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Aug 2014 · 1.4k
Alexandra J Aug 2014
I'd been waiting for you
on purposeless summer days,
when warmth would kidnap
my breath and my will.
I wished for rain to clean my soul
of unwanted excuses,
of unpleasant nights
when unforgiving thoughts took over.
I want your colours to overwhelm
my grey lens,
and your taste of death
to remind me that I'm living.
With you, I'm sitting on the edge of a cliff,
lip biting my courage
into daring to take the plunge.
Oh, my-
I might be flying.
Aug 2014 · 317
Alexandra J Aug 2014
I am nothing but a spring flower,
waiting to rise from the once frozen ground
and claim her return.
I am nothing but the summer air,
with a tint of hope,
with a tint of freedom.
I am nothing but an autumn leaf,
counting down to the day
I let myself fall.
I am nothing but winter frost-
born from the cold.
Aug 2014 · 260
inside death
Alexandra J Aug 2014
Such a betrayal-
to be deserted on the floor by your own body,
to be reduced to darkness by your own eyelids,
to be denied air by your own lungs.
The senses fade,
the will vanishes,
the colours run dry.
Something has died.
And now flies swarm around my mind.
Alexandra J Jul 2014
Has it really been that long since

flowers were blooming in my hair,

stars were shining in my eyes

and tingles were dancing on my lips?

It feels like only yesterday that

you picked all my flowers,

shot at my stars

and pressed your lips to mine

until all the tingles faded.

Has it really been that long

Since I fell into a deep winter?

Maybe spring’s just around the corner.
Jul 2014 · 26.9k
Alexandra J Jul 2014
I remember you told me
I was like a lit candle -
Warm and soothing,
But dangerous,
When left unattended.
If I had known you’d leave,
I would’ve burned down
The house we built so
But when you slammed the door shut
That last time,
You put out my flame.
Jul 2014 · 4.3k
Alexandra J Jul 2014
I thought I saw you today,
Between wild waves of the sea.
I recognized your movements:
But oh so attractive
Oh so very tempting.
The sea breeze touched my face,
Just like your kisses.
I never realized how cold they were,
Until you took the sun off my sky.
You were like grains of sand
Still found on your skin
Weeks after leaving the beach.
Needless to say,
I might never get away from you.
Jun 2014 · 349
Alexandra J Jun 2014
I feel like I watch life pass by
From behind bulletproof glass
As if I'm a museum exhibit
Just waiting for time
To make me priceless.
No wind
No sun
Not much air left.
Jun 2014 · 321
Alexandra J Jun 2014
The only thing I've got left
Are three rose petals
From the night
You made me your own.
They were once white,
Pure, hopeful, innocent,
Much like me,
A fragile petal in your claw.
Now, they've become yellow,
Much like our love,
Ill, broken,
Perhaps I should let them go
And be carried by the wind
In the place of all things lost.
Only I would have to go too,
For I am no longer found
By you.
Jun 2014 · 327
Alexandra J Jun 2014
I am a pool of broken glass:
Sharp edges
And rough surfaces.
No matter how gently you dive in,
I am bound to hurt you.
Once, I was a beautiful stained glass.
Now, I am only stains and pieces.
Jun 2014 · 5.8k
Alexandra J Jun 2014
My dear moon,
My old friend,
Who listens to my thoughts
All night,
Who knows my darkest secrets
And my deepest desires.
Step sister of the Sun,
You give me light when
I need it the most.
One day,
I will join you.
Jun 2014 · 3.8k
Alexandra J Jun 2014
It's butterflies in my stomach:
A chaos of wings fluttering.
They seems harmless,
Until they reach the heart
And weaken its flesh,
Making a nest out of it.
They're not butterflies
They're arrows
With poisoned tips,
Thrown by a Cupid
With a demon's wings.
May 2014 · 338
Alexandra J May 2014
I seek you on lazy mornings,

With eyes half closed,

Half browsing the room

For you.

I see the waves of the restless sea

And I see your moves

At times when you were mine-

Never still, never quiet,

Never taking the time to appreciate

What you had.

I wish I were a seagull

Always flying above your foam

Admiring every inch of you.


I am the shore,

Constantly waiting

For you to come back.
May 2014 · 9.2k
Alexandra J May 2014
My mind- an empty clutter

Trying to put words on paper,

Words that have no meaning,

Words that don’t rest for a second.

It’s not the same

Since the feeling’s gone,

But my heart still stings

Of lust.

For I am cursed to always want

That which I can’t have.

— The End —