jan 2014
Tick, tick, tick.

The sounds of his fingers dancing on his keyboard,
lulling to me to sleep.

Click, click, click.

The sounds of him fighting the boss battle,
leads me to my dreams.

Scratch, scratch, scratch.

The sounds of her drawing,
guards me as I rest.

The glow of the television eliminating our faces.

Surrounded by friends,
I see no better way,
to end my day.
883 · Dec 2013
A Sudden Goodbye
There are days where I still feel guilt,
for letting my loyalty slip.

For falling,
away from you,
and for him.

These days I look at old photos of us,
and I realize,
I do not love you.
I look and I see someone who cared for me,
who looked after me,
who I spent a year and a half with,
but whom I no longer love.

I know that there was a time where I loved you,
where no one could make me smile quite like you.
No one could make me feel so comfortable,
and no one else occupied my dreams.

We, do not work.

We are too different and you are too controlling.
I would talk about my passions to you and your eyes would glaze over.
I would listen to music with you, but when you sang the words,
there was no fervor.
I would make a joke, and you would be offended.
You would make a joke,
and I would laugh,
even if it wasn't funny.

You would proclaim your love to me in any in every way possible.
In public,
in private,
and I felt secure.
Secure that you would never leave me,
but not that I would never leave you.

You would blame me for all of our problems,
but never out right.
You would make me feel like **** about have a disorder I could not control,
but you would do it with words of love.
You blinded me from all I wanted to accomplish,
cradled me with indifference,
suffocated me with safety.

I slipped,
I fell,
and I could not control it.
When a boy came up to me and fixed my clipped wings,
flew beside me instead of tying me down,
gave me freedom and love and hope.
I fell,
I flew,
I left.
I never understood,
why being quite some days,
is sinomis with being upset.

Some days I just like to watch,
I find that if most people took the time to observe,
we would have a lot more optimis.

Sometimes you need to get out of your own head,
and just watch and listen to others,
because that is the only way you'll ever understand them.

Some days you need to stop talking,
over all of the voices,
that are trying to teach you so many lessons.

When you are talking,
you are not learning,
but when you stop,
that's where the lesson begins.

You don't always have to be the one telling the punch line,
to enjoy a friends smile.

People are too busy trying to do,
to actually be.
To just sit with your friends,
watch them interact,
and enjoy being there.
810 · Mar 2014
There is nothing worst,
then thous days you can feel yourself slipping,
your seems bursting,
your emotions braking though.
You're just waiting for something,
to evenly,
shatter you.

All day,
you live your life like your standing on the edge of a cliff,
and the rocks beneath your feet,
are crumbling away.

You start to fear,
where will I go off?
It probably wont even be justified,
and that's the worst part,
you're to weak to be able to handle your own emotions.

When the seal is finally broken,
you can only wait for everything to spill out,
for the flow to slow enough,
that you can cap it again,
and wait for the next build up.
Get yourself together,
and pretend,
that you are,
766 · Jan 2014
Home is a funny place,
its somewhere between love,
and a warm bed.

It lives between a building,
and a sole.

It is a place,
an idea,
and a person.

Home is where you can be yourself,
where you don't need to try,
and you are loved.

Home does not need to be where you live,
or where you sleep,
or where you keep your things.

It can be in a hallway,
on your way to class.

On a beach,
in the middle of summer.

In a restaurant,
surrounded by people.

In a studio,
in a hug,
on the street.

Home can be a place,
but it can move.

Though your address may never change,
your home could be always moving.

You may think that you lost your home,
but maybe you just lost yourself.
When you find it again,
you will see,
it has always been waiting.

Home may not always be the easiest place to be,
it needs constant upkeep,
and it is not always simple.

Everything you put into your home,
will come back,
and the more people you invite in,
the larger it gets.

Dare to let them in,
dare to be hurt,
dare to build a home.

My friends,
thank you,
for building a home,
with me.
736 · Jan 2014
2AM Love Poem
On the nights I'm not with you,
I think of the time you first kissed me,
and how delightfully surprised I was.

On the nights I sleep alone,
I think of how we met,
and how a simple twist of fate has changed everything.

