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 May 2017 Mahdi Akhloumadi
I believe in me
That's the answer to my fears
God is now my friend
 May 2017 Mahdi Akhloumadi
the heat pressed*
like a weighted blanket
as the bones caressed
*shivering souls
Smiling sky
Spreading joy
Surprising the heart
Sprinkling snowy flakes
In the chamber of every single soul
Faraway flowers of joyness
The fragrance of love
Necessitous of happiness
Glowing into your heart
Spring dancing soothing the heart
Singing lullaby in silent night
The leaves slapping the solitude
Blossoming the flowers of love
A rendezvous in moonlight
Compassion of the sky
Affection of the moon
A mysterious love beneath the sky

Jean C Bertrand
O My Love !
If I will be reborn next time
as a gardener,
To produce beautiful flowers,
Then !
can I produce a flower
more beautiful than you ?
So many seeds !
So less time !!

~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~

O My gardener
your shadow is my best fertilizer
and you watered me with your perspiration
your sweat added me the fragrance
your hands gave me flowers
You can never die O MY Gardener
since you are always busy in the garden of life
planting more and more new seeds
and everything follows you creeping with Smile

~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
 May 2017 Mahdi Akhloumadi
The world is an ocean
Thick and raging waves
With shoals of people
Rainbows of colour
Beautiful to see and hear
Sad they don’t all get along
Their colours combined would amaze
Salted spray, cracked lips and sore throats
They talk through the ache anyway
Gallons of water never to drink
There are no tears in the sea to blink
 May 2017 Mahdi Akhloumadi
A void
Too fragile
Thus easily destroyed
Invisible glass
It surrounds us
Bulletproof truss
A harrowed scream
Loud it seems
Vibrating dream
Unheard theme
Mainstream screen
Disappearing sneer
Silent voiced
Just some recent musing on free speech.
 May 2017 Mahdi Akhloumadi
 May 2017 Mahdi Akhloumadi
When I was young,
honey was my favourite treat.
I would do anything for a taste of that liquid gold.
Good or bad,
ugly or clean,
your way or mine,
I’d do it.
At the time my mother laughed,
she thought I was sweet.
Just like my favourite honey treat.
times change and people change,
childish was my new name.
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