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am just waiting for five o'clock to get here.
and you
are over there hoping five o'clock never comes.
live in parallel universes for a moment.

my bones
ache from the weight of your soul.
and your bones
can't survive without a crutch called me.
live in parallel universes for a moment.

my eyes
open the rising of the sun.
and your eyes
widen with the waning of the moon.
live in parallel universes for a moment.

no longer love you.
and you
finally fell in love with me.
we live in parallel universes for a moment.
this poem was originally a text message i sent to my fiance because i leave work at five and that is when he starts work.  i look forward to five and he dreads it. the first stanza is the only part that holds any true relevance to my life. i had a good idea for a poem after sending him that, so i wrote this. ;)
Give me darkness, give me light
endless night, candlelight
show me danger, hold me safe
traces of evil on your serene face
be a hero, be a villain
stain these walls from within
then cleanse my house of sadness
but leave the insanity in
I like the suns rays on my face
as I float on the waters
of my fantasy
detached from
the real world
woven into the fibers of my being
forever molded into my body
is a strangeness
that sets me apart
its palpable like the
wind through my hair
and visible
like the look on your face
when I act crazy
If all that separates me from you
is just the sky and sea
I would learn how to both swim
and fly and breathe underwater
all so the miles grew into feet
and then to inches
and then to the palms of your hands.
Paint my world in shades of blue
invade my dreams
come to me
in visions of color
wrapped in mystery
make your presence felt
I welcome you
you are
the muse of all artists
the birth of ideas
an illusion of pure wonder

and awe
1: My face is disproportional to the rest of me
It looks so uncomfortable sitting on my shoulders
Like it's a holder for the weight of the world

#2: My eyes show too much expression
They cannot lie
Even in moments of severe desperation
When lying that no, I am not about to cry

#3: My words are always awkward
Especially when spoken
They convey the notion of stupidity
When that's not true in reality

#4: My inability to cope with any stressful circumstance
Always retreating
Always receding
Instead of seeking out help

#5: My self hate
My inability to love who I am
The constant wish that I was someone
Who can
Love themselves with their entire heart
And not be dragged into this never ending dark
Of despising yourself
But blaming everyone else
So my anxiety levels are really high today.
 Apr 2014 Alyssa Annamaria
the first time, touched
us, otherwise strangers
delving within ourselves
our overt close encounters
past intimate imitations
of love’s labour lost and gained
we collide
again and again
crossing over, crossing under
energies focused at the hip
flowing through & into one another
we release
feathers soaked
in each other’s essence
for soakyourfeathers on tumblr
 Mar 2014 Alyssa Annamaria
The Author's space consisted of lavender walls.
Hardwood Floors.
A stack of books for the night stand.
Coffee stained mugs on the dining table.

It had paintings of all sorts.
Not yet bloomed plants scattered here and there.
An orange Afghan lay across the leather couch.
Muddied boots by the door.

Now the author's house.
A whole other story.
Blank white walls.
White carpeted floors.
Clean tables.
Glass nightstands.

But as the Author wrote in his notebook.
The white velvet couch changed to worn leather.
His Styrofoam cup turned to stained ceramic.
His glass nightstand now old paperbacks.

His  imagination now working wonders.
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