On the nights I'm sad,
I think of how you look at me,
and how you just stare with the goofy sideways smile.

On the nights I'm mad,
I think of how you hold me,
and how a simple hug can brighten my day.

On the nights I can not sleep,
I think of the boy who saved me,
and how in such short a time I have fallen for him.

I think of our similarities
and our differences.

Our values
and our flaws.

But most of all,
most of all I think of how your hand fits in mine,
and how I will never let it go.
Half awake and cheesy as all hell.
731 · Jan 2014
I'll Never Leave You
I'm here!
I swear I'm here,
I'll never leave your side,
and though I know you don't always believe me,
I love you,
and you are beautiful.

I'm sorry we don't talk every day,
I'm sorry I can't always be by your side,
I'm sorry I can't protect you.

Come with me,
let us block out the world,
if only for a while,
let us feel valued.

I wonder why,
the rest of the world don't see you,
like I do.
What do they see,
when they look at you?
For they can't be seeing the same thing I do,
otherwise they would know how lucky they were,
just to have met you.

I'm not always there,
but I want to be,
I want to help,
but how do you defeat an enemy,
that is inside you?

You do not see what I do,
but I see someone who can conquer the world,
I see someone who can write,
who saved me,
and never lets me wonder far.

I'm here!
Please just know I'm here,
and I love you.
702 · Jan 2014
Winter Storms

As the first snow falls to the ground,

it leaves us housebound.

The whistling silence that lives outside,

from this I must hide.

As the fires breath gives us heat,

this is where we meet,

brought together through simple circumstance,

I look out as the snowflakes dance.



goes the unhinged doors,

the storms hunger begs for more.


goes the broken branches,

for a second our blood flow stanches.


The eyes of the fire jump out,

for more firewood it shouts,

this beast we must keep at bay,

it's the only way to make the warmth stay.

The hunger that is outside, and that that is in,

one so cold, the other burns the skin.

From these to poisons we must choose,

oh this winter we are paying our dues.

I think of spring and all it promises,

but all I can hear is,

My first real attempt at a rhyme scheme.
648 · Jan 2014
A tight squeeze,
reassuring me that he is still there,
and everything will be okey.
Looking at the hands,
Hands that will wither,
and grow old,

A slap on the back,
slightly harder than intended,
letting me know it was all in good fun.
Reassuring me that this friendship is real,
and valued.

A little hand in mine,
holding tightly,
as we weave through people.
I am telling him that he is safe,
with me.

Rough hands help me off the ground,
like they have numerous times before,
they are always there for me,
catching me whenever I fall.

Hand tell stories words can not,
they convey emotions that are ineffable.
Where words fail,
hands sing.
626 · Feb 2014
That Girlfriend
Stupid little things that don't matter,
that get to me.

I don't know why I feel forgotten sometimes,
or out of place.

I don't want to need to be around you,
or feel like when I hang out with you and your friends I'm being too much.

I don't want to be that girl.

The one who gets upset when it take you over a half hour to reply,
we're busy people,
and neither of us are attached to our phones.

I don't know how I always convince myself you don't miss me,
you don't really want me around.

So I try to give you space,
but then do you take that as me pushing you away?

I never dought you when we are together,
but maybe that means,
I need to spend some time alone.

Maybe I have to get used to not always being around you,
not relying on you so much.

But I want you to rely on me,
and I want us to stay as close as we are.

There is nothing wrong with our relationship,
but my mind keeps telling me there is.

That I'm going to get hurt,
that I'm doing something wrong,
that I'm too clingy,
too distent,
too needy,
not open enough.

Sometimes I feel like I don't say I love you enough,
but then I feel like I do it too much.

My head is whirling with insecurities,
that I fear will drive you away.

"Look at you feeling upset because he not around,
or he said something wrong,
or didn't answer your text."

"Look at yourself."
I think,
"This is disgraceful, do you really think anyone would want to be with someone so clingy so needy so broken"

"You are already loaded down with baggage,
now you're going to be overly attached too."

These thoughts I wish could be silenced,
but keep running through my head,
I fear to be that girl,
but look at yourself,
look at yourself,
you already are.
621 · Dec 2013
I love you
I love you,
I love you,
I love you.

