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I  miss my innocence,

I miss not understanding,

I miss ignorance.

Once upon a time,

I knew very little,

and I was happy.

Once upon a time,

I feared ignorance,

because I knew I possessed it,

and I was happy.

Once upon a time,

I loved,

and lost,

and it made me,

I think perhaps the saddest thing,
that happens when you lose a dog.
Is you know you're gonna stop seeing there hairs,
but you still don't see it coming,
when it hits you,
you haven't has a hair on your coght,
in months.
all night long,
learning and trying,
tutoring with patients,
and so it grows...

Saving myself,
protecting me,
form others,
from myself,
and so it grows...

Laughing at nothing,
as we lay in darkness,
pushing us closer together,
and so it grows...

oh the naps,
taking time for ourselves,
alone in company,
and so it grows...

As it blossoms,
as it strengthens,
and oh how it grew.
Puoi ripetere, per favore?


Puoi ripetere, per favore?

Mi chiami-

Mi chiamo!

Mi chiamo, Alyssa.

Meraviglioso! Puoi ripetere, per favore?


Chiamo! Mi chiamo!

Perché non si può rimanere...
First time taking a language in 6 years, it's not my forte.
Finally I have arrived,
here a place where I am free,
from the stresses behind me.

There is new adventures here,
new pains,
new loves,
or at the very least different ones.

Somehow when I come here,
I lose all my tolerance for my ghosts.
They linger,
and very rarely,
they break through.

When they do,
when they visit,
I feel as if I am a child.
New to the pains of this world,
unknowing of tolerance,
as thin,
as paper.

When they get to close,
when I have to face them straight on,
I feel as though someone has doused my fire,
and I'll hibernate,
until it passes.
I know I should not assume you are mine,
I have to share you.

But I got so used to having you,
I stumble without your presence,
and am ashamed.

I can go another day without seeing you,
but the problem is,
I wasn't planing to.
The brake room is a minefield,
filled with factless options,
readily being shouted across the room.

"Man I can stand thous ****."
Clams one boy,
to young to already have his judgement clouded by the hatred in this world.

"It's like all of a sudden this world is loosing it's morals..."
mumbles another,
ever so quietly I sit,
surrounded by people who,
though they don't know it,
hate me.

"Those Democrats think they can strip this of all it stands for."

Finally the loudest of them,
turns to me,
and dares to ask,
"What's your option in all this little lady?"

I look at the faces of these men,
all but one are far past there prime,
and I,
the small new girl,
feel like a gazelle surrounded by lions.

They already know my option,
they've assumed,
"You have to be liberal with blue hair like that, no to mention the ****** piercings..."

"Well, I'll put it this way,"
I say when I finally find it in me to speak,
"If I can't cry at my best friends wedding because some,
close minded,
self centered,
are to discussed by the fact that she is not marrying someone who fits there standers,
but instead is marrying for love,
we're gonna have a problem."

They sit there for a minute,
ether pondering my words,
or out of sheer shock that I spoke at all,
and I use that moment to take my leave.

When one shouts after me,
"Eh, your young, your option doesn't even really matter yet."

To which I have no choose but to point out that,
"My option is one of the future, that is where where heading, and it doesn't matter if you like it cuz you have you head to far up your *** to see it anyways."

And with this,
I finally am freed from this accursed room,
from now on I'll take me lunches in my office.
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