You never gave me reason to doubt these words,
but what reason have to given me to believe them?

When I wait around all day to hear from you,
clear the day for our date,
though a time is never set,
if it ever comes.

When I do not feel like a priority,
or even a thought.

When you have plenty of time for your friends,
but never for me.

When you are only around me,
when it is convenient for you.

What meaning do your words hold?

I love you,
I love you,
I love you.

It echoes in my head,
three little words that keep me coming back.

I do not understand why you do this,
or if you even know what you are doing.

I love you.

I feel my heart skip a beat every time I see you,
my love for you pores out of me,
it fills me up.

I love you.

When you do not answer,
when you keep me waiting,
I feel as if your love for me has dried up.

I love you.

And if you ever read this,
I worry more about it hurting you,
then about it helping me.

I love you.

Even when you do not answer me for hours,
I smile when I finally see you have.

I love you.

I say it over and over hoping it will sting lessen every time,
but I can not deny that I do not always feel your love.

I have seen a new side of you and I do not think I like it,
we should have never brought this here,
we should have stayed just friends,
but even still the pain you bring to my heart,
pails in comparison,
to the joy you bring,
when you mend it.

I love you
Old poem I re wrote
584 · Dec 2013
Age is but a Nummber
Daddy stop!

Mommy don't go!

The bell rings and there at it again,
circling each other waiting for an opening.

Though I may have aged,
when this happens I am back to being seven.

Watching wide eyed as the lion and the lioness size each other up,
and then the brawl begins.

It starts off soft,
first the strings,
then slowly but surely,
all of the instruments are added in.

Before you know it all you can here is the
of the drums,
and the,
of the cymbals.

Every beat is being thrown at me,
I retreat to my room,
but there is no safety there.

Eventually it gets silent,
until you hear the footsteps.

With every stride you can hear them sharpening their blade,
preparing to take down one more,
and with one swing,
I fall.
563 · Apr 2014
I'm constantly,
by your innate ability,
to know me.
To love me,
and comfort,
I find a familiarity with you,
one that needs no walls.
I would often lay in bed at night,
and be home sick,
laying in the house I lived in,
knowing this is not where I belong.
I have found it now though,
and it is with you,
when we go on adventures,
when we travel,
when we talk,
and when we lay in bed,
in the house we live in.
562 · Mar 2014
Our Song
your music,
every song has once remended you of another girl,
another relationship,
in another time.
Songs of sweet love,
and never giving up,
songs of hope,
and romance.
I would listen with you,
but couldn't help but know,
that it was another,
None of those songs are ours,
none define us,
we can not be held in lyrics.
Only pure emotions can describe us,
no group of phrases,
The first song you ever showed me was pure,
it was a new song to you,
as we were,
to each other.
There was no history behind it,
no exes it could remind you of,
no words trying to grasp the concept of love.
Only music.
Only love.
Only us.
Explosions in the Sky - Your Hand in Mine
559 · Feb 2014
I feel like my heart is going burst.
Like I will never be able to convey,
just how much I love you.

At first it scared me,
just how much I could love another.

I always got all my love from my friends,
they were all I needed,
boys lead to broken houses.

Even when I picked someone "safe",
I got hurt.

I took a chance on you,
a leap of faith,
and it was more then worth it.

This is more then a relationship,
it's friendship.

Dancing in laughter and light,
even when the darkness corners me,
you take my hand,
and everything lightens,
if just a little.

When the monsters in my head insist that there's nothing left,
screaming that it would be better if it was over,
you can silence them.

I never thought I would find someone,
with such a profound impact on me.

I never thought I would find someone,
who I could have such a profound impact on.

A team,
who has fallin',
for each other.
551 · Jul 2014
Time passes so slowly when your waiting,
waiting to move on,
and out.
538 · Jan 2014
Gentle Love
The first love I felt was like a fire,
it started slow,
and then it grew into a blaze.
The heat became so intense it hurt to be around,
and required all of my attention to keep it under control.

It consumed everything,
it's light so bright it blinded me from what I needed to see.

But this love,
this love is kind,
and soft.

It's rooted in friendship,
and flows like a river.

It's calms me,
centers me,
and is unwavering.

This is a life of stability,
and acceptance.

I don't have to question my actions,
or feel guilty for things I don't even understand.

This is a gentle love.
502 · Mar 2014
An inability to stay still,
a celebration life,
an acceptance of death.
and able to be alone.
Consumed in the notes,
and yourself,
feeling the company of others around.
A life separate from your own,
while also,
and dealing,
with emotions you could not comprehend,
Healing the wounds,
a goal to strive for,
Screen - Twenty One Pilots
The Run and Go - Twenty One Pilots
493 · Sep 2014
And so it Grows
all night long,
learning and trying,
tutoring with patients,
and so it grows...

Saving myself,
protecting me,
form others,
from myself,
and so it grows...

Laughing at nothing,
as we lay in darkness,
pushing us closer together,
and so it grows...

oh the naps,
taking time for ourselves,
alone in company,
and so it grows...

As it blossoms,
as it strengthens,
and oh how it grew.
Finally I have arrived,
here a place where I am free,
from the stresses behind me.

There is new adventures here,
new pains,
new loves,
or at the very least different ones.

Somehow when I come here,
I lose all my tolerance for my ghosts.
They linger,
and very rarely,
they break through.

When they do,
when they visit,
I feel as if I am a child.
New to the pains of this world,
unknowing of tolerance,
as thin,
as paper.

When they get to close,
when I have to face them straight on,
I feel as though someone has doused my fire,
and I'll hibernate,
until it passes.
478 · Jul 2014
The brake room is a minefield,
filled with factless options,
readily being shouted across the room.

"Man I can stand thous ****."
Clams one boy,
to young to already have his judgement clouded by the hatred in this world.

"It's like all of a sudden this world is loosing it's morals..."
mumbles another,
ever so quietly I sit,
surrounded by people who,
though they don't know it,
hate me.

"Those Democrats think they can strip this of all it stands for."

Finally the loudest of them,
turns to me,
and dares to ask,
"What's your option in all this little lady?"

I look at the faces of these men,
all but one are far past there prime,
and I,
the small new girl,
feel like a gazelle surrounded by lions.

They already know my option,
they've assumed,
"You have to be liberal with blue hair like that, no to mention the ****** piercings..."

"Well, I'll put it this way,"
I say when I finally find it in me to speak,
"If I can't cry at my best friends wedding because some,
close minded,
self centered,
are to discussed by the fact that she is not marrying someone who fits there standers,
but instead is marrying for love,
we're gonna have a problem."

They sit there for a minute,
ether pondering my words,
or out of sheer shock that I spoke at all,
and I use that moment to take my leave.

When one shouts after me,
"Eh, your young, your option doesn't even really matter yet."

To which I have no choose but to point out that,
"My option is one of the future, that is where where heading, and it doesn't matter if you like it cuz you have you head to far up your *** to see it anyways."

And with this,
I finally am freed from this accursed room,
from now on I'll take me lunches in my office.
428 · Jan 2014
from a past lover,
cover every inch of my body.
Every place has been explored,
and exposed.

Cuts and bruises,
scars from pain,
left by my family,
they ache when I am reminded of them.

Broken bones,
from people I once trusted,
to catch me when I fell,
let me slip through their fingers.

My past has left me marked,
my past has left me tattered and worn,
my past has left me broken.
423 · Sep 2014
Puoi ripetere, per favore?


Puoi ripetere, per favore?

Mi chiami-

Mi chiamo!

Mi chiamo, Alyssa.

Meraviglioso! Puoi ripetere, per favore?


Chiamo! Mi chiamo!

Perché non si può rimanere...
First time taking a language in 6 years, it's not my forte.
422 · Feb 2014
My Only Sunshine
I wish the sun on my face,
could shine a light on my mind.

Warm my soul,
as it warms my skin.

The gentle kiss of the rays,
could awaken me,
move me,
and fill me up.

Even if it burnt,
it would be better than ice.

I wish for it to penetrate the skin,
and heart.

Brighten me,
as it does the morning.
Poems in Topics and Contemporary Math
415 · Feb 2014
My Friends I Survive By
I want to frame this moment,
and keep it forever.

Hang it in a gallery,
along side everything else I care for.

Have people in pressed collars,
and dark suits,
come to see us,
as we are.

I want to frame this moment,
and always be able to go back to it.

Memorize every brush stroke,
trace the lines,
we left.

Moments like these,
Are the ones I'll look back on,
and smile.

For even in the darkest moments,
we were able to find,
411 · May 2014
You Are My Muse
Never have I heard of words so sweet,
these words that strike my heart offbeat.

Though isn't it crazy,
oh so it seems,
that you are also,
a muse to me.
409 · Jul 2014
I feel,

For you see in my last relationship I was smothered,
bombarded with confections of love.

And I hated it.

I needed to breath,
and spread my wings,
so I left.

However now everything is much more...

Now I text to much,
I ask for your attention to much,
I take up to much of your time.

And though, though are all lies,
I can't help but feel ,

My self loathing thoughts creep in,
more like they rush in,
flooding my brain,
downing in sorrows I can not share.
Simply because I don't want to take up more of your time,
you had no idea what you were in for when we started this,
you didn't know that what you were getting,

I'm afraid,
for I have found a solace in you that only my closest friends have given me before,
and I don't want to loose that,

I need to think differently,
look up,
cheer up,
for it's not like this is the first time mental illness has effect you,

At least you have someone "special."
But you see I have always had special people in my life,
this one just has not been around long enough,
for me to know,
that they will stay,
if you will stay.

Or leave me broken,
more broken,
but not alone,
never alone.
402 · Dec 2013
Pages to be Filled
When the soul leaves the body,
where does it go?

Does it fly up to heaven,
being with everyone that it has ever held dear,
relax in a place of paradise?

Does is cross the great plains of this Earth,
seeing all it has missed in it's life,
watching whom it loves from above?

Does it go on a grate adventure,
solving puzzles,
fulfilling a quest?

Does it fill another,
as the last breath from its body fades,
it is breathed in by a childs first?

I can not believe that our adventure can end so abruptly,
I think that there are still stories to be told,
and pages to write.

if there is not,
then I just want mine to be a book worth reading.
If I was your first,
would you have appreciated me as much?

Would you still know that I was the one for you,
and there was no one else?

If I was your second,
would you have grown enough?

Would you know how to love someone,
and how to treat anothers heart?

If I was your third,
would you still have tryed so hard?

Would you know know love is worth fighting for,
would you never give in?

If I was your fourth,
would you be so pashen?

Knowing that love is worth waiting for,
and being so easy to forgive?

If you were my first,
would I have been ready?

Would I be able to handle such a large commitment,
and know what a healthy relationship looks like?

Through trial and evor,
we found each other,
I don't care that I'm not your first,
as long as I'm your last.
Poems in Topics and Contemporary Math
398 · Feb 2014
why am I still afraid?

You have done everything right,
you have brought down so many of my walls,
and I feel safe in your arms.

Still I feel jealousy for people who are not my rival,
still I worry about things I just can not put my finger on.

I do not fear forever with you,
why am I still ,
386 · Apr 2014
Sweet release,
until the clouds faid.
Mental freedom,
until your vision clears.
For only a few minutes you forget your pain,
and you can laugh freely.
When it comes back though,
it comes back at full force,
making up for lost time.
So you scramble to find a new release,
a better one,
a stronger one.
When you are looking for mental liberation,
first think of your state of mind,
and why it is you want it,
before you need it.
I've seen it before,
stop it before it begins,
for me.
383 · Dec 2013
Why is it that the people we think of first,
are the last to think of us?

When messages are left unresponded to,
yet are seen.
When calls are left un answered,
yet herd.
We are left to deal with these emotions alone.
380 · Jun 2014
God's Children
Over the years my faith has faltered,
until it nearly fell.
I never really could understand why,
good people went through hell.

Or how a God so "merciful" and "just,"
could create a world as ours.
One filled with pain,
and people,
who do nothing but tear us down.

Life only made harder by people we hold dear,
when there not around.

I never really could understand why,
God would let my Mother cry.
When babys born are soon babys buried,
and parents left behind.

Where souls are lost and misguided,
and though you reach out still,
a hand is never returned,
and this,
this brakes your will.

I never really could understand how,
God could really exist.

No matter where,
I could not find an answer,
so let me tell you this.

I see God in the faces of friends,
the ones that help me though,
for if God really does exist,
he must exist in you.
375 · Jan 2014
Warm welcoming hallways,
friendly smiles,
warm bed.

I look forward to returning to a place that feels more like home,
then my house,
ever did.

paragraphs said in silence,

I will miss the people that know me best,
and have brought me this far.

Without whom,
I would be lost.
375 · Feb 2014
My Daily Confessional
Isn't it funny,
that by simply writing down my feelings,
letting them out,
I feel better.

Some think the people who writing such sad things are wallowing in pain,
when really,
there fighting.
369 · Feb 2014
Never Alone
Time alone,
and moments of silence,
are few,
and far between here.

Swimming in a room of voices,
diving into the world,
and I find myself,
enjoying it.

I don't miss being alone,
nights where I would have dates with myself.

I could never go a cupel days,
without being alone,

But here,
I find myself in love,
with this life,
and these people
350 · May 2014
Dark Days
Can you hear me?
Can you see me?

Would you care if you could?
Or would you leave me,
Left with no answers,
reaching out to you,
only to be,

Do you even look anymore?
Or do you just serinad me with words,
that just push the knife in deeper?

Maybe its all in my head,
for life doesn't come with rules,
or guidance.

Maybe still,
you have made a decision,
that is unbeknownst,
to me.
348 · Jun 2014
Thank You
There are some people,
who no matter how far you reach,
how loud you scream,
or how long you wait,
they will never come.

Then there are some people,
who no matter how hard you push,
even though you don't deserve it,
they will never give up on you.
340 · Mar 2014
Black Holes
The tightness in your chest,
like a black hole is forming,
******* up every emotion,
except fear.
Then the shaking,
like an earthquake going down your spine,
you try to gain control,
but there is nothing you can do but wait.
as the tears start rushing,
and you just want to be held,
but you must not be a burden.
You're too much work,
you're too much time,
you're trying to control his life.
You can see the red flags forming around you,
and if you were someone else,
who saw you,
you would run,
and so will he,
I must not be a burden.
I must not be a burden.
I must not be a burden.
Everything closing in,
you lose control of your own body,
you crave the comfort of another,
but crave more to not be a strain.
Your making their life more difficult.
You just want to curl on the floor,
and let it all out,
all of the tears,
and emotions,
but you can't.
You know any minute someone is going to walk through your door,
so you must stay composed,
no matter how much it would help you now to have them,
letting loose could cause you to lose them forever.
Stay strong.
Just stay strong.
You beg to yourself not to make your pain visabul,
but you just want to be held.
Stay strong.
Just stay strong.
335 · Apr 2014
Day After Day
"I would **** for a pause button."
He says as we lay together reflecting on our lives.
"Just to be able to take some time off,
evory day just feels the same and I'm drowning in it,"

and as much as I related,
as much as I would be tempted to push that button if given the chance,
I don't.

For our lives are made in the mundane,
our lives really exist between the extraordinary.
When we look back on our days once lived we don't long for the days of excitement,
though we may look back on them fondly,
we dream of our old patterns.

The days we knew what laid ahead,
the days that weave together into a tapestry of life.

The days we sat in class with notes,
and friends.

We truly exist,
and find ourselves,
in the routines,
that we build.

So please appreciate your richuals,
love your moments of calm,
revel in your hours of knowing where you are and who you're with,
for now it may seem eternal,
but even life itself is fleeting.
328 · Mar 2014
To Feel Again
What is the point of living if you can't feel?

There is none,
I concluded on a New England night.
Emotions are what drive us,
and what keep up from simply bing zombies walking through the world.

Emotions are what make life worth living,
and I have locked mine away.

Deep within the recesses of my mine,
I found them,
and let them out.

Years of unnoticed pain now burn my veins,
I must learn how to live life,
all over again.